But God's wrath and tribulation are two things clear different....
Let's put aside Miss McDonald, she was very confused, for she believed that many of God's precious saints would be left behind...these were the ones she thought would be confused by Ac.
Not so fast; if you are going to assert Darby ripped off his Pre-Trib Rapture from the Irvingites, you should provide evidence.
I'm sure you'd want the same towards you.
Just as I'm also sure you well know there are a lies upon lies out there by many who are against Dispensationalism in general, and the Pre-Trib Rapture in particular.
Not a one of them has ever been able to prove a thing and all they do is parrot one another's lies.
On pages 15, 63, 88, 138, etc., in that book I quoted (Precious Truths), a very thorough history on the development of Darby's understandings relates from his notes, from his letters to letters, from booklets he published that Darby understood the Pre-Trib Rapture some three years before MacDonald began experiencing her supposed visions.
Here is that book - pages 10-15 alone offer an impressive, first hand glimpse of who this mighty Bible student - John Nelson Darby had really been like as a Bible student like few in recorded history:
Your turn, provide some evidence of your assertion.
The pretrib rap is an entirely different subject to dispensationalism, there are many more dispys who hold to post trib than pretrib.
Dispensationalism is not Mid Acts Dispenasationalism per se. MAD is hyper dispy.
The historic facts are that from ancient times very few theobogies differed in believing and teaching Post trib.
Pretrib rapture in the 19th century was a major departure [no pun intended] from orthodoxy. It can be traced to Irving....you do not know the whole story of Darby for he certainly was devious and he is suspected to have revised earlier works to make it seem as though he had always held pretrib views.
Darby was bent on making himself distinct.
His theology was dismissed by British thelogians so he took it to America and teamed up with Schofield....another devious character.
Darby did not invent Dispensationalism as is claimed, he did not even invent the pretrib rap...but he brought it to prominence.
Again I say to you the key to understanding Darby will be found in the Bethesda debacle...his behaviour was atrocious.
But and yet his works in other matters stand up, he was a brilliant theologian.......
You talk about books dear friend but you didn't read such words as "Prophesied, Law Based, Conditional Second Advent or Pre-Second Advent Mystery Rapture Teaching" in the bible.
You are entrenched, I have long since given up trying to persuade entrenched people...it is better to stay friends...whichever one of us is wrong will find out soon enough...for we are approaching the time for these things.
Paul said we are saved from God's wrath, but we are saved through much tribulation.
Our experience as Christians will be VERY different if we do go through the great trib than if we don't....very different.
....I used to contest these interpretations....
....I used to contest these interpretations....
We are too far apart, I have to bear in mind that I am guesting in the MAD club
They are small nuances to be sure but the divide caused by them is massive, it really is.
I've got a sticker in the window
But God's wrath and tribulation are two things clear different....
we are saved from God's wrath but we are saved through much tribulation
When Herod heard about the Christ child he was "troubled" and all Jerusalem with him.
This word trouble is tribulation and the result of it is persecution. It is the time of "Jacob's trouble" this IS the great tribulation. As the great humble john w once pointed out you have to go back to the story of Jacob and see what his trouble amounted to.
Was it not when he was fleeing Laban? when behind him was Laban and before him Esau? Fleeing from one terror into the jaws of another [for all he knew] Jacob was not aware that Esau had been pacified toward him, he was made aware that betwixt him and Laban was the heavenly host...Jacob had no reason to be terrified.
Nor do the Jews for the promise is that in that time of tribulation such as was never before nor shall be again...God is going to deliver Israel. But until the catching up of the church we will still be among the nations...in the thick of the trib.
But God's wrath will fall upon the nations
It says
Peter, James and John are not the Joos who will inherit the land, the twelve, the Jews who recieved the Messiah...they's the church we's with them in heaven, mebbe the 12 will be on 12 thrones judging the tribes but they are heavenly thrones. They will reign with Christ from heaven through Jerusalem which will be capital of the world.
It is ETHNIC Israel who inherit the land....the nation of Israel, the Israel that now is. The seed of Abraham. Israel will be the only super power and the restoration of all things will flow from Jerusalem as the nations flock to it to learn the ways of the God of Jacob.