john w

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So you think John baptized Jesus with a few drops of water?

The Lord filled the believers with the Spirit, not splashed a bit on them.

The whole body had to be washed clean in water baptism.

Observe, the deception....It is irrelevant, what I "think," lost one. I gave you chapter, and verse, from scripture,in which to dunk/soak that satanic head of yours, that shows that baptism, in the OT,with water being the element, was by sprinkling, not immersion.

"Both baptisms are by immersion."-the beheader

Water baptism was by sprinkling in the OT, not immersion. You/others have been shown this, with scripture, by me, the great saint John W., but your "church" SOF tells you to think, "Well, Professor Judas/Demas, with 666 titles before and after his/her name, told me it is immersion, so I will be just fine....."

In your case nothing ever happened to you.

Baptism in water is only until the resurrection.

Quite irrelevant, to your "argument," loser:

"Both baptisms are by immersion."-the beheader
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New member
Hi and am having trouble with computer , so lets look at Acts 1:5 they were to br BAPTIZO with the Holy Spirit !!

Is this IOMMERSION , Noooooooooooo

In Acyts 2:4 they were Baptizo with ( THE ) Holy Spirit and spake in Tongues !!

Notice the the Greek ARTICLE THE Is in brackets and this ARTICLE THE was added to the Greek Text and should read " with Holy Spirit " and when the Greek article is NOT USED it means the POWER OF HOLY SPIRIT !!

If you DOUBT me , check any Greek manuel and see !!

dan p

How many instances were people baptized with the Holy Spirit? I've showed you the only two I know of, do you have any others?


Well-known member
How many instances were people baptized with the Holy Spirit? I've showed you the only two I know of, do you have any others?

Hi and you do not understand what I have written as in the Dispensation of God , there is NO WATER BAPTISM and after Acts 10 , there is no more Water if I remember as it all with just the Holy Spirit !!

dan p


New member
Jesus had NO SIN that needed to be remitted!

Let's say for the sake of discussion that the penalty for sin is eternal death, but the Father's desire is to give eternal life to his children. However, the Father cannot give eternal life indiscriminately because of his prior experience with angelic beings.

Angelic beings have perpetual life but not eternal life, i.e. their life is not inherent. Angelic beings were created and live at the discretion of their Creator. The angels who who sinned need to be redeemed from eternal death, so they need a Redeemer whose life is worth more than the sum of his creation.

Humans are mortal and don't have perpetual life. Humans were designed to sin so that they too can be redeemed.

Baptism symbolizes death and resurrection and Jesus was baptized for the remission of sin, not his sin but the sin of those he is responsible for with regard to life.

Jesus fulfilled his symbolic death and resurrection by actually dying and being resurrected.

Our symbolic death and resurrection is fulfilled by us literally putting to death our fleshly nature and being resurrected as a begotten Spirit person to be literally born of the Spirit at Christ's coming.


Well-known member
Let's say for the sake of discussion that the penalty for sin is eternal death, but the Father's desire is the give eternal life to his children. However, the Father cannot give eternal life indiscriminately because of his prior experience with angelic beings.

Angelic beings have perpetual life but not eternal life, i.e. their life is not inherent. Angelic beings were created and live at the discretion of their Creator. The angels who who sinned need to be redeemed from eternal death, so they need a Redeemer whose life is worth more than the sum of his creation.

Humans are mortal and don't have perpetual life. Humans were designed to sin so that they too can be redeemed.

Baptism symbolizes death and resurrection and Jesus was baptized for the remission of sin, not his sin but the sin of those he is responsible for with regard to life.

Jesus fulfilled his symbolic death and resurrection by actually dying and being resurrected.

Our symbolic death and resurrection is fulfilled by us literally putting to death our fleshly nature and being resurrected as a begotten Spirit person to be literally born of the Spirit at Christ's coming.

Hi and God did not die for ANGEL'S and can never be redeemed so where is you verse to prove your 2 first paragraphs ??

dan p

Right Divider

Body part
Let's say for the sake of discussion that the penalty for sin is eternal death, but the Father's desire is the give eternal life to his children. However, the Father cannot give eternal life indiscriminately because of his prior experience with angelic beings.

Angelic beings have perpetual life but not eternal life, i.e. their life is not inherent. Angelic beings were created and live at the discretion of their Creator. The angels who who sinned need to be redeemed from eternal death, so they need a Redeemer whose life is worth more than the sum of his creation.

Humans are mortal and don't have perpetual life. Humans were designed to sin so that they too can be redeemed.

Baptism symbolizes death and resurrection and Jesus was baptized for the remission of sin, not his sin but the sin of those he is responsible for with regard to life.

Jesus fulfilled his symbolic death and resurrection by actually dying and being resurrected.

Our symbolic death and resurrection is fulfilled by us literally putting to death our fleshly nature and being resurrected as a begotten Spirit person to be literally born of the Spirit at Christ's coming.
jamie .... that is a huge pile of man-made nonsense and I'd be curious to know where you got it. It's not in the Bible

Water baptism does NOT symbolize death and resurrection. That is a MYTH that far too many believe. There are many water baptisms in Israel's priesthood, but the body of Christ has NO priesthood.


New member
Hi and God did not die for ANGEL'S and can never be redeemed so where is you verse to prove your 2 first paragraphs ??

The angel's have not yet been judged so at this time they are being held in mental and spiritual darkness until their judgment.

Nebuchadnezzar was a prior example of what these angels are suffering.


Well-known member
The angel's have not yet been judged so at this time they are being held in mental and spiritual darkness until their judgment.

Nebuchadnezzar was a prior example of what these angels are suffering.

Hi and the bible says that wicked angels are being held in HELL / TARTAROO in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6 !!

Learn your bible !!

dan p


New member
Hi and you do not understand what I have written as in the Dispensation of God ,

These are the dispensations according to God.
Heb. 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,
Before Christ and now through Christ. I'll stick with God's division of the dispensations.

there is NO WATER BAPTISM and after Acts 10 , there is no more Water if I remember as it all with just the Holy Spirit !!

dan p

You call it baptism with the Holy Spirit but the BIBLE DOES NOT. Just because you think it is doesn't mean it is!

The apostles were told they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit and what did it look like? Directly from God and evident by speaking in tongues. Cornelius was baptized with the Holy Spirit and it was directly from God and evident by speaking in tongues. That's the only two times the BIBLE tells us it's baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Is this not water?
Acts 18:8 And Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his house; and many of the Corinthians hearing believed, and were baptized.

Here is where Paul tells us he baptized Crispus.
1 Cor. 1:14 I thank God that I baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gaius;


Well-known member
These are the dispensations according to God.
Heb. 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,
Before Christ and now through Christ. I'll stick with God's division of the dispensations.

You call it baptism with the Holy Spirit but the BIBLE DOES NOT. Just because you think it is doesn't mean it is!

The apostles were told they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit and what did it look like? Directly from God and evident by speaking in tongues. Cornelius was baptized with the Holy Spirit and it was directly from God and evident by speaking in tongues. That's the only two times the BIBLE tells us it's baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Is this not water?
Acts 18:8 And Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his house; and many of the Corinthians hearing believed, and were baptized.

Here is where Paul tells us he baptized Crispus.
1 Cor. 1:14 I thank God that I baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gaius;

Hi and Heb 1:1 does not use the Greek word OIKONOMIA / DISPENSATION , NOOOOOOOOO !!

You need to read Acts 1:5 where it says , But ye SHALL be baptized with Holy Spirit , so you can see it for yourself !!

In 1 Cor 1:17 Paul was NOT SENT to BAPTIZE , do you see it !!

The reason you will never see what verse 17 means , is because you see WATER every where and Acts 19:6 has escaped you and refuse to believe that verse !!

You guys are all just very CALLOW !!



New member
Hi and Heb 1:1 does not use the Greek word OIKONOMIA / DISPENSATION , NOOOOOOOOO !!
Just because it doesn't use the word doesn't mean that's not what it is.

You need to read Acts 1:5 where it says , But ye SHALL be baptized with Holy Spirit , so you can see it for yourself !!
I read it, it says quote " not many days from now." Is it still FUTURE?

In 1 Cor 1:17 Paul was NOT SENT to BAPTIZE , do you see it !!
Then why did he baptize believers just like the 12?? 16 Now I did baptize also the household of Stephanas Can't you see it??

The reason you will never see what verse 17 means , is because you see WATER every where and Acts 19:6 has escaped you and refuse to believe that verse !!

The reason you will never see what v17 means is because you will not keep it in context and you put tooo much weight on it and 1 Cor. 12:13. What you say isn't backed up by other scripture.



Well-known member
Just because it doesn't use the word doesn't mean that's not what it is.

I read it, it says quote " not many days from now." Is it still FUTURE?

Then why did he baptize believers just like the 12?? 16 Now I did baptize also the household of Stephanas Can't you see it??

The reason you will never see what v17 means is because you will not keep it in context and you put tooo much weight on it and 1 Cor. 12:13. What you say isn't backed up by other scripture.


Hi and most Greed words are a Transliteration which you do not know and that means that Greeks words have many meaning according to the context and example is CHARIS / GRACE and BAPTIZO / BAPTISMS that have at least 12 meaning each !!

You can not FATHOM or seem to understand why it is that way !!

Another one is in Eph 4:5 Mr Confused !!

dan p


New member
Hi and most Greed words are a Transliteration which you do not know and that means that Greeks words have many meaning according to the context and example is CHARIS / GRACE and BAPTIZO / BAPTISMS that have at least 12 meaning each !!

You can not FATHOM or seem to understand why it is that way !!

Another one is in Eph 4:5 Mr Confused !!

dan p

That verse doesn't say baptism with the Holy Spirit. Is that all you got? I've showed what HS baptism actually looks like and were the BIBLE says it's HS baptism.

Show me another baptism with the Holy Spirit.


New member
jamie .... that is a huge pile of man-made nonsense and I'd be curious to know where you got it. It's not in the Bible

Water baptism does NOT symbolize death and resurrection. That is a MYTH that far too many believe. There are many water baptisms in Israel's priesthood, but the body of Christ has NO priesthood.

Thank God for Jamie spirit. She may not know the Scriptures but it's in her. For you Sir and I, it's in me and I know the Scriptures here you go that "myth" PROVEN. 'Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.' Romans 6:4

Right Divider

Body part
Thank God for Jamie spirit. She may not know the Scriptures but it's in her. For you Sir and I, it's in me and I know the Scriptures here you go that "myth" PROVEN. 'Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.' Romans 6:4
There is not a single DROP of WATER in that baptism!


New member
There is not a single DROP of WATER in that baptism!

3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?

4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Romans 6:3-4 Sir baptism of water is all in these Scriptures.

Lazy afternoon

Observe, the deception....It is irrelevant, what I "think," lost one. I gave you chapter, and verse, from scripture,in which to dunk/soak that satanic head of yours, that shows that baptism, in the OT,with water being the element, was by sprinkling, not immersion.

"Both baptisms are by immersion."-the beheader

Water baptism was by sprinkling in the OT, not immersion. You/others have been shown this, with scripture, by me, the great saint John W., but your "church" SOF tells you to think, "Well, Professor Judas/Demas, with 666 titles before and after his/her name, told me it is immersion, so I will be just fine....."

Quite irrelevant, to your "argument," loser:

"Both baptisms are by immersion."-the beheader

The NT baptisms are not the baptisms of the Old covenant.

You have experienced neither of the new.

You totally reject them because it would mean you would have to submit your will to God and you hate that, and anyone who has.



Well-known member
Jesus' example of being baptized in water for the remission of sin set an example for all.

It sounds like you are saying that the Lord Jesus had sins that needed forgiveness.
Is that what you are saying?


Well-known member
That verse doesn't say baptism with the Holy Spirit. Is that all you got? I've showed what HS baptism actually looks like and were the BIBLE says it's HS baptism.

Show me another baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Hi and it says ONE BPATISMA and what does that mean MR GALLOW ??

The KJV says ONE BAPTISM but the Greek word is BAPTISMA !!

I see that you are wrong again !!

I would tell you what it means , but would just swipe it away !!

And because it just says ONE BAPTISM does it mean IMMERSION ?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!

dan p

Right Divider

Body part
3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?

4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Romans 6:3-4 Sir baptism of water is all in these Scriptures.

  • Baptized into Christ's death is being IDENTIFIED with His death for your sin and reckoning YOURSELF dead to sin.
    Rom 6:5-11 (AKJV/PCE)
    (6:5) For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also [in the likeness] of [his] resurrection: (6:6) Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with [him], that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. (6:7) For he that is dead is freed from sin. (6:8) Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: (6:9) Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. (6:10) For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. (6:11) Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • Nobody get "buried" in water.
  • Israel has numerous water baptisms as part of their law.