ECT Define Preterism before censoring people


New member
Danoh will coddle him along while he tears down every MADist here (except himself).

You mean Almost 28er.

Some of the other Mads on here are doing just fine against IP.

What I coddle is his right to his say.

That is a standard tenent within the Mad that is NOT cult-like.

But you are a still newbie to Mad, so I don't expect you to get this.


Well-known member
As you know, I avoid things that are too nebulous to define

No, you prefer things loose, ill-defined and nebulous. That's why you asserted Luke 19:44 was just hyperbole. It also explains your general despising of literalism.

It must be tough making all this up as you go along. So hard to keep track of your many fabrications.


Well-known member
No, you prefer things loose, ill-defined and nebulous. That's why you asserted Luke 19:44 was just hyperbole. It also explains your general despising of literalism.

It must be tough making all this up as you go along. So hard to keep track of your many fabrications.

Hyperbole is not nebulous. It would be foolish to look at Judea 40 years later and say that was not the event. Luke even took lines from Jeremiah and put Roman weapon nouns into them.

People don't read Mt24's intro 'literally.' They read it as though 2P2P was proven. The normal meaning would never flit about X000 years later. But even so, there are many people literal to a fault, like the whole Pharisee enterprise (how do I go back into my mother's womb?). They totally miss the mission Christ was trying to launch through Israel in his time, because they are looking for literal ownership and domination of some 300K sq miles of the middle east.

If the ancient discord of Gen 17 is not resolved in Eph 2-3, then, yes, we must all fight for the 300K sq miles of the middle east, just like Bayleon in the Crusades. "Jerusalem is everything!"