ECT Disposing of a MAD list

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
No. Look,Sam, as I told you-Look, my pop psychology is, if you can make the other guy feel like a goon first, then you don't feel like so much of a goon.

I figured you two went fishing and skeet shooting every time the Astros and the Rangers get together for a series. Wonder what causes that?


Well-known member
You're confused by any legitimate question.

Yes, I would because there are not two missions nor two gospels (good, approved ones) nor two Christs. There is, of course, the Christ kata sarka of 2 Cor 5 which has been dismissed by the knowledge that God was in Christ, 2 cor 5.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Saint john w the great, the Fred Plummer of TOL.

Hey-relax, Rover, or I'll report you, again,to Captain Kangaroo(Court) Mod Sherman....Oh, hello there, mod Sherman.....I was just telling the Mayor what a fine banning policy you have on this site.
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Well-known member
Jesus was ministering in Israel.
He made several indications of reaching out to the nations, though. He trained 82 guys for mission work, leveraging them with his 1st rule: pray to the Lord of the Harvest for more workers. So if they each reached just 2 more guys, thats 246 by the time things were rocking on the day of Pentecost, where 'every nation under heaven were there.' Get the idea. MAD is mad. Acts is about the true purpose of that generation of Israel to be found in Christ himself, to be a light to the nations, as Christ was.

Hi and here is what many people fail to see , is that Christ was NOT reaching out to the Nations as Matt 28:19 is written !!

The Greek word NATION / ETHNOS can also mean , Heathen , Race , Nation , Jewish Nation and NO WHERE is Christ sendin Jewish teachers to evangelize Gentiles !!

John 11:48 , 50 and verse 51 !!

Where ia your PROOF ??

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and here is what many people fail to see , is that Christ was NOT reaching out to the Nations as Matt 28:19 is written !!

The Greek word NATION / ETHNOS can also mean , Heathen , Race , Nation , Jewish Nation and NO WHERE is Christ sendin Jewish teachers to evangelize Gentiles !!

John 11:48 , 50 and verse 51 !!

Where ia your PROOF ??

dan p

The same Christ told Paul a little later, I will send you far away to the nations. If you have a problem with that 'showing up' in Acts, then please notice that it is as old as Gen 12, I mean 3.


Well-known member
The same Christ told Paul a little later, I will send you far away to the nations. If you have a problem with that 'showing up' in Acts, then please notice that it is as old as Gen 12, I mean 3.

Hi and explain Matt 28:19 means and what NATIONS / ETHNOS means !!

Let's see how you DANCE and your answer ?

dan p