Delmar's political predictions for the next 12 years.


Hate very often pretends to be love as it slanders, subjugates, condemns and punishes. And haters nearly always justify and blame their hateful thoughts and behaviors on their victims. There is far more hate hiding behind phony love and righteousness than is ever expressed in outright anger or loathing. I know you don't feel any anger or loathing for homosexuals. But you're the one who is mistaken if you think that means you don't hate them. When you seek to do harm to people you don't even know, simply because they are who they are, that's called 'hating' them. It's also called bigotry, if by hating them, you feel better about yourself.

Jesus sought to control no one. Jesus sought to condemn and punish no one for their sins. Jesus hated no one. He simply shared his message, forgave, and moved on. And part of that message was that we should follow his lead.
Mark 7:5-8

5 So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, “Why don’t your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?”

6 He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:

“‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
7 They worship me in vain;
their teachings are merely human rules.’

8 You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”
Jesus saved his severest condemnation not for those whom society considers to be the worst offenders, but for the Pharisees and teachers of the law.

These have been placed by society in a position of "trust," but have undermined God's Word by reducing it to nothing more than a set of man-made rules and rituals.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Freedom (liberty) is an actual condition, and a founding legal principal of the U.S. of A. Whether or not you see it as a moral principal is up to you. Same as any other moral principal you might choose to accept or reject. The problem, here, is that you can't understand the difference.

I don't agree with all of Delmar's views, but ANY law is an act of violent force, to enforce some type of morality, whether a right view of morality or a wrong one.

As a libertarian, I believe in using legal force ONLY to prevent acts of violence against other people or their property. I don't believe it is the job of Christians to enforce all elements of the OT legal code, but only those precepts which prevent men from violating the rights of other men. This is where I disagree with theonomists.

But let's not kid ourselves about laws being an enforcement of morality. You have tied yourself into an absurd position where you don't even believe morals exist, and you don't think laws should "enforce morality" yet I suspect you support more laws than Delmar does.

If there is a marriage contract than adultery, it seems to me, would be a violation of said contract, even using purely secular reasoning. The question, in my mind, would be whether the victim of such actually wants to go to the courts or not. They may well not wish to do so. Also, its really hard to prove.


Well-known member
I don't agree with all of Delmar's views, but ANY law is an act of violent force, to enforce some type of morality, whether a right view of morality or a wrong one.
Our laws are backed up by the threat of retribution as a means of oppression/coercion. Force is only used in response to resistance. And violent force is only used in response to violent resistance. This is the functional methodology of what we call "law", and in most cases a state of lawlessness will be far more oppressive/coercive and violent than the rule of law by a social consensus.

Human beings cannot live together and remain totally free. Sacrifices, accommodations, and compromises have to be made for us to live together in peace, harmony, security and prosperity. So the goal is to obtain a reasonable and functional balance between the freedom that's sacrificed, and the freedom that's achieved and protected; and the needs and desires of the individual, with the needs and desires of the social group (family, clan, village, county, state, nation, and/or species).
As a libertarian, I believe in using legal force ONLY to prevent acts of violence against other people or their property. I don't believe it is the job of Christians to enforce all elements of the OT legal code, but only those precepts which prevent men from violating the rights of other men. This is where I disagree with theonomists.
You seem to be very confused about what constitutes violence, what constitutes force, what constitutes oppression/coercion, and why the rule of law is essential to human society. You also seem to have an inordinately inflated idea of 'property', for some reason.
But let's not kid ourselves about laws being an enforcement of morality.
Whether or not a law "enforces morality" is mostly just coincidental. If you think murder is "immoral", of example, and there is a law in your society against murder, then you may think the law is "enforcing your morality". That is, you might think that if you're rather self-centered and small-minded. But in fact, the law may well have nothing to do with enforcing your or anyone else's morality. It may well have been written solely for the purpose of maintaining peace within the society of humans you live amongst. Period. And the fact that it aligns with your personal moral proclivities is just coincidental.

And in the United States, as in most modern nations of the world these days, this is exactly the case. Most laws are written and are enforced solely for the purpose of maintaining peace and stability within the various societies of humans that make and enforce them. They are not intended to promote any particular moral view, and the fact that they may or may not do so is just happenstance.
You have tied yourself into an absurd position where you don't even believe morals exist, and you don't think laws should "enforce morality" yet I suspect you support more laws than Delmar does.
I have never stated that morality does not exist. I have never stated that laws don't coincide with some people's moral views. I have only tried to point out that in modern societies such as our own, the laws are not written nor enforced for moral reasons. They are written and enforced for the purpose of maintaining the peace and security of the society of humans we are living with.
If there is a marriage contract than adultery, it seems to me, would be a violation of said contract, even using purely secular reasoning.
And it is considered a breach of contract, by law. That's why divorces often involve legal procedures for a resolution.
The question, in my mind, would be whether the victim of such actually wants to go to the courts or not. They may well not wish to do so. Also, its really hard to prove.
Some people do, some people don't. I don't see why this is an issue for you.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Delmar's U.S. political predictions for the next 12 years.

The following predictions have nothing to do with who wins the 2012 Presidential election.

Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.

Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.

12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.

Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.

Gun rights will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.
One down. I don't always like being right.


Delmar's U.S. political predictions for the next 12 years.

The following predictions have nothing to do with who wins the 2012 Presidential election.

Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.

Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.

12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.

Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.

Gun rights will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.

So-called "Christians" will sit back and do absolutely nothing about the above, waiting for Jesus' Return.


...And in the United States, as in most modern nations of the world these days, this is exactly the case. Most laws are written and are enforced solely for the purpose of maintaining peace and stability within the various societies of humans that make and enforce them. They are not intended to promote any particular moral view, and the fact that they may or may not do so is just happenstance.

If you think that the SCOTUS decision on homosexual marriage was just "happenstance", then you're disrespecting all of the hard working LGBTQueer activists that spent decades changing cultural mores' (beating up little old ladies and threatening 13 year old girls with death who "happenstancingly" were against faux marriage) and "Judge shopped" so that all of the pieces were in place for today's historical decision.
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New member
Hall of Fame
Well let's check the list...

Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.

Boom, done, in the books. About twenty years from now people will wonder what the fuss was about and young people will wonder where their parents really stood on this issue once it's unremarkable and a fact of life.

Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.

I find this extremely unlikely.

12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.

This one's a fifty-fifty. I suspect if we don't keep an eye on Wall Street and or get into yet another war the economy will probably take a dump.

Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.

Absolutely not going to happen.

Gun rights will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.

No one is coming for our guns. They don't have to.


New member
Delmar's U.S. political predictions for the next 12 years.

The following predictions have nothing to do with who wins the 2012 Presidential election.

Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.

Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.

12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.

Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.

Gun rights will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.
You've been right thus far, and will likely continue to be on all counts.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Well let's check the list...

Homosexual marriage is a done deal in all 50 states. So called conservatives might pull off calling it domestic partnership, but it will have the legal equivalence of marriage.

Boom, done, in the books. About twenty years from now people will wonder what the fuss was about and young people will wonder where their parents really stood on this issue once it's unremarkable and a fact of life.
I agree. Society is changing that fast. We simply disagree on whether this is a good thing.

Single payer health care will become a reality, including low cost taxpayer funded abortion on demand.

I find this extremely unlikely.
It is the end game. The current system will implode, as it was designed to do.

12 years from now the US economy will be worse off than it is today.

This one's a fifty-fifty. I suspect if we don't keep an eye on Wall Street and or get into yet another war the economy will probably take a dump.

Reading some portions of the Bible on radio and TV will be outlawed as a hate crime.

Absolutely not going to happen.

just wait.

Gun rights will be the last conservative political stronghold. Assuming that the US still exists it will continue to be legal to own a handgun in all 50 states.

No one is coming for our guns. They don't have to
I said that.


Well-known member
I'd like to add another that I posted yesterday. Within 10 years, probably less, we will see the reunification of NAMBLA with the larger homosexual movement. The faux purging of queer child molesters has served its political purpose and is a charade no longer necessary to maintain.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I'd like to add another that I posted yesterday. Within 10 years, probably less, we will see the reunification of NAMBLA with the larger homosexual movement. The faux purging of queer child molesters has served its political purpose and is a charade no longer necessary to maintain.

and twenty years after that people will wonder what the fuss was about and young people will wonder where their parents really stood on this issue once it's unremarkable and a fact of life.


New member
Hall of Fame
It is the end game. The current system will implode, as it was designed to do.

Because of a conspiracy against big insurance companies? Sorry, can't see that working at all for anyone.

just wait.

Del, I've been told to "just wait" since 1992 (at least) for concentration camps, UN peacekeepers, gun grabs, riots in the streets, a police state, the NWO, and all the rest. Where were "patriots" and these militia tough guys when the police state actually did show up? Doing nothing but talking tough. "Just wait" is worthless. Part of you seems to want this to happen but I think you'll be miserable in your disappointment when it never actually does.

I said that.

Yes, Del. It's called "agreement."


Well-known member
and twenty years after that people will wonder what the fuss was about and young people will wonder where their parents really stood on this issue once it's unremarkable and a fact of life.

It will never be unremarkable. The homosexuals won't allow it because it has never, ever truly been about "marriage."


New member
Hall of Fame
It will never be unremarkable. The homosexuals won't allow it because it has never, ever truly been about "marriage."

As a nation we're utterly paranoid about stranger danger, sex offender lists, and the like. How anyone with a straight face can say we're close to normalizing pedophilia is beyond me, because it's simply demented.