Creation vs. Evolution

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When I was a little feller, my dad once said that Einstein was so smart, he wouldnt be able to have a conversation with us common folk.

In my dads defense, back in those days all he had to go on was the media and the big hoopla they were makin over him.

By Alberts own admission we now know he spent more time in his imagination than he did in reality.

So my dad had it half right.
Albert couldnt carry on a convo with real people.

As to his intelligence being the problem, lets think about that.

Relativity, space, time, continuim.

This all had to do with the relative amount of time Albert continued to spend spacin off in his own little fantasy world. :rotfl:

Jukia and company woulda made fine prodigies.

Are you referring to this quote? Do you even understand what he is saying here?

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Are you sure you are still not a "little feller"? :rotfl:


New member
1mind. .. True that our atmosphere holds lots of moisture. But I think there is a better answer from the Bible which is supported by science.

Bible: "The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place that you appointed for them"
Everyone agrees...the mountains rose. Every mountain range has marine fossils. And there is plenty of evidence that water drained from the continents such as submarine canyons / trenches. There are valleys in the oceans several mies deep. There is enough water in the oceans to cover the entire earth 2 miles deep if it was flat



Literal lunatic
1mind. .. True that our atmosphere holds lots of moisture. But I think there is a better answer from the Bible which is supported by science.

Bible: "The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place that you appointed for them"
Everyone agrees...the mountains rose. Every mountain range has marine fossils. And there is plenty of evidence that water drained from the continents such as submarine canyons / trenches. There are valleys in the oceans several mies deep. There is enough water in the oceans to cover the entire earth 2 miles deep if it was flat

I will agree some water drained off the one world continent as it was watered by a continual mist.
Whether that was enough to make these canyons I really doubt.
When God broke up the earth, which was the dry land all in one spot, these canyons would have been formed by the sinking, not so much by the water filling in the now sunken area.


Literal lunatic
Are you referring to this quote? Do you even understand what he is saying here?

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Are you sure you are still not a "little feller"? :rotfl:

Thats not the one but itll do for now.


New member
It is beyond me how some people equate the ignorance of YEC's with those who deny that mankind is the primary driver behind the warming of the last century. They are nothing alike.


Literal lunatic
1mind. .. True that our atmosphere holds lots of moisture. But I think there is a better answer from the Bible which is supported by science.

Bible: "The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place that you appointed for them"
Everyone agrees...the mountains rose. Every mountain range has marine fossils. And there is plenty of evidence that water drained from the continents such as submarine canyons / trenches. There are valleys in the oceans several mies deep. There is enough water in the oceans to cover the entire earth 2 miles deep if it was flat

I can see that if he knocked down some mountains, and pushed the sunken sea floor up along with rain he could easily do it again.
But no fear, he will not do it.
The scoffers can take that to the bank.


Dear Doloresistere,

I believe that the dinosaurs originated way before mankind came to be on earth. No one knows the hidden facts that Genesis holds. Especially chapter one and two. Much is hidden there and I do believe there were other Adams created before our own Adam (and Eve). Let's face it, we find men's/women's bones that are greater in age than 7,000 years old, or whatever. I'm just going on what the Lord revealed to me. Just wait until the 7th angel sounds. The mystery of God will be finished then. Boy, are you gonna be in for a surprise. But I can't tell you now. I've known it for almost 40 years now. Just am saying that it's about God's Great White Throne. You are my fellow brethren. I know that the Lord God made our garden of Eden, and Adam, and Eve during our 'generation'. Behold, this 'generation' shall not pass..." There were previous generations of Adam before our own.
"And He called THEIR name Adam in the day they were created. Our Adam was formed from the dust of the ground. Eve also. God is an excellent Chemist! That is one thing that the Lord God already revealed to me 39 years ago. Our minds are able to handle these things now, whereas those people back during Jesus' day were not ready mentally to handle all of these things.

Much Love For You In Christ,



New member
1Mind1Spirit said:
I can see that if he knocked down some mountains, and pushed the sunken sea floor up along with rain he could easily do it again.
But no fear, he will not do it.
The scoffers can take that to the bank
Few things to consider... We know it rain for 40 days and 40 nights, but the atmosphere can't hold enough moisture to flood the entire Earth. The Bible provides the answer to where the water came from... The fountains of the deep broke open. What likely happened is the tectonic plates off the earth started rapidly shifting. This would have broken up reservoir of water which were under intense pressure; thus the fountains. This would have also caused volcanic eruptions all over the place. And there is abundant evidence around the earth for previous seismic activity and eruptions.

Also keep in mind we don't know what the earth would like before the flood. Were the mountains 2000 feet high? 6000 feet high? We don't know but the entire Earth was destroyed We know that today's mountains are a result of the flood and the shifting tectonic plate. There is lots of evidence that the mountains formed rapidly. I am in the Rocky Mountains in Western Canada quite often. It is easy to spot layers of Rock that are folded and rippled. Testing has been done on these rocks and it has been determined that these layers hardened into rock after it had been folded. In other words the mountains , or rather layers of the earth were being pushed up after the flood and then hardened into rocks. Gullies and canyons would have formed very quickly as water was draining from the raised areas.

Science definitely supports the biblical creation and and flood account.


Literal lunatic
Do you not believe anything scientists have to say if it contradicts your interpretation of the creation account in Genesis?

Only when they set out to call God a liar.

I by no means have total understanding of how God created the earth.

But with common sense and what I do understand of Gods word, it is easy to defeat speculations that run contrary to it and specially those who say God lied.


Literal lunatic
Few things to consider... We know it rain for 40 days and 40 nights, but the atmosphere can't hold enough moisture to flood the entire Earth. The Bible provides the answer to where the water came from... The fountains of the deep broke open. What likely happened is the tectonic plates off the earth started rapidly shifting. This would have broken up reservoir of water which were under intense pressure; thus the fountains. This would have also caused volcanic eruptions all over the place. And there is abundant evidence around the earth for previous seismic activity and eruptions.

Also keep in mind we don't know what the earth would like before the flood. Were the mountains 2000 feet high? 6000 feet high? We don't know but the entire Earth was destroyed We know that today's mountains are a result of the flood and the shifting tectonic plate. There is lots of evidence that the mountains formed rapidly. I am in the Rocky Mountains in Western Canada quite often. It is easy to spot layers of Rock that are folded and rippled. Testing has been done on these rocks and it has been determined that these layers hardened into rock after it had been folded. In other words the mountains , or rather layers of the earth were being pushed up after the flood and then hardened into rocks. Gullies and canyons would have formed very quickly as water was draining from the raised areas.

Science definitely supports the biblical creation and and flood account.

I can see where the scenario of mountains being made higher while the earth was under the flood water could fit into the genesis account.

And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged ;

2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped , and the rain from heaven was restrained ;

3 And the waters returned from off the earth continually : and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated .

Alongside the psalms account it makes for a strong case.

It took a little bit for me to see where you were coming from.
I am happy to have a brother who God has shown that to.
It sounds like truth to me.
As for the dinosaur agers, show me by scripture they were not here with men.
I am a Missouri native, so the show me deal is built in. lol


New member
Only when they set out to call God a liar.

I by no means have total understanding of how God created the earth.

But with common sense and what I do understand of Gods word, it is easy to defeat speculations that run contrary to it and specially those who say God lied.

They are not setting God out to be a liar. Now, will you still not believe them if they demonstrate evidence that is contradictory to a literal interpretation of Genesis?


New member
People of Mesopotamia had no idea of long periods of time. They could only go back so many generations. 4 billion years would have no meaning to them at all. There are not even that many stars visible in the night sky. God did not lie when he said 6 days because he was using 7 days in the mesopotamian culture that meant a perfect work. God's intention was not to present a chronological view of creation. Therefore, he did not lie.


Literal lunatic
They are not setting God out to be a liar. Now, will you still not believe them if they demonstrate evidence that is contradictory to a literal interpretation of Genesis?

Its not hard to tell who is and who aint.

Luke 6:45 KJV
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh .


New member
Its not hard to tell who is and who aint.

Luke 6:45 KJV
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh .

Are you accusing me of lying?


Literal lunatic
People of Mesopotamia had no idea of long periods of time. They could only go back so many generations. 4 billion years would have no meaning to them at all. There are not even that many stars visible in the night sky. God did not lie when he said 6 days because he was using 7 days in the mesopotamian culture that meant a perfect work. God's intention was not to present a chronological view of creation. Therefore, he did not lie.

I dont go for calling God or his Holy Spirit stupid either.

2 Peter 1:21 KJV
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
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