ECT Do those who believe MAD believe the Apostle Paul was a liar ?


New member
That's what I'm wondering. Deny it though they will, works in Acts 2 disp'ism is not a bug, it's a feature.

It is why so many Acts 2 Dispys have ended up either in the error that is Progressive Dispensationalism and or in that other new error - New Covenant Theology.

Though Darby, et al had made "great strides in Dispensationalism" theirs had largely still remained a mix of Reformed and Acts 2 Dispensationalism.

The Lordship first..the resulting confusion.

Sort of like how some Roman Catholics and even supposed "Protestants" end up JWs, Mormons, Muslim, etc - the error that such have the works treadmill down just a bit better.


New member
That is right, because they both go against works/obeying. However, Calvinists are ammillenists, and madists are dispensationalists... they are half brothers and sisters and will never get along.

Shoo - fly!
Don't bother me.
Shoo - fly!
Don't bother me.

Shoo - fly!
Don't bother me.
For I belong to Someone.

Get in Christ already - woman.
Thou art LOOSED!

Rom. 5:8

God's Truth

New member
Shoo - fly!
Don't bother me.
Shoo - fly!
Don't bother me.

Shoo - fly!
Don't bother me.
For I belong to Someone.

Get in Christ already - woman.
Thou art LOOSED!

Rom. 5:8

What would you like to debate?

Can you handle it?

Meshak calls Paul evil and calls me evil too.

She doesn't want to debate scripture, just like you can't.

You show that you would rather insult and mock, and talk about Jerry Springer and how you called a man a fool and then you ate lunch.


Well-known member

This is what I know, you, and the others here go against me for speaking about obedience to Christ.

Can we talk about Jesus instead of Jerry Springer?
It wasn't my metaphor. I didn't bring it up. I'm even sorry I posted about what I read about him now :(

Can we talk instead of you telling me who you think is saved and who you think is not saved?
Only in a general sense: 1 John 5:12 Romans 10:13

Can we talk without you all calling me a demon, retarded, and whatever else?
I've never called you any of those things.

Can we talk while you put me on ignore?
I am apt to teach, still learning, but often am looking for someone who will listen so I'm ever frustrated when people don't.
It is ever the impatience of a teacher that they have a very hard time trying to teach those who will not learn.
For me, I've been a school teacher so my patience is about 3 times as strained.

I can learn things, but it has to be from someone who actually knows a lot, and usually in an academic sense.
By example: I don't share Musterion's view, but he definitely knows more about the contents of this thread than I do.
I've got a good handle, but I know per fact he knows what he is talking about. By that example, might I suggest you'd do well to listen more than debate him? Ask more questions. Listen more to the answer. After, ask more questions still. Even if you think you know the answers, simplyi asking questions invites discussion and dialogue. It is actually an excellent debate AND discussion tool.


New member
What would you like to debate?

Can you handle it?

Meshak calls Paul evil and calls me evil too.

She doesn't want to debate scripture, just like you can't.

You show that you would rather insult and mock, and talk about Jerry Springer and how you called a man a fool and then you ate lunch.

Sheesh, dear woman - learn to take a ribbing already :D

God's Truth

New member
It wasn't my metaphor. I didn't bring it up. I'm even sorry I posted about what I read about him now :(

Only in a general sense: 1 John 5:12 Romans 10:13

I've never called you any of those things.

I am apt to teach, still learning, but often am looking for someone who will listen so I'm ever frustrated when people don't.
It is ever the impatience of a teacher that they have a very hard time trying to teach those who will not learn.
For me, I've been a school teacher so my patience is about 3 times as strained.

I can learn things, but it has to be from someone who actually knows a lot, and usually in an academic sense.
By example: I don't share Musterion's view, but he definitely knows more about the contents of this thread than I do.
I've got a good handle, but I know per fact he knows what he is talking about. By that example, might I suggest you'd do well to listen more than debate him? Ask more questions. Listen more to the answer. After, ask more questions still. Even if you think you know the answers, simplyi asking questions invites discussion and dialogue. It is actually an excellent debate AND discussion tool.

Really? You want to give me advice on how to get wisdom? You want me to listen to you, and perhaps Musterion?

You have big problems, Lon. If you want wisdom, if you want others to have wisdom, don't go to mere men, go to Jesus.

You speak about being a school teacher, and you speak about learning from someone with academic credentials...and it is to you and your ilk that God has hid His wisdom from.

Now what? Would you like to humble yourself and find God's Truth?


Well-known member
Really? You want to give me advice on how to get wisdom? You want me to listen to you, and perhaps Musterion?
Yes. Actually.
You have big problems, Lon.
Teachers are like that. I've heard this line a LOT from the unruly students. I usually mark down their grades a lot.

If you want wisdom, if you want others to have wisdom, don't go to mere men, go to Jesus.
If only you read Him more than trying to teach me. You are not my 'peer.' You are a babe in Christ. That much is sure. I don't disdain you for it. 1 Timothy 3:6 Somebody gave you the go-ahead when you shouldn't have been allowed.

You speak about being a school teacher, and you speak about learning from someone with academic credentials...and it is to you and your ilk that God has hid His wisdom from.

Now what? Would you like to humble yourself and find God's Truth?
AMR is well advanced beyond you and I in a good many ways. He'd been studying for service in the Catholic church when God brought him to the Protestant doorstep. He then studied many more years accordingly.

When he graciously engaged you in a one-on-one, you weren't up to the task or ready scholastically to discuss the matter.

Regardless if you think things about God can be learned in college, you didn't realize being a college graduate with multiple degrees does afford one a great advantage that should be respected and not shunned. He literally 'knows' more things about theology than you and I do and that is seldom up for debate in any circle. Musterion? He knows a LOT more about Mid Acts than you or I.

Formally, even if you entirely disagree, you still have to up your game as well as show you can relate to their many hours of study and expertise. If, for instance, I met a doctorate in Catholic theology, I have to show that I'm at least authentic enough to have become familiar with his/her doctrine as well as a measure of recognition that they were trying all that time, to be a workman approved by God.

Anything less is a kid in class arrogantly and insignificantly challenging the teacher. Ask ANYBODY in this thread or most on TOL. This is exactly how most of us see you and think of you and it is your own audacious fault. Most cultists are this way. It's like a teenager who thinks she knows everything. It is incredibly obvious they don't. So yeah, I wish you would listen to me or Musterion or AMR and anybody who is an actual workman approved by God. If you don't have that reputation (you don't here on TOL) then you will never be anything but the obnoxious but ignorant teenager in the TOL classroom. You? Even now are formulating your arrogant "more highly than you ought' comeback. Romans 12:3

There isn't a lot of respect for Spiritual collegiate work these days, especially among the unorthodox. Add all of this together, and hopefully you can see my reticence to discuss many topics with you. You don't really care much about what others believe or what it cost them to get it. The gospel is free, I'm not talking about that. Jesus challenged Nicodemus over a similar issue, but I'd not think every conversation with Nicodemus after that would have been condescending (placing another lower than yourself).

In a nutshell, you don't know much really and have nothing to teach me. Me you? :nono: So I keep you on ignore. I don't see teaching as your spiritual gift. Nor preaching.

God's Truth

New member
Yes. Actually.

Teachers are like that. I've heard this line a LOT from the unruly students. I usually mark down their grades a lot.

If only you read Him more than trying to teach me. You are not my 'peer.' You are a babe in Christ. That much is sure. I don't disdain you for it. 1 Timothy 3:6 Somebody gave you the go-ahead when you shouldn't have been allowed.

AMR is well advanced beyond you and I in a good many ways. He'd been studying for service in the Catholic church when God brought him to the Protestant doorstep. He then studied many more years accordingly.

When he graciously engaged you in a one-on-one, you weren't up to the task or ready scholastically to discuss the matter.

Regardless if you think things about God can be learned in college, you didn't realize being a college graduate with multiple degrees does afford one a great advantage that should be respected and not shunned. He literally 'knows' more things about theology than you and I do and that is seldom up for debate in any circle. Musterion? He knows a LOT more about Mid Acts than you or I.

Formally, even if you entirely disagree, you still have to up your game as well as show you can relate to their many hours of study and expertise. If, for instance, I met a doctorate in Catholic theology, I have to show that I'm at least authentic enough to have become familiar with his/her doctrine as well as a measure of recognition that they were trying all that time, to be a workman approved by God.

Anything less is a kid in class arrogantly and insignificantly challenging the teacher. Ask ANYBODY in this thread or most on TOL. This is exactly how most of us see you and think of you and it is your own audacious fault. Most cultists are this way. It's like a teenager who thinks she knows everything. It is incredibly obvious they don't. So yeah, I wish you would listen to me or Musterion or AMR and anybody who is an actual workman approved by God. If you don't have that reputation (you don't here on TOL) then you will never be anything but the obnoxious but ignorant teenager in the TOL classroom. You? Even now are formulating your arrogant "more highly than you ought' comeback. Romans 12:3

There isn't a lot of respect for Spiritual collegiate work these days, especially among the unorthodox. Add all of this together, and hopefully you can see my reticence to discuss many topics with you. You don't really care much about what others believe or what it cost them to get it. The gospel is free, I'm not talking about that. Jesus challenged Nicodemus over a similar issue, but I'd not think every conversation with Nicodemus after that would have been condescending (placing another lower than yourself).

In a nutshell, you don't know much really and have nothing to teach me. Me you? :nono: So I keep you on ignore. I don't see teaching as your spiritual gift. Nor preaching.

I have not told you to look to me for wisdom; but you have told me to look to you; and you find fault with me for that? You speak about academics, and yet, God says He hides His Truth from the wise and learned.

Don't you want to discuss what God says?


Well-known member
I have not told you to look to me for wisdom; but you have told me to look to you; and you find fault with me for that?
Yes: Titus 1:9;3:10-11 2 Timothy 3:16-17;4:2 Proverbs 10:17;19:20 Hebrews 10:24-25;13:7,17 2 Thessalonians 3:6 Colossians 3:16 Romans 14:1
Did you know teaching is a spiritual gift? That has to mean learning is somebody else's job.
You speak about academics, and yet, God says He hides His Truth from the wise and learned.
True, Only those who are new creations know the mind of God. He hides His truth from idiots too!

Don't you want to discuss what God says?
I HAVE been discussing truths of God with those who are learned in this particular thread. I've LISTENED a lot. I have had a course on Dispensationalism, including Mid Acts, but I find I'm learning a bit more here than I learned the first go around. Its a GOOD thing to learn. Did you know scripture tells you to 'study?' If you didn't have to, why would scripture tell us to? :think:

God's Truth

New member
I have not told you to look to me for wisdom; but you have told me to look to you; and you find fault with me for that?
Yes: Titus 1:9;3:10-11 2 Timothy 3:16-17;4:2 Proverbs 10:17;19:20 Hebrews 10:24-25;13:7,17 2 Thessalonians 3:6 Colossians 3:16 Romans 14:1

You have mixed in some different ideas here that have nothing to do with what I said; however, I do want to explain to you that during the laying of the foundation, people needed to be told, taught, and they had to meet together to see what the apostles had written.
We all have access to the written Word of God, so it is not quite the same.
Did you know teaching is a spiritual gift? That has to mean learning is somebody else's job.

I am trying to teach others the truth but not about how much college education is needed, or that we need to know Greek or Hebrew, not even how often I read the Bible from cover to cover. That is not to whom God gives wisdom.

True, Only those who are new creations know the mind of God. He hides His truth from idiots too!
I am glad that you brought up new creations. I would like you to explain to me how God says we get knowledge and wisdom.

I HAVE been discussing truths of God with those who are learned in this particular thread. I've LISTENED a lot. I have had a course on Dispensationalism, including Mid Acts, but I find I'm learning a bit more here than I learned the first go around. Its a GOOD thing to learn. Did you know scripture tells you to 'study?' If you didn't have to, why would scripture tell us to?

What good is your studying if you didn’t do what God says to get wisdom and knowledge?


New member
You will take this wrong GT, but you are such a precious simpleton.

You remind me of that lovable old Jackie Gleason character "Gigot."

God love ya.

Well, He wants to - via Romans 5:8... ALONE.


Well-known member
You have mixed in some different ideas here that have nothing to do with what I said; however, I do want to explain to you that during the laying of the foundation, people needed to be told, taught, and they had to meet together to see what the apostles had written.
We all have access to the written Word of God, so it is not quite the same.
You have no need for a teacher, we have no need for a teacher, so we are all wasting our time on TOL and you never learn anything here? 2 Timothy 2:15;4:2 :confused: Romans 12: 6,7 Titus 2:3-5,7 1 Timothy 2:2

I am trying to teach others the truth
:confused: You are a confusing person and your message is confusion. You are saying teaching is no longer a gift, but that you have it or even are the only one that has it.
Very simply: If you don't have the gift you have to work a LOT harder at it.

but not about how much college education is needed
Studying to show yourself an approved workman of God, is studying. Hard. I did. 2 Timothy 2:15 Acts 17:11

or that we need to know Greek or Hebrew, not even how often I read the Bible from cover to cover. That is not to whom God gives wisdom.
You can't pass a test by osmosis. Scripture disagrees with you.

I am glad that you brought up new creations. I would like you to explain to me how God says we get knowledge and wisdom.
Knowledge: by learning, always, and it normally takes a lot of work. You are correct that sitting in a classroom and listening, you can learn, however you cannot ace a test without disciplined study. You cannot learn how to understand English better, without study. The Bereans were more noble because they studied. Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom: a spiritual horse-sense given by the Spirit and in conjunction with knowledge regarding how to live your life and help others.
What good is your studying if you didn’t do what God says to get wisdom and knowledge?
It is what Jesus asked Nicodemus as well. Problem: Nicodemus didn't get it, I do. The Apostle Paul was very studied. He ONLY counted it as nothing COMPARED to knowing the salvation of Jesus Christ. However, and please learn (I know, the bad word) for a moment: He was only saying in relation to his great learning, he would trade it for knowing Christ and His saving work. Why? Because as good as his knowledge was, and it was good, it didn't give him life. Thus, the wisdom of men is nothing compared to that. So, it is ONLY in relation to what is better, that it is considered nothing. Paul never disdained his education. He said the Jew, because of his/her training was much better off in every way with it.

Only the ignorant ever miss this. Studying is an important part of our walk with Him, especially if we want to converse with others about our faith. It allowed Paul to be all things to all people. He knew Greek philosophy, for instance on Mars Hill.

God's Truth

New member
You will take this wrong GT, but you are such a precious simpleton.

You remind me of that lovable old Jackie Gleason character "Gigot."

God love ya.

Well, He wants to - via Romans 5:8... ALONE.

You like using Romans 5:8 as some kind of rebuke into not repenting of our sins before we are saved. Nowhere does that scripture say that. In fact, no scripture anywhere says that.

Let's go through Romans 5 together.

Romans 5

Peace and Hope
5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith,

Did you read that? Paul says since we are justified through faith---that is about being justified by his blood, faith that his blood does what? The Jews used to have to justify/clean themselves just to go to the temple to worship God.

we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.

Again, we have access to God's grace by faith, faith that his blood cleans us of the sins we repent of doing.

And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.

Paul is speaking about the ungodly Gentiles. The Gentiles were ungodly because they were without God in the world, they did not come into the covenant, the covenant that required circumcision and the other purification works.

Ephesians 2:12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.

See, the Gentiles were without God, they were ungodly.

7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Christ died for us and we were still sinners. That does not mean we do not have to repent of our sins. Just believe what is plainly written and to not lean to the left or to the right.

9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!

Did you read that? Again Paul brings up being justified by HIS BLOOD and not the blood used from animals in the old law.

Paul says while we were enemies---the GENTILES were enemies because they did not enter the covenant---they did not get circumcised.

Read the scripture, it says the Gentiles were enemies in the UNcircumcision of the their flesh.

Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.

The Jews used to be able to boast in circumcision of the flesh, but now they cannot, because it is no longer required.

Galatians 6:13 Not even those who are circumcised keep the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your circumcision in the flesh.

Philippians 3:3
For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh--

God's Truth

New member
More on Romans 5, the scriptures Danoh misuses the most:

5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith,

we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.

In the Old Covenant times, the Jews had ACCESS to the temple, where God's Spirit was. They had to do an external cleaning and offer animals to sacrifice.

We have access now by Jesus' blood and our faith that Jesus' blood cleans us of the sins we repent of doing.


Well-known member
You like using Romans 5:8 as some kind of rebuke into not repenting of our sins before we are saved. Nowhere does that scripture say that. In fact, no scripture anywhere says that.

Let's go through Romans 5 together.

Romans 5

Peace and Hope
5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith,

Did you read that? Paul says since we are justified through faith---that is about being justified by his blood, faith that his blood does what? The Jews used to have to justify/clean themselves just to go to the temple to worship God.

we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.

Again, we have access to God's grace by faith, faith that his blood cleans us of the sins we repent of doing.

And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.

Paul is speaking about the ungodly Gentiles. The Gentiles were ungodly because they were without God in the world, they did not come into the covenant, the covenant that required circumcision and the other purification works.

Ephesians 2:12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.

See, the Gentiles were without God, they were ungodly.

7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Christ died for us and we were still sinners. That does not mean we do not have to repent of our sins. Just believe what is plainly written and to not lean to the left or to the right.

9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!

Did you read that? Again Paul brings up being justified by HIS BLOOD and not the blood used from animals in the old law.

Paul says while we were enemies---the GENTILES were enemies because they did not enter the covenant---they did not get circumcised.

Read the scripture, it says the Gentiles were enemies in the UNcircumcision of the their flesh.

Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.

The Jews used to be able to boast in circumcision of the flesh, but now they cannot, because it is no longer required.

Galatians 6:13 Not even those who are circumcised keep the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your circumcision in the flesh.

Philippians 3:3
For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh
Many words isn't teaching. In fact, proving a point is the same as mathematics where you can demonstrate the end result.
2-1=1 etc.

In this case you have to show repentance in your proof set to draw the conclusion. Many words did not do that, therefore you did not teach anything. You simply used a lot of words and assumed a conclusion 'that you could not prove or show.'

Many words isn't good teaching. -Lon


New member
One of the very few times I have seen you express your understanding so clearly, GT.

It wasn't a bad breakdown of YOUR view.

And believe it or not, it is in some ways similar to how SOME MADS on here end up in their odd understanding of parts of Romans, Ephesians, and Colossians.

It is similar in result to HOW such end up with TWO gospels supposedly preached by PAUL - one supposedly DURING Acts; another supposedly AFTER.

Your version of Romans, Ephesians, and Colossians there is as much a hybrid of incompatible ideas as that of said some of the MADs on here.

I get nowhere with them on theirs either.

It is what it is.

Rom. 5:8


Well-known member
One of the very few times I have seen you express your understanding so clearly, GT.

It wasn't a bad breakdown of YOUR view.

And believe it or not, it is in some ways similar to how SOME MADS on here end up in their odd understanding of parts of Romans, Ephesians, and Colossians.

It similar to HOW such end up with TWO gospels supposedly preached by PAUL - one supposedly DURING Acts; another supposedly AFTER.

Your version of Romans, Ephesians, and Colossians there is as much a hybrid of incompatible ideas as that of said some of the MADs on here.

I get nowhere with them on theirs either.

It is what it is.

Rom. 5:8

I have to disagree, repentance isn't there. I guess you say that in a kind way, but she needs to hear the blunt of your former, for her own good. I can't give a kindness grade here. -Lon

God's Truth

New member
You have no need for a teacher, we have no need for a teacher, so we are all wasting our time on TOL and you never learn anything here? 2 Timothy 2:15;4:2 :confused: Romans 12: 6,7 Titus 2:3-5,7 1 Timothy 2:2

I have explained it to you that we have to lead others to how to get wisdom and knowledge.

During the laying of the foundation, the people needed to get together to hear the word and share the writings.

You are NOT leading people to God for wisdom, you are leading people to other people and to college.

:confused: You are a confusing person and your message is confusion.

That is not true. You claim to be a teacher, why don't you study more what I am saying? Isn't that how you learn?

You are saying teaching is no longer a gift,

I did not say that.

Pay better attention.

but that you have it or even are the only one that has it.

Again, I did not say that. I am trying to help others to have it without needing schools and teachers that will lead them astray.

Very simply: If you don't have the gift you have to work a LOT harder at it.

Studying to show yourself an approved workman of God, is studying. Hard. I did. 2 Timothy 2:15 Acts 17:11

You can't pass a test by osmosis. Scripture disagrees with you.

You aren't going to be able to answer my question are you? You call yourself a teacher and you cannot answer my question, a question about what you think you are gifted at.

Knowledge: by learning, always, and it normally takes a lot of work. You are correct that sitting in a classroom and listening, you can learn, however you cannot ace a test without disciplined study. You cannot learn how to understand English better, without study. The Bereans were more noble because they studied. Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom: a spiritual horse-sense given by the Spirit and in conjunction with knowledge regarding how to live your life and help others.
It is what Jesus asked Nicodemus as well. Problem: Nicodemus didn't get it, I do. The Apostle Paul was very studied. He ONLY counted it as nothing COMPARED to knowing the salvation of Jesus Christ. However, and please learn (I know, the bad word) for a moment: He was only saying in relation to his great learning, he would trade it for knowing Christ and His saving work. Why? Because as good as his knowledge was, and it was good, it didn't give him life. Thus, the wisdom of men is nothing compared to that. So, it is ONLY in relation to what is better, that it is considered nothing. Paul never disdained his education. He said the Jew, because of his/her training was much better off in every way with it.

Paul says he considers it dung.

Only the ignorant ever miss this. Studying is an important part of our walk with Him, especially if we want to converse with others about our faith. It allowed Paul to be all things to all people. He knew Greek philosophy, for instance on Mars Hill.

You have not shown that you know how to get wisdom from God. You also do not seem to know of why God hid the Truth from the wise and learned.

God's Truth

New member
Many words isn't teaching. In fact, proving a point is the same as mathematics where you can demonstrate the end result.
2-1=1 etc.

In this case you have to show repentance in your proof set to draw the conclusion. Many words did not do that, therefore you did not teach anything. You simply used a lot of words and assumed a conclusion 'that you could not prove or show.'

Many words isn't good teaching. -Lon

The point is that Romans 5 does NOT say we do not have to repent of our sins. No scripture says that.

If you would like scriptures that say we have to repent, I have some for you.