Creation vs. Evolution

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Hi Michael
A lot of dinosaurs lived between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2.
Not according to Jesus. Not according to Moses.
Dinosaurs lived and died before Adam and Eve, and they had big appetites for meat.
Not according to Moses.
Genesis 1:30 tells us that God originally created all animals with a vegetarian diet.
Paul was addressing human death as entering the world through sin.
Animal death is addressed in several ways throughout scripture. For example God called His completed creation "very good". It difficult to imagine Him calling death and suffering "very good", when in other parts of the Bible death is the enemy... where the lion and the lamb laying together is idylic. We as humans often suffer through animal death; we hurt when our pet dies. We even hurt when watching nature shows when we see a momma zebra in distress as a lion kills her baby. Death of nephesh chayyah life does not seem part of what God calls "very good".


Well-known member
Death of nephesh chayyah life does not seem part of what God calls "very good".

You need to take a little time and study the fossil record.

Do you even agree that strata are sorted, and that they contain only critters of that epoch?

And you will have to ask God why He let T. rex ambush Triceratops, pushing it over and tearing chunks out of its side, long before Eden.


Hey Duke....Your question was not to me, but can I do you the favor?
The evidence is everything and everywhere.
There is evidence of our Creator in the life..... in a Baby's laugh....and in His Word.
Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

"in a Baby's laugh?" How absurd. You get to pick and choose the good things and ascribe them to your particular god. The bad things---a baby suffering---guess it belongs to someone else.


Caino.... you are wrong.
I'm not sure there is any point discussing it with you because you pick and choose what to believe from scripture. But in any case, the OT authors DID claim divine authorship hundreds of times. Besides that NT authors claimed the OT was God breathed scripture. And....Jesus Himself used the OT as His source of absolute truth.

Actually it is you that is wrong. Jesus alone is authority, he NEVER claimed that scripture was basis for his authority. It is you who has a closed mind as many other people on this thread and TOL have pointed out.

I pick what I think is true, disregard what is obviously wrong. Scripture worshipers lack the courage to face facts frankly, the path of conformity to the political men of the church is easier but the result is living in error and delusion.

The OT was written in "preacher speak", something you can hear any run of the mill preacher today use while speculating about God. At the time the authors knew it was pseudo-biographical. After the return to Jerusalem the traditional Israelite biography became sacred, then made divine by church politicians.

Whoever wrote Timothy gave their own opinion and then that was adopted and converted into "scripture" by the church.


Good for them then. :plain:

But it's not true, Jesus never said he derived his authority from the books that frankly discredit his label of Messiah. Scripture worshipers stretch in desperation to establish the authority of the writings of the holy men.

People don't believe some of the more ridiculous stories of the cannon because they sound true rather it's only because those stories are in the Cannon. If they weren't in the cannon then they would come to their senses and see the obvious.


New member
Do you even agree that strata are sorted, and that they contain only critters of that epoch?
yes and no.
Yes... elephants are not buried with fish. Why would you expect that?
No... there is often modern critters in various sedimentary layers. (ex. modern birds with dinosaurs). There is often critters that evolutionists think were primitive that are still alive today.
And you will have to ask God why He let T. rex ambush Triceratops, pushing it over and tearing chunks out of its side, long before Eden.
You can find the answer to your question in God's Word.
Genesis 1:1 tells us about "the beginning"
Genesis 1:30 tells us that God created animals as vegetarian.
"And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground--everything that has life." And that is what happened"
Genesis 3:6 tells us sin entered the world.
Genesis 3:14-19 God curses all creation. death, pain and suffering enter.
Genesis 9 God now permits meat eating in the sin cursed world
" 2All the animals of the earth, all the birds of the sky, all the small animals that scurry along the ground, and all the fish in the sea will look on you with fear and terror. I have placed them in your power. 3 I have given them to you for food, just as I have given you grain and vegetables"

Your comments are welcome in the "Jehovah" thread.


New member
No... there is often modern critters in various sedimentary layers. (ex. modern birds with dinosaurs).
Apart from that artist's impression of an extinct avocet family species, do you have any concrete examples?

There is often critters that evolutionists think were primitive that are still alive today.
No, they are modern species that preserve some characteristics of ancient species.

For someone who professes to follow the Ten Commandments, you sure do lie a lot.


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Good link. Those ancient birds were not the same as modern ones, even though 6d claims they are.

"It is very surprising that despite being skeletally quite different from their modern counterparts, these primitive birds show striking similarities in their soft anatomy,"*

Evolutionists seem to deny evidence.
Biblical creation model is rapid adaptation (see thread on the topic). It is not surprising that modern birds are often the same as various kinds found in the fossil record but with some adaptations.

Read some science magazines. :) For example... "Dinosaur-Era Birds Surprisingly Ducklike, Fossils Suggest"

"In order to test evolution, Dr Werner (distinction in biology (summa cumlaude) PhD medicine) and visited 60 natural history museums and ten dinosaur dig sites in seven different countries. When he asked paleontologists if they had any personal knowledge of modern birds found with dinosaurs, he was in for quite a surprise.

“I interviewed a scientist at the Museum of Paleontology at Berkeley who discussed a parrot fossil they had found in Cretaceous layers (‘dinosaur rock’). But the parrot fossil was not on display in the museum.”

With each interview, more modern birds that had been found with dinosaurs were added to his list, including: parrots, penguins, owls, sandpipers, albatross, flamingos, loons, ducks, cormorants and avocets. Carl assembled this list from interviews he did with various paleontologists, as well as from articles by evolutionist scientists and a textbook (the details of the sources can be found in Living Fossils).



New member
Hey Duke....Your question was not to me, but can I do you the favor?
The evidence is everything and everywhere.
There is evidence of our Creator in the life..... in a Baby's laugh....and in His Word.
Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
My dear fellow,

Nice try, but that's not what I was expecting.
Firstly, I thought we already clarified the reasons why you and your kin believe, now for rational folk, that's rather quite laughable. However discussing how and why your standards for evidence are so ridiculous and fallacious is an entirely different topic.

My question was about evidence against common descent.



New member
Evolutionists seem to deny evidence.
Biblical creation model is rapid adaptation (see thread on the topic). It is not surprising that modern birds are often the same as various kinds found in the fossil record but with some adaptations.

You are reading more into the magazine comments than is warranted. 'Duck-like' does not mean that it is a modern duck, just that it shares some features. The clue is in the word 'like'. Like does not mean identical, or the same in any meaningful way.

A challenge 6D, which should be easy for you if what you claim is true: Can you give me a list of modern species that have been found in the same strata as dinosaurs? (Species mind, not genus as these are clearly long lived groups containing different species over time.)


Actually it is you that is wrong. Jesus alone is authority, he NEVER claimed that scripture was basis for his authority. It is you who has a closed mind as many other people on this thread and TOL have pointed out.

I pick what I think is true, disregard what is obviously wrong. Scripture worshipers lack the courage to face facts frankly, the path of conformity to the political men of the church is easier but the result is living in error and delusion.

Dear Caino,

Quit jumping on 6days. He does an excellent job of one person handling 7 atheists/agnostics/evolutionists. Of course, Jesus had authority to change any part of the OT, but He didn't. Why not, Caino? Instead, He came to fulfill it!! You are the one with the closed mind. Half of the things you say are without knowledge. You make false claims based on what you think instead of the truth. It happens, but you make a habit of it. I think your brain is too filled with the Urantia Book!! So just be aware that you make mistakes too. We all do. But correct them, nonetheless.

The OT was written in "preacher speak", something you can hear any run of the mill preacher today use while speculating about God. At the time the authors knew it was pseudo-biographical. After the return to Jerusalem the traditional Israelite biography became sacred, then made divine by church politicians.

Whoever wrote Timothy gave their own opinion and then that was adopted and converted into "scripture" by the church.

How do you figure that the OT was in "preacher speak?" You're too much! How do you know that, at the time, the authors knew it was pseudo-biographical? Were you there? Who gave you this information? You are just trying to make a mockery of the OT and NT scriptures, so then you lead others to think the whole Bible is useless. Well, it isn't that way, Caino. The Bible is an excellent book and some of it, I know offhand is true, because it happened to me. But no one will believe me any more, except those who KNOW the real me. I made two mistakes out of ALL that I've said and I am suffering for them. So I do realize that people make mistakes. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Much of what I've said will either be proven or not by God. That's how you tell a real prophet from a fake. Time will tell. It's that simple. Sometimes you get embarrassed. Sometimes you get exonerated. I have paid for my mistakes. I want you to know that you are misleading a lot of people with your Urantia BS which is full of lies. You will pay for your mistakes too. So have fun while you can. It will all come out in the wash. Your fancy words won't help you.

Okay, now everyone jump on me. It's the usual run-of-the-mill expectation when you post on a thread. Have at it!! Whether you are committing sin or not, we are still related by Noah and his family, and also Adam and Eve, so don't think I dislike you. I just dislike what you are doing re: the Urantia Pages and the UBook.

Much Love, To One Brother From Another,



Dear Caino,

Quit jumping on 6days. He does an excellent job of one person handling 7 atheists/agnostics/evolutionists. Of course, Jesus had authority to change any part of the OT, but He didn't. Why not, Caino? Instead, He came to fulfill it!! You are the one with the closed mind. Half of the things you say are without knowledge. You make false claims based on what you think instead of the truth. It happens, but you make a habit of it. I think your brain is too filled with the Urantia Book!! So just be aware that you make mistakes too. We all do. But correct them, nonetheless.

How do you figure that the OT was in "preacher speak?" You're too much! How do you know that, at the time, the authors knew it was pseudo-biographical? Were you there? Who gave you this information? You are just trying to make a mockery of the OT and NT scriptures, so then you lead others to think the whole Bible is useless. Well, it isn't that way, Caino. The Bible is an excellent book and some of it, I know offhand is true, because it happened to me. But no one will believe me any more, except those who KNOW the real me. I made two mistakes out of ALL that I've said and I am suffering for them. So I do realize that people make mistakes. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Much of what I've said will either be proven or not by God. That's how you tell a real prophet from a fake. Time will tell. It's that simple. Sometimes you get embarrassed. Sometimes you get exonerated. I have paid for my mistakes. I want you to know that you are misleading a lot of people with your Urantia BS which is full of lies. You will pay for your mistakes too. So have fun while you can. It will all come out in the wash. Your fancy words won't help you.

Okay, now everyone jump on me. It's the usual run-of-the-mill expectation when you post on a thread. Have at it!! Whether you are committing sin or not, we are still related by Noah and his family, and also Adam and Eve, so don't think I dislike you. I just dislike what you are doing re: the Urantia Pages and the UBook.

Much Love, To One Brother From Another,




New member
gcthomas said:
6days said:
Evolutionists seem to deny evidence.
Biblical creation model is rapid adaptation (see thread on the topic).*It is not surprising that modern birds are often the same as various kinds found in the fossil record but with some adaptations.

'Duck-like' does not mean that it is a modern duck, just that it shares some features. The clue is in the word 'like'. Like does not mean identical, or the same in any meaningful way.
Very good! *Keep that up and you will soon be a creationist.*

gcthomas said:
A challenge 6D, which should be easy for you if what you claim is true: Can you give me a list of modern species that have been found in the same strata as dinosaurs? (Species mind, not genus as these are clearly long lived groups containing different species over time.)

Do you realize how silly your request is.*

Lets imagine you have never seen a dog but in the fossil record you find a bulldog, a poodle, a weiner dog and a great dane. Can you tell from the bones that they are the same species? *NO! Can we tell from the bones of modern birds that they are the same species as those in the fossil record? No!

Also.... keep in mind that the definition of soecies is rubbery, and organisms are often reclassified.*

Also....keep in mind that the creationist model (as discussed previous) is rapid adaptation and speciation
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