Do the Angels in Heaven Have a FREE WILL?


John Calvin participated in the reformation, but then rejected Justification by faith and replaced it with predestinationism. John Calvin is a heretic. Justification by faith is the heart of the New Testament church.

You are an extreme moron :doh:


Well-known member
If everything in Heaven is eternally perfect, how can a being in Heaven choose to defy God?

I contend that at the creation of every person in HIS image we were created as ingenuously innocent, not perfect, with the ability to use our free will to choose to become perfectly (completely) righteous and holy by accepting YHWH's deity OR to chose to become perfectly (completely) eternally evil by rejecting in YHWH's deity.

Morals depend upon choice. A stone does no evil but it is not morally good. To be righteous and holy, that is, in total accord with GOD's attributes, plans and purposes, must be based upon a free will decision because if we did not choose to be 'good' like this, then we exhibit GOD's goodness expressed in us, not our own goodness at all. That our own goodness is important is found in the fact that we are punished for our failures to choose good...

So wherever we were first created, Satan chose to set his moral path by rebelling against the claims of YHWH to be his god, putting his faith in YHWH being a liar and a false god, choosing to go to hell if HE were proven to be GOD rather than to be married to HIM in heaven forever.


Active member
Heaven can simply mean "a realm where God dwells". On the other hand, when we talk about Heaven we refer it to be the future New Earth and New Heaven where God, angels and humans will finally live together. The two can be different.

Freewill will inevitably signifies division. For the degree of freewill given to angels and their nature as servants of God, their division thus occurs in the heavenly dwelling place of God.

After the angel division in heaven and the human division on earth. We are thus more like another Exodus to enter the promised land of New Earth and New Heaven.


Well-known member
Of course they don't! Angels are simply spiritual emanations; and they are perceived or realized only through dreams and visions. They don't have Freewill because Freewill is a concept granted by HaShem to man only.

Please consider: Angels have free will:

Angels worship GOD:
Hebrews 1:6 points out that angels worship the Lord. We also see the heavenly host praising God in Luke 2:13–14. Robotic praise and worship is a parody of the real thing and worthless in heaven.When you put on a dvd and listen to a worship song singing praises to GOD, do you think or allude to the dvd as worshipping? Of course you don't.

Some angels are elect:

1 Timothy 5:21 I charge thee before GOD and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels. implying the fallen angels are demons and the people of the evil one, the tares, sown into the world by the devil. IF angels can choose to sin and become demons, they can also choose to be holy and work for GOD.

Angels are holy:
Mark 8:38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels. This verse contrasts the of evil of men with the holiness, that is, the righteousness of angels, not just their consecration to GOD. Robotic holiness is a farce...a stone cannot sin but it is not righteous and a robot neither can be holy, that is, in the context of this verse, righteous. As well, Satan's fall is proof of his free will as he is not guilty of anything if he is a robot...

Angels have emotions such as love, joy, desire, sadness, pride, and anger:
Luke 15:10 indicates that angels are joyous when one person repents. The devil has great wrath in Revelation 12:12. The angels and the devil have desires (1 Peter 1:12; John 8:44). Why would anyone create a robotic group with emotions to drive them when HIS will is all that is necessary to drive them? Robotic emotions??? Surely only people have emotions...

Angels are Persons in the image of GOD:
In the resurrection, man will be as the angels of God.
Matt 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. In the resurrection, man is restored to the image of God in which he was created. The angels of God must, therefore, bear the image of God.

The image of GOD cannot contain sin therefore for man to be a sinner, the image must be broken. In the resurrection we will be restored to the full image of GOD and like the angels as this verse hints, who therefore must also be in HIS image. When did they receive the image of God unless it was in creation?

The image of GOD? I think it means things like personhood that is, self awareness, intelligence, emotional ability, curiosity and creativity and the ability to make true free will decisions. Emotions are further proof of their personhood in the image of GOD. Therefore any being that fits this description fits the image of GOD...

Not only does the ability to worship, to praise, to be elect and to be holy imply personhood, they also imply they have free will and if you combine free will with election of some and the fall of others, you get angels going through an Adam like choice with some staying holy and Satan and his crew choosing that which made them eternally evil in HIS sight.

My concept is that all people created in HIS image were created as ingenuous innocent with the potential, ability and opportunity to choose to become perfectly good/holy or perfectly /eternally evil and we had to choose to accept GOD and HIS life for us in heaven to fulfill our potential to be perfectly good. Our fall into sin delayed the fulfillment of that potential by making it impossible to fulfill without grace. Our redemption is a restoration to the potential and the sanctified new creation is the fully realized fulfillment of HIS purpose for our creation in us.


like marbles on glass
Things were not perfect in heaven at that time.

The scripture says... "And having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile ALL THINGS unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things on the earth or THINGS IN HEAVEN" Colossians 1:20.

There is much that we don't know or understand because we were not there.

I've heard a conjecture along these lines: Following the creation of the heavens-earth-man, certain angels were given "earth assignments" to watch over mankind, and during this assignment, they chose to abuse their position as "overseers" and actually get involved with mankind. This degenerated into what is recorded in Genesis 6, and resulted in the global flood.

But, to access more information on this, you will have to go to extra-canonical writings [ie: (the 1st) Book of Enoch, etc.]

I contend that at the creation of every person in HIS image we were created as ingenuously innocent, not perfect, with the ability to use our free will to choose to become perfectly (completely) righteous and holy by accepting YHWH's deity OR to chose to become perfectly (completely) eternally evil by rejecting in YHWH's deity.

Morals depend upon choice. A stone does no evil but it is not morally good. To be righteous and holy, that is, in total accord with GOD's attributes, plans and purposes, must be based upon a free will decision because if we did not choose to be 'good' like this, then we exhibit GOD's goodness expressed in us, not our own goodness at all. That our own goodness is important is found in the fact that we are punished for our failures to choose good...

So wherever we were first created, Satan chose to set his moral path by rebelling against the claims of YHWH to be his god, putting his faith in YHWH being a liar and a false god, choosing to go to hell if HE were proven to be GOD rather than to be married to HIM in heaven forever.

I see a problem with the idea that a being can be booted out of Heaven.

In Heaven there should be no imperfection, no pride, no rebelliousness, no envy. What's to prevent another rebellion of angels or saints?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Please consider: Angels have free will:

Angels worship GOD:
Hebrews 1:6 points out that angels worship the Lord. We also see the heavenly host praising God in Luke 2:13–14. Robotic praise and worship is a parody of the real thing and worthless in heaven.When you put on a dvd and listen to a worship song singing praises to GOD, do you think or allude to the dvd as worshipping? Of course you don't.

Some angels are elect:

1 Timothy 5:21 I charge thee before GOD and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels. implying the fallen angels are demons and the people of the evil one, the tares, sown into the world by the devil. IF angels can choose to sin and become demons, they can also choose to be holy and work for GOD.

Angels are holy:
Mark 8:38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels. This verse contrasts the of evil of men with the holiness, that is, the righteousness of angels, not just their consecration to GOD. Robotic holiness is a farce...a stone cannot sin but it is not righteous and a robot neither can be holy, that is, in the context of this verse, righteous. As well, Satan's fall is proof of his free will as he is not guilty of anything if he is a robot...

Angels have emotions such as love, joy, desire, sadness, pride, and anger:
Luke 15:10 indicates that angels are joyous when one person repents. The devil has great wrath in Revelation 12:12. The angels and the devil have desires (1 Peter 1:12; John 8:44). Why would anyone create a robotic group with emotions to drive them when HIS will is all that is necessary to drive them? Robotic emotions??? Surely only people have emotions...

Angels are Persons in the image of GOD:
In the resurrection, man will be as the angels of God.
Matt 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. In the resurrection, man is restored to the image of God in which he was created. The angels of God must, therefore, bear the image of God.

The image of GOD cannot contain sin therefore for man to be a sinner, the image must be broken. In the resurrection we will be restored to the full image of GOD and like the angels as this verse hints, who therefore must also be in HIS image. When did they receive the image of God unless it was in creation?

The image of GOD? I think it means things like personhood that is, self awareness, intelligence, emotional ability, curiosity and creativity and the ability to make true free will decisions. Emotions are further proof of their personhood in the image of GOD. Therefore any being that fits this description fits the image of GOD...

Not only does the ability to worship, to praise, to be elect and to be holy imply personhood, they also imply they have free will and if you combine free will with election of some and the fall of others, you get angels going through an Adam like choice with some staying holy and Satan and his crew choosing that which made them eternally evil in HIS sight.

My concept is that all people created in HIS image were created as ingenuous innocent with the potential, ability and opportunity to choose to become perfectly good/holy or perfectly /eternally evil and we had to choose to accept GOD and HIS life for us in heaven to fulfill our potential to be perfectly good. Our fall into sin delayed the fulfillment of that potential by making it impossible to fulfill without grace. Our redemption is a restoration to the potential and the sanctified new creation is the fully realized fulfillment of HIS purpose for our creation in us.

Good post. The quote above this post was not made by me, it was posted by Ben Masada.


Well-known member
I see a problem with the idea that a being can be booted out of Heaven.

In Heaven there should be no imperfection, no pride, no rebelliousness, no envy. What's to prevent another rebellion of angels or saints?

My answer is that in heaven (or where ever we were created, probably Sheol) we were NOT created in perfection but as ingenuous innocents who could by our free will self create our moral qualities of perfect righteous holiness by accepting YHWH's divinity OR chose our moral quality as perfectly eternally evil by rejecting HIS divinity and HIS promise of salvation. Then the physical universe was created and all sinners were sent to live on the prison planet Earth.

In heaven everyone will have a free will but after seeing what evil did to others who did not chose holiness or what we ourselves experienced by being the sinful elect enslaved to evil and torturing our loved ones until GOD by HIS grace saved us from ourselves and we were trained in righteousness by painful discipline - these people will never never break their hard won commitment to loving holiness for sin...they know the truth and have the proof which the innocents in heaven did not have, having made their choices on faith, not proof.

What will prevent a new rebellion in heaven? The memory of the experience of the truth of the incredible enslaving power of evil and the proof of the great suffering we would cause WHILE we are fully experiencing the full loving and holy righteous telepathic communion with everyone in heaven including our GOD called our Marriage to HIM. Being righteous at heart and in love is the whole of it!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
My answer is that in heaven (or where ever we were created, probably Sheol) we were NOT created in perfection but as ingenuous innocents who could by our free will self create our moral qualities of perfect righteous holiness by accepting YHWH's divinity OR chose our moral quality as perfectly eternally evil by rejecting HIS divinity and HIS promise of salvation. Then the physical universe was created and all sinners were sent to live on the prison planet Earth.

In heaven everyone will have a free will but after seeing what evil did to others who did not chose holiness or what we ourselves experienced by being the sinful elect enslaved to evil and torturing our loved ones until GOD by HIS grace saved us from ourselves and we were trained in righteousness by painful discipline - these people will never never break their hard won commitment to loving holiness for sin...they know the truth and have the proof which the innocents in heaven did not have, having made their choices on faith, not proof.

What will prevent a new rebellion in heaven? The memory of the experience of the truth of the incredible enslaving power of evil and the proof of the great suffering we would cause WHILE we are fully experiencing the full loving and holy righteous telepathic communion with everyone in heaven including our GOD called our Marriage to HIM. Being righteous at heart and in love is the whole of it!

Right, God wants a people that will love him unconditionally. No rules, no laws, no religion.


like marbles on glass
My answer is that in heaven (or where ever we were created, probably Sheol) we were NOT created in perfection but as ingenuous innocents who could by our free will self create our moral qualities of perfect righteous holiness by accepting YHWH's divinity OR chose our moral quality as perfectly eternally evil by rejecting HIS divinity and HIS promise of salvation. Then the physical universe was created and all sinners were sent to live on the prison planet Earth.

In heaven everyone will have a free will but after seeing what evil did to others who did not chose holiness or what we ourselves experienced by being the sinful elect enslaved to evil and torturing our loved ones until GOD by HIS grace saved us from ourselves and we were trained in righteousness by painful discipline - these people will never never break their hard won commitment to loving holiness for sin...they know the truth and have the proof which the innocents in heaven did not have, having made their choices on faith, not proof.

What will prevent a new rebellion in heaven? The memory of the experience of the truth of the incredible enslaving power of evil and the proof of the great suffering we would cause WHILE we are fully experiencing the full loving and holy righteous telepathic communion with everyone in heaven including our GOD called our Marriage to HIM. Being righteous at heart and in love is the whole of it!

I'm sorry, but that simply makes no sense. Heaven should be a place of perfection, where rebellion isn't possible. How could the angels have possibly rebelled? I don't know why I didn't think of this before now. And then you throw a few million or billion people into Heaven and then expect they'll behave like angels (pun intended) when even the angels rebelled, and supposedly rebelled before Adam and Eve supposedly walked in the garden. So the angels rebelled before there was ever such a concept as original sin. The entire rebellion narrative makes no sense. And all these people for all these millennia walking around thinking they were born already marked with original sin and they were doomed from the start unless they were saved.


Well-known member
Heaven should be a place of perfection, where rebellion isn't possible. How could the angels have possibly rebelled?

Your false premise of perfection leads you to a false conclusion that rebellion was impossible when all we know of life is that it really really did happen. This contradicts the scripture which makes it a non-starter: Revelation 12:7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. Your thoughts have led you into error...

The possibility of their rebellion rests upon their free will and the fact that everyone chose by faith, not from proof whether YHWH's claims to be our GOD were true or a lie as Satan accepted.
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Well-known member
So the angels rebelled before there was ever such a concept as original sin. The entire rebellion narrative makes no sense.

The original sin WAS their rebellion...

In the PCEC order of our Fall or choice to be evil in HIS sight:

1. GOD created everyone in HIS image with the ability to make free will to choose to become perfectly righteous, that is holy OR perfectly eternally evil.

2. Everyone made in HIS image chose by their free will to either accept HIS claim to be our creator GOD or to reject HIS claims to be our GOD as the lies of a false god. These decisions were made by faith, not proof of HIS deity or power and without proof of heaven and hell.

3. These decision separated all of HIS creation into two groups: those who accepted HIS deity and HIS promise of salvation from any and all future sin who became believers by faith, HIS elect, HIS sheep, HIS good seed AND those those rejected HIS claims as the claim of a false god and HIS promise of salvation from all future sin as the lies of a false god with no power over heaven nor hell and so became non-believers by faith, non-elect goats and the people of the evil one doomed already.

Then YHWH called for all HIS elect to stand with HIM to judge the non-elect and banish them to the outer darkness but some of HIS elect, out of a misplaced love for the non-elect, rebelled against the judgment, not trusting their GOD that the judgment was an absolute necessity , so became evil in HIS sight too, sheep gone astray into sin, forcing HIM to postpone the judgment so they would not be pulled up with the non-elect against HIS promise.

4. Then HE proved HIS power and divinity with the creation of the physical universe before our eyes so everyone knew the truth (Rom 1:20) and every knee did bow and every voice did sing HIS praise! (Job 38:7)

5. Then Michael waged his war against Satan (Revelation 12:7), throwing him and his demonic angels (the goats) down to Sheol in the earth from where the devil sows them into the earth. At this same time the sinful elect were sent to Sheol to wait their turn to be born so the promise of salvation by Christ could be given to them.

All original sin of both elect believers and the non-elect who are doomed already is the sins they chose by their free will before the foundation of the world.

Ben Masada

New member
Heaven can simply mean "a realm where God dwells". On the other hand, when we talk about Heaven we refer it to be the future New Earth and New Heaven where God, angels and humans will finally live together. The two can be different.

Freewill will inevitably signifies division. For the degree of freewill given to angels and their nature as servants of God, their division thus occurs in the heavenly dwelling place of God.

After the angel division in heaven and the human division on earth. We are thus more like another Exodus to enter the promised land of New Earth and New Heaven.

Heaven is the sky part of the universe. The universe, Biblically speaking, is the same as "Heavens and earth."


Well-known member
And the home of Satan was in heaven! God Almighty have mercy on us! This is making me dizzy!

Of course...did you think he fought his way there? When he lived there he was an innocent until he rejected by faith the deity of YHWH and by this choice became the most sinful, the first reject YHWH and thus the leader of the eternally demonically evil.

Just as Michael was innocent until he accepted YHWH's claims to deity and never wavered but chose perfect holiness, that is he chose to be perfectly in accord with YHWH's attributes and all HIS purposes and plans. Then as the first holy Angel he became the leader of GOD's heavenly army and forced all sinners out of heaven to the earth, though some of the elect sinners denied that loving the reprobate was a sin and needed their eyes opened to that reality.


Active member
If everything in Heaven is eternally perfect, how can a being in Heaven choose to defy God?

Do you know what Gods standard for perfection is? As its obviously not what you think it is. Nonetheless if God wanted robots he would have created robots. Turns out he wants people to love him and worship him because they want to.
The same is true of mankind. Adam & Eve was created 'perfect' and yet Adam choose to sin. Both of them also had the choice to obey. But like Satan and his demons they choose to rebel.