Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Seriously? You have a "genealogy" that is internally inconsistent, unverifiable, and requires the suspension of common sense to accept the age dating. You need some reality glasses, they might help you read the small fonts on your phone.
Would "tu quoque" be an unreasonable response?

Care to answer a few questions? I thought not. :chuckle:

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When you ask "care to answer a few questions" and then supply a "I thought not" and then criticize for the answer you created, it betrays the dishonesty of your argument. If you don't understand that it indicates that you may be dishonest to the core, and that reflects on the integrity of your humanistic belief system.

The correct and honest course of action would be to at least state the questions.


New member
Have you ANY evidence to support even one miracle in the bible that doesn't require circular logic or/and wishful thinking?

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The Romans couldn't present the body of Jesus. They didn't want any risk of rebellions. At that point the burden of proof was on them and they couldn't meet it. Mass persecution and deaths was what they had to resort to, and that can hardly be called wishful thinking.


New member
Really? Perhaps you are unaware that not one of the "gospels" was written by an eyewitness.

It's true because it's written in the bible and the bible is true because I believe it is is circular logic of the highest order.

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That resembles a straw man argument. Can't say I ever saw you ask anyone why they believed the Bible.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
On if something is possible therefore it is fact:I concede that you could be a complete moron. It's possible. By your logic it follows that you are in fact a complete moron. Yeah, let's go with that.Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk


Doubling down on your error was not the way to go; it works best if you stick with your concession of the fact that eight people could produce today's population in a few thousand years.

That would be fine. :up:


New member
I really can't believe that you are STILL so concerned with this non-issue. You can't relate to seeing two numbers and making a similar error? The numerical difference only makes the "Morris equation", named for Henry Morris of The Institute for Creation Research, even more untenable.
Can I conclude from this that you prefer insults to actually answering my questions in the prior post? Instead of poo-pooing Milne perhaps you should invest more time reading the ENTIRE article and critique it instead of denegrating the author of something you don't seem to understand.
?? You need me to explain the article to you? Really? If so, why the insult? Hypocrisy?

It seems you have more of a problem with H. Morris than discussing why you think D. Milne's article is not accurate.

Really? I'm not the one who needs Milne's article explained to him.
:rotfl: Do you think that you are the only one of us responding via a cell phone? I haven't posted on TOL from a PC in months.
Before you start belly-aching again, the article is a URL, not a PDF. My phone display is nice, large, and easily readable. Perhaps you should upgrade.
Sir, would you like more cheese with your whine?

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Silent Hunter, there is twofold reason why this is of concern. Granted when you call anyone you disagree with stupid, yes, you may be judged by that same measure. But that's not the reason we are still here. Now that you at least recognize that we aren't talking about 400 years maybe you'll understand this next part.

First, as I said no Legitimate Biblical Creationist needs to show today's world population starting from 4800 BC. The Bible record records a mass disaster that reset population at Noah's flood. By the way, those arguments that "creationists don't account for plagues etc to population growth?" You can't have it both ways. That flood reduced the population back to ground level and it is acknowledged.

That your article seemed oblivious to this and was attacking the wrong question indicates that it had no idea what it was talking about. That he claimed his opponent was calculating from 4800 BC shows that he picked a faulty opponent or was so dumb that he never read his opponent properly. I asked you which it was, apparently you don't know and replied with an insult. Hey, you're the one that presented this guy. If you don't know what he based it in that reflects on you, not me.

Second, since you don't understand why this matters I will explain. Earth conditions were different in a way that would assist population growth. The Bible record alludes to it and there is non Bible evidence as well that is usually ignored, such as animal remains of huge size, higher more optimal levels of atmospheric oxygen trapped in amber, and so forth. The Bible Genealogies show that men used to live close to 1000 years... But after the flood when the lifespans started to drop, it still took a while before age started taking its modern day toll.

Contrary to your accusation, I had gone back later when I found time to read (or at least skim) that article you had posted. Honestly it lacked substance and didn't have anything more than biased assumptions. It never accounted for lifespan differences, for example. I predicted as much from his failure to identify his correct target problem at the beginning.

If you want to attack a theory, you need to evaluate it in the light of its given assumptions. For example, earth population would be evaluated from 4400 years ago starting with 8 people with the conditions it described.

If you cannot handle those assumptions then target the assumption instead. For example, if you can't handle this:

Genesis 9:28 KJV
And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.

Then state such. But you can't honestly attack rapid population growth while insisting that it is judged on a substituted set of assumptions.

When I attack evolution arguments, I allow its assumptions for the sake of argument. It does not mean I agree with the assumptions, that's just how it's done.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
When you ask "care to answer a few questions" and then supply a "I thought not" and then criticize for the answer you created, it betrays the dishonesty of your argument.
Have you answered the questions I asked in a prior post? Nope. But I keep asking anyway. From my perspective you seem to be stalling so that the questions I asked will be buried deep in the thread so you can then ask, "What questions?"
If you don't understand that it indicates that you may be dishonest to the core, and that reflects on the integrity of your humanistic belief system.
Calling me a liar without evidence is an ad hominem. The other is poisoning the well.

The correct and honest course of action would be to at least state the questions.
Been there, done that.

The Romans couldn't present the body of Jesus.
?? I'm not saying it counts as evidence but book, chapter, & verse please.
They didn't want any risk of rebellions.
And you know this because... ?

At that point the burden of proof was on them and they couldn't meet it.
What burden of proof? Supposedly, the Romans performed the execution, then the disciples took the body. Where is the chain of custody? If the Romans posted a guard, which seems crucial to Matthew's gospel, why isn't it in the other three?
Mass persecution and deaths was what they had to resort to, and that can hardly be called wishful thinking.
And this is evidence a miracle happened how, exactly?

That resembles a straw man argument.
Can't say I ever saw you ask anyone why they believed the Bible.
?? Christians don't believe the bible is true?

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Doubling down on your error was not the way to go; it works best if you stick with your concession of the fact that eight people could produce today's population in a few thousand years.
You're famous for your "not even wrong" statements. That something is possible doesn't make it a fact. It's not a fact that "eight people could produce today's population in a few thousand years", it's an assertion. Faulty assumptions plugged into a questionable equation prove nothing except that you can do simple math.

I concede THE FACT that you could be a complete moron. It's possible. Therefore you are a complete moron. Glad we have that fact finally settled. :chuckle:

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New member
Have you answered the questions I asked in a prior post? Nope. But I keep asking anyway. From my perspective you seem to be stalling so that the questions I asked will be buried deep in the thread so you can then ask, "What questions?"
Calling me a liar without evidence is an ad hominem. The other is poisoning the well.

Been there, done that.

?? I'm not saying it counts as evidence but book, chapter, & verse please.
And you know this because... ?

What burden of proof? Supposedly, the Romans performed the execution, then the disciples took the body. Where is the chain of custody? If the Romans posted a guard, which seems crucial to Matthew's gospel, why isn't it in the other three?
And this is evidence a miracle happened how, exactly?

?? Christians don't believe the bible is true?

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It is possible that there may be a question somewhere buried back, but it was probably buried in your additional spam and personal attacks. Point still stands, answering a question for someone else and then attacking them for that answer (or non answer) you picked is dishonest.

That you don't understand that indicates that your core methodology is dishonest. Which renders most of your arguments unpersuasive at best. You obviously don't understand your opponent's argument and you don't care.

When I ask questions and they aren't answered I repeat (or redefine) the question or I set it aside. I might even repeat it with a multiple choice answer to help it stand out.

Now, if I were to guess you are bewildered as to why we don't live on planet Bobcat. Last I responded I said that the question itself seemed pretty stupid. I haven't heard you redefine it or state what assumptions you are making that makes the question sensible. Ball was left in your court. If you had any other question I missed it completely.

Maybe you could get your wife to help you redefine the question dilemmas you meant to ask. I hear she's a genius... Or at least smarter than my unborn child.
Last edited:


New member
?? I'm not saying it counts as evidence but book, chapter, & verse please.
And you know this because... ?

What burden of proof? Supposedly, the Romans performed the execution, then the disciples took the body. Where is the chain of custody? If the Romans posted a guard, which seems crucial to Matthew's gospel, why isn't it in the other three?
And this is evidence a miracle happened how, exactly?

?? Christians don't believe the bible is true?

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1. Book chapter and verse for what exactly? Will gladly cooperate if I can.

2. There were soldiers posted, a massive stone in the way, soldiers that fall asleep on watch get executed, if such happened a door to door search would have been done. The risen Christ was seen of many witnesses and if this were false it would have been challenged THEN while the claim was new. When Paul speaks to the governor who said that he was "almost persuaded" don't you think that a known body theft would have come up? When Justin spoke to Tyrpho then Jew the resurrection and even ascension was not what came into dispute (not a Bible source by the way, just a record of a conversation.)

Yes, the burden of proof was on the Romans. Jesus was supposedly a rebel leader who had promised that if, no, WHEN they killed him he would come back from the dead. The Romans did not tolerate rebellions. Last I checked, bodily resurrection does qualify as a miracle.

The "official story" of body theft is mentioned in the Gospels as being the Roman cover story. The witness accounts and the absurdity of previously cowardly disciples stealing it from an armed guard shows that story false.

There are always corroborating evidences like Christ's prophecy of the fall of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple which were carried out to the last detail that could weigh in...

Matthew 24:1-2 KJV
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. [2] And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

Recorded in four Gospels. Literally one stone not left upon another. Does fulfilled prophecy count as a miracle?

3. Not all people who call themselves Christian believe the Bible is true. Regardless, haven't heard you ever ask anyone that you Assumed to be Bible believing Why they believed that Bible.

Jose Fly

New member
Any creationist figure out how to get those marine fossils on mountaintops without boiling the oceans off and turning the planet into a giant steam cooker? Or are the creationists here adopting rosenritter's "So what" approach to that? :chuckle:

Jose Fly

New member
Quote mining; it's why creationists are mocked.

Creationism and creationists are "mocked" (generally laughed at) because no one outside of fundamentalist Christianity takes anything they say at all seriously.

There's a reason creationism hasn't contributed a single thing to science in well over a century. It's not only wrong, it's laughably wrong.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Quote mining.

Any creationist figure out how to get those marine fossils on mountaintops without boiling the oceans off and turning the planet into a giant steam cooker? Or are the creationists here adopting rosenritter's "So what" approach to that? :chuckle:
Darwinists hate reading.

Creationism and creationists are "mocked" (generally laughed at) because no one outside of fundamentalist Christianity takes anything they say at all seriously.There's a reason creationism hasn't contributed a single thing to science in well over a century. It's not only wrong, it's laughably wrong.

:mock: Darwinists.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Silent Hunter, there is twofold reason why this is of concern. Granted when you call anyone you disagree with stupid, yes, you may be judged by that same measure. But that's not the reason we are still here. Now that you at least recognize that we aren't talking about 400 years maybe you'll understand this next part.
Stupid? When did I call you stupid? That you cannot keep up with the conversation by constant sniveling, whining, moaning, and crying speak volumes.
First, as I said no Legitimate Biblical Creationist needs to show today's world population starting from 4800 BC. The Bible record records a mass disaster that reset population at Noah's flood. By the way, those arguments that "creationists don't account for plagues etc to population growth?" You can't have it both ways. That flood reduced the population back to ground level and it is acknowledged.
Ok, so the population starts out at 8 (reasonably, only six of whom actually do any initial repopulating) leaves the creationists in a deeper hole. Try plugging those factors into the "Morris equation". What are you results?
That your article seemed oblivious to this and was attacking the wrong question indicates that it had no idea what it was talking about. That he claimed his opponent was calculating from 4800 BC shows that he picked a faulty opponent or was so dumb that he never read his opponent properly. I asked you which it was, apparently you don't know and replied with an insult. Hey, you're the one that presented this guy. If you don't know what he based it in that reflects on you, not me.
Second, since you don't understand why this matters I will explain. Earth conditions were different in a way that would assist population growth. The Bible record alludes to it and there is non Bible evidence as well that is usually ignored, such as animal remains of huge size, higher more optimal levels of atmospheric oxygen trapped in amber, and so forth. The Bible Genealogies show that men used to live close to 1000 years... But after the flood when the lifespans started to drop, it still took a while before age started taking its modern day toll.
That's a nice story. Do you have any evidence other than AIG or the DI to support it.
Contrary to your accusation, I had gone back later when I found time to read (or at least skim) that article you had posted. Honestly it lacked substance and didn't have anything more than biased assumptions. It never accounted for lifespan differences, for example. I predicted as much from his failure to identify his correct target problem at the beginning.
Skim? You concluded, "it lacked substance and didn't have anything more than biased assumptions", from a cursory reading? You give yourself way too much credit. When do you think you will get around to discussing the article? Will that be as soon as you finish bad mouthing the author?
If you want to attack a theory, you need to evaluate it in the light of its given assumptions. For example, earth population would be evaluated from 4400 years ago starting with 8 people with the conditions it described.
You don't seem to understand that the point of the article is that starting with the conclusion then inserting numbers into the equation to satisfy that conclusion is circular. That you disagree with the starting date evades what Milne is trying to illustrate with the rabbit analogy.
If you cannot handle those assumptions then target the assumption instead. For example, if you can't handle this:

Genesis 9:28 KJV
And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.

Then state such. But you can't honestly attack rapid population growth while insisting that it is judged on a substituted set of assumptions.
Why not?
When I attack evolution arguments, I allow its assumptions for the sake of argument. It does not mean I agree with the assumptions, that's just how it's done.
:chuckle: Help me out here, how does this not contradict your previous statement?
It is possible that there may be a question somewhere buried back, but it was probably buried in your additional spam and personal attacks. Point still stands, answering a question for someone else and then attacking them for that answer (or non answer) you picked is dishonest.
I asked repeatedly for you to answer the questions in each of my replies. Instead, all you did complain. Dishonest? I don't think you know the meaning of the word.
That you don't understand that indicates that your core methodology is dishonest. Which renders most of your arguments unpersuasive at best. You obviously don't understand your opponent's argument and you don't care.
When have you presented a valid argument? Perhaps you should review past post for how much time you spent whining instead.
When I ask questions and they aren't answered I repeat (or redefine) the question or I set it aside. I might even repeat it with a multiple choice answer to help it stand out.
Yeah, so? Ignoring your own behavior isn't much of an excuse.
Now, if I were to guess you are bewildered as to why we don't live on planet Bobcat. Last I responded I said that the question itself seemed pretty stupid. I haven't heard you redefine it or state what assumptions you are making that makes the question sensible. Ball was left in your court. If you had any other question I missed it completely.
No, you said that predation was the reason Earth isn't overrun by rabbits. If predation is the reason animal populations don't run amok, why isn't the Earth overrun by bobcats who aren't prey?
Maybe you could get your wife to help you redefine the question dilemmas you meant to ask. I hear she's a genius... Or at least smarter than my unborn child.
She's pretty smart, PhD in human biology. Perhaps you could get your wife to explain to you why the Earth isn't overrun by bobcats but if she's a creationists she probably can't.
1. Book chapter and verse for what exactly? Will gladly cooperate if I can.
Well, you made an assertion about the Roman guards, I was just wondering where in the bible I might find it.
2. There were soldiers posted, a massive stone in the way, soldiers that fall asleep on watch get executed, if such happened a door to door search would have been done. The risen Christ was seen of many witnesses and if this were false it would have been challenged THEN while the claim was new. When Paul speaks to the governor who said that he was "almost persuaded" don't you think that a known body theft would have come up? When Justin spoke to Tyrpho then Jew the resurrection and even ascension was not what came into dispute (not a Bible source by the way, just a record of a conversation.)
So many assumptions, so little time.
Yes, the burden of proof was on the Romans. Jesus was supposedly a rebel leader who had promised that if, no, WHEN they killed him he would come back from the dead. The Romans did not tolerate rebellions.
The Romans were responsible for keeping track of Jesus' body? Why?
Last I checked, bodily resurrection does qualify as a miracle.
Sure it would. The sooner you get around to providing more evidence than, "the bible says so", the sooner it will be when I start taking you seriously.
The "official story" of body theft is mentioned in the Gospels as being the Roman cover story. The witness accounts and the absurdity of previously cowardly disciples stealing it from an armed guard shows that story false.
This account occurs in ONE gospel, Matthew. All the others are eerily silent.
There are always corroborating evidences like Christ's prophecy of the fall of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple which were carried out to the last detail that could weigh in...

Matthew 24:1-2 KJV
And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. [2] And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

Recorded in four Gospels. Literally one stone not left upon another. Does fulfilled prophecy count as a miracle?
This story is in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, maybe you could point me to the reference in John. The writing of Mark, probably the first gospel, is dated by most scholars at around 70. Coincidentally, this occurs with the destruction of the temple. Jesus' prophecy is notoriously vague, as are all bible prophecies. Without a time frame to judge when, "There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down", is to occur, he might as well been talking about the pyramids because, eventually, that is going to happen too.
3. Not all people who call themselves Christian believe the Bible is true. Regardless, haven't heard you ever ask anyone that you Assumed to be Bible believing Why they believed that Bible.
No true christian (Scotsman)? People believe crazy stuff all of the time. Christians are no different.

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
This is Stripe's failed attempt at quote mining. Obviously, he really, REALLY sucks at it.

What Stripe dishonestly edited:
I am perfectly content to concede it COULD happen.
It's not a fact that "eight people could produce today's population in a few thousand years"
Versus what I actually said:
Fact? How is your assertion a "fact"? I am perfectly content to concede it COULD happen. It's not my responsibility to prove it didn't happen, but IT IS your responsibility to prove that it DID.
You're famous for your "not even wrong" statements. That something is possible doesn't make it a fact. It's not a fact that "eight people could produce today's population in a few thousand years", it's an assertion. Faulty assumptions plugged into a questionable equation prove nothing except that you can do simple math.
Only a moron would try to make it look like I contradicted myself when it is obvious to even Rosenritter that I didn't.

I concede THE FACT that Stripe could be a complete moron. It's possible. Therefore Stripe is a complete moron. Glad we have that fact finally settled... again. :chuckle:

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
:mock: Silent Munter.
This is why Darwinists are mocked.
:mock: Evolution.
Stripe seta a new personal best. MORE of Stripe's #1 greatest hits all in one day! It's not often we get to see so many of his canned idiot responses. It IS a miracle!

Only a moron would try to make it look like I contradicted myself when it is obvious to even Rosenritter that I didn't.

I concede THE FACT that Stripe has proven, [bold]with evidence[/bold], that he IS a complete moron. A special "attaboy" to Stripe for confirming what everyone already knows (except Michael Cadry of course, who has issues Sigmund Freud could only dream of unraveling).

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New member
SilentHunter said:
It's (The Bible) never been proven right either. ��
Hunter... you seem to believe many things that are contrary to the evidence. The Bible has been proven true, many times, and by many people.
Ex. "Sir William Ramsay, an atheist and the son of atheists, tried to disprove the Bible. He was a wealthy person who had graduated from the prestigious University of Oxford. Like Albright, Ramsay studied under the famous liberal German historical school in the mid-nineteenth century. Esteemed for its scholarship, this school also taught that the New Testament was not a historical document. As an anti-Semitic move, this would totally eradicate the Nation of Israel from history.

"With this premise, Ramsay devoted his whole life to archaeology and determined that he would disprove the Bible.

He set out for the Holy Land and decided to disprove the book of Acts. After 25 or more years (he had released book after book during this time), he was incredibly impressed by the accuracy of Luke in his writings finally declaring that ‘Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy’ . . . ‘this author should be placed along with the very greatest of historians’ . . . ‘Luke’s history is unsurpassed in respect of its trustworthiness.’

"Luke’s accuracy is demonstrated by the fact that he names key historical figures in the correct time sequence as well as correct titles to government officials in various areas: Thessalonica, politarchs; Ephesus, temple wardens; Cyprus, proconsul; and Malta, the first man of the island. The two books, the Gospel of Luke and book of Acts, that Luke has authored remain accurate documents of history. Ramsay stated, “This author [Luke] should be placed along with the very greatest of historians.”

"Finally, in one of his books Ramsay shocked the entire intellectual world by declaring himself to be a Christian. Numerous other archaeologists have had similar experiences. Having set out to show the Bible false, they themselves have been proven false and, as a consequence, have accepted Christ as Lord." Bklt/Archaeology Verifies Bible Ch2.htm
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