Creation vs. Evolution

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If something conflicts with the presupposition of an open system (open to being re-done by an infinite-personal-intelligent Creator) while many natural causes and effects continue, that is my answer to why I do not accept the opposite. The opposite being: a view that it is a closed system.

You are very comfortable with the massive improbabilities of nature. I am not. That is also part of my answer. I cannot seriously go through G&R's material on them and just let it all happen by chance. Nonsense. They couldn't either. They also wrote that material because they realized (mostly through observing the 1996 solar eclipse in India) that these things were meant to be observed. It is our privilege to see them in action, because they glorify God.

Here is how you sound to me: you enjoy a Rembrandt for an hour and then leave saying: "aren't paintbrushes amazing!" Myself, I praise the Artist.

re Theia. it is the assigned name in the discussion in Wikipedia. That means it is used by quite a few scientists to name it.

How can it not be related to God when it's backstory is a god, and when the word is the same root in an innovated feminine gender?

Just the same, I do realize that the concept I'm trying to communicate will be difficult. The modern conception of reality since T. Huxley is that of the absence of anything supernatural. All reality is one kind. It is a closed system of natural causes and effects.

I believe such a view screams in pain for a better explanation, and that is why Darwin was slow to get on board. That was not "politics," that was the ordinary need of humans for trust, hope, honor, virtue. I'm very sorry to hear how alien those are for you.

To try to fit a god factor back in, but not really, a god-name is chosen, in this case, to explain how a random collision like "Theia" and earth can result in conditions perfect for mankind.

In 1994, we saw 8 objects pile into one of our planets. Are we to suppose that this has created conditions for life as complex as ours as well?

There is only a few things that result from random accidents without massive effort to shape them into form and function. They are a "Katrina" result without it.

Dear Interplanner,

You definition of closed/open system was a bit strange since it is very different to how these words are meant in physics, but now I understand what you mean.
In fact you are correct, the sum of all the improbabilities is enormous, but that's not a problem.
You see, many things are highly improbable, there is one woman who was struck 3 times by lightning on 3 different occasions. If you had to calculate the probability of this happening, you would also claim that it's impossible.

The conditions necessary for the occurence of life just appeared on this little planet. They could have also appeared anywhere else in the vast universe with so many planets to choose from. The reason we consider this planet our home (albeit very imperfect if you take a closer look) is because we are HERE. If the conditions were unsuitable, we would not be here to talk about it, right?

Your comparison to a painting is nice but quite pointless. You know that Rembrand was an actual person, you know how the process of painting works and you look at the painting within the context of it being on display in a gallery. The notion of our universe being created in a similar manner is very different. That's more like being a single drop of ink without any senses to even know that you're part of a painting.

The conditions "perfect for mankind" are very far from perfect, we cannot inhabit the majority of this planet, the moon and all other planets do nothing at all for us on earth. I can help you understand it: it's really very simple and falls right into place once you stop presupposing that everything that is in existance was placed there for us in mind. It simply was not.

You rhetorically sarcastic question about the causality between collision events in space and the existance of life only goes to show how fragile you own faith is. If you have to convince yourself by arguments of absurdity you must be terrified to face actual facts, eh?

Let us see if we can tackle it from another angle, why have you chosen Christianity over other religions that share the same story of creation?
And as a bonus question, why have you chosen your particular denomination over the thousands of alternatives within Christianity?



Well-known member
Dear Interplanner,

You definition of closed/open system was a bit strange since it is very different to how these words are meant in physics, but now I understand what you mean.
In fact you are correct, the sum of all the improbabilities is enormous, but that's not a problem.
You see, many things are highly improbable, there is one woman who was struck 3 times by lightning on 3 different occasions. If you had to calculate the probability of this happening, you would also claim that it's impossible.

The conditions necessary for the occurence of life just appeared on this little planet. They could have also appeared anywhere else in the vast universe with so many planets to choose from. The reason we consider this planet our home (albeit very imperfect if you take a closer look) is because we are HERE. If the conditions were unsuitable, we would not be here to talk about it, right?

Your comparison to a painting is nice but quite pointless. You know that Rembrand was an actual person, you know how the process of painting works and you look at the painting within the context of it being on display in a gallery. The notion of our universe being created in a similar manner is very different. That's more like being a single drop of ink without any senses to even know that you're part of a painting.

The conditions "perfect for mankind" are very far from perfect, we cannot inhabit the majority of this planet, the moon and all other planets do nothing at all for us on earth. I can help you understand it: it's really very simple and falls right into place once you stop presupposing that everything that is in existance was placed there for us in mind. It simply was not.

You rhetorically sarcastic question about the causality between collision events in space and the existance of life only goes to show how fragile you own faith is. If you have to convince yourself by arguments of absurdity you must be terrified to face actual facts, eh?

Let us see if we can tackle it from another angle, why have you chosen Christianity over other religions that share the same story of creation?
And as a bonus question, why have you chosen your particular denomination over the thousands of alternatives within Christianity?


Your last question is totally irrelevant to this. Very interesting that you would go that direction. Why is that?

The 2nd to last is a bit better because out of the 4 metaphysical possibilities for a prime cause, Christian falls in the category of 'everything came from a personal intelligent creator' (that's metaphysics in the philosphic sense, the same as you found 'closed system of natural cause and effect' to be. 'Closed system...' is more clear than naturalistic uniformitarianism, but is the same).

There is nothing absurd about saying that it is more sense that an infinite being put earth and moon in place than chancing it to a Katrina. I do not accept your meaning of absurdity and you have no corner on that. What is absurd to me is to see people driving cars down the street who actually believe that the 20 areas identified in THE PRIVILEGED PLANET can just happen to harmonize and integrate the first time and every time with their mountains of 00s it takes to express improbability. And those people are driving cars are in the lane opposite me! Crikey!

Speaking of the moon, do you really want anyone to know you said the other planets do nothing for us? that you said it out loud? Nonsense. Look merely at the gravitational range we live in. Gonzalez and Richards put it this way: imagine a tape measure across our galaxy. The level of gravitational pull is at a certain marked inch. A change one inch either direction is disaster. The moon does nothing?

sorry I don't accept your definition of pointless about the painting. It is exactly the declaration of Scripture; the heavens are his handicraft. I did not ask you, however, to accept that analogy while you thought the world was 'a closed system of natural causes and effects.' That would be pointless. I don't accept that it is closed. God acts in it as he wants to communicate what he wants. He does so to communicate how we may be redeemed, not only for eternal life but for grace and virtue in this life. Instead of being the beasts that T. Huxley thought would be so groovy to be.

This world is not just a mass. It was to be a home and there are "parents" so to speak (taking a few steps down the path of the Christian concept of the Trinity). There was love and communication in the Trinity before the foundation of the world, and it was intended to be here and now as well.

If you have trouble with the livability of this world, it is partly because it is distorted; it has been since the human rebellion egged on by Satan. It is not as created originally. But even so, if you read a history of science like THE ULTIMATE RESOURCE you will see many times that gifts of God through science have made the world pretty nice. Also the broader doctrines of Christianity have engendered medicine, improvements for women and servants, etc., that would otherwise not be there.

The last time I looked at an electricity satelite image taken at night, there were few blacked out areas. It has made things very livable. What "on earth" do you mean by vast majority inhabitable?

Going back to the physics barrier to understanding in the first paragraph, I think it is a trick of that kind of naturalism, to make it impossible to consider the activity of God by the shear force and repetition of physics formulas. As Lewis said in "Religion and Science" in GOD IN THE DOCK:

"Modern science has shown there's no such thing" said my scientist friend about the supernatural.
"But don't you see," said I, "That science never could show anything of the sort?"
"Why on earth not?"
"Because science studies Nature. And the question is whether anything besides Nature exists--anything "outside". How could you find that out by studying simply Nature?"

Then Lewis gives the daily-nickel-in-the-drawer analogy. Ie, what if a person plans to put a nickel in his desk drawer each day. On the 3rd day he has 3, etc., infinitum. "Natural laws are like that provided there's no interference... If there was anything outside Nature, and if it interfered--then the events which the scientist expected wouldn't follow. That would be what we (Christians) call a miracle. In one sense, it wouldn't break the laws of Nature, but those laws can't tell you if Someone will interfere. A child might come take a nickel. A thief might come take them all. Someone tired of change clanging around in their pocket might decide to empty their pocket.

His point was, no scientific law will tell you Someone can't interfere with the daily placement of the nickel. You'd have to ask a psychologist or a parent or a detective that question. Not a scientist.


New member
Duke said:
The heavens and the skies are very far from the entire universe, my friend. I emphasised the point of our being the centre of creation vs. the vastness of the entire universe, a point which you did not address...

I did address your point. Part of the purpose of the universe was to inspire worship, and show His character.*
Duke said:
The phrase you wrote about an "uncaused cause" and what not leaves me a bit consternated as I don't understand any single word, nor the statement as a whole.

Everything that we know of which begins to exist has a cause. So, logic and science suggests that whatever caused everything to begin... at the very beginning, must be something that is uncaused. *IOW...ETERNAL.*

The most scientific and logical explanation for everything is an uncaused , eternal intelligence.*
Duke said:
6days said:
Likewise with evolutionism, there may be 687 different and unique secular explanations as to origins of life, first cause, mutation rates etc.
Of those 1374 opposing ideas, there can only be one that is possibly correct.
Firstly, yes you are correct, there may be as of this moment multiple proposed explanations (though unlikely more than a few), however it's just a matter of time until there is sufficient progress to focus on just one theoretical framework.
There will always be people trying to find ways to deny the obvious... We live in a created universe by the God of the Bible



I did address your point. Part of the purpose of the universe was to inspire worship, and show His character.*

Everything that we know of which begins to exist has a cause. So, logic and science suggests that whatever caused everything to begin... at the very beginning, must be something that is uncaused. *IOW...ETERNAL.*

The most scientific and logical explanation for everything is an uncaused , eternal intelligence.*

There will always be people trying to find ways to deny the obvious... We live in a created universe by the God of the Bible

Dear 6days,

You said a mouthful!! You really do KNOW what is going on!! God deserves our admiration, not our doubt. Some people better make an attitude adjustment/change before it's too late. That's all I can say for now. It is imminent!! If Jesus came late next week, would you all be ready??!!

Be prepared. Tons Of Love To All Of You!!!


:guitar: :singer: :patrol: :cheers: :bang: :angel:


I think what Stu was talking about is the obvious injustice of a deity that punishes people by making them suffer in this life, especially in view of the fact that this suffering is caused by clearly understandable natural causes.
Your explanation doesn't add to clarity, since it offers no distinction between an illness being the result of a person's "previous life", the devil's whim or a simple infection.
Also would you characterize the effects of old age as a disease or not?

Dear TheDuke,

An illness can be the result of a person's previous life or as the effects of a disease of old age. It can also be a test of your loyalty to God. That about wraps it up, to tell you the truth. You've asked me. I've told you.

Thanks for listening!


:guitar: :patrol: :cheers: :cloud9:


That's a very poetic picture and I like it. One problem is that the bible quote is a metaphor and the number of stars in the universe is more numerous than all people who have ever lived by quite a few orders of magnitude.

Furthermore, I thought you said that people are reincarnated...

Dear TheDuke,

Thank you for liking it. The reason there are more stars and magnitudes of them is because many of them are the product of God creating the HOST of HEAVEN. He created them as stars in the beginning before He created man. They are the original angels. Those who leave this Earth to become LIKE the Stars, are not original angels. They are children of God. Their work will be to help others on Earth know how to choose between right and wrong, just like the angels do now.

One-third of the people on Earth will die and either go to Hell or go to sleep for a thousand years until they live again (reincarnation). Most will not go to Hell. God is not a sadist. Only the worst will go to Hell. Very few, to be honest. Satan will go there and some with him. The Antichrist and the false prophet, and most likely the 666 other persons who were deceived by the Antichrist will go straight to the Lake of Fire (our Sun). {See Rev. 19:20 KJV}. One third will remain on the Earth {the meek} and rebuild it. They are good people and life on Earth will become BEAUTIFUL Again. No one will have to worry about being hurt by another. You won't need door locks or nothing. The last third of people will go to Heaven, because they are finally ready after many years of being born over and over, and learning enough through all of that to accumulate the knowledge and spiritual countenance to make them ready to go to Heaven. They will be "as the stars (angels) forever and ever." {See Dan. 12:3 KJV}.

Now, in the very end, those on earth and those who are dead shall rise, those who are in Hell and in the sea shall be taken out and judged, each one who is in the Book of Life, and the rest shall be judged by their works. So even people in Hell have a good chance of going to Heaven. Hopefully they will have learned their lesson by then. If they don't, they go to the Lake of Fire. {See Rev. 20:13 KJV}. I'm trying to tell you all I can the best way I know how. Look up these Bible verses and study a bit. Now I will tell you that Hell is in the center of our Earth, where it is hot with lava and magma, and it is the 'bottomless pit' because it has a center, and a top, but no bottom to speak of. Everyone thinks they are on top because of gravity. I hope that you can understand this symbolism. A gate to the center of the Earth is a Volcano hole. The Lake of Fire is filled with brimstone and intense Heat compared to Hell. And I'll tell you this. A lightning bolt is ten times hotter than the Sun. Just to let you know how hot some things are. Hell is a breeze compared to the Lake of Fire (our Sun). Okay, I hope you understand what I'm saying here. Don't blow a fuse trying to understand it. Just go slow and study the Scriptures. I can't answer all of your posts because you see how complex things are that you didn't realize. I need to go get something to eat, like some cheese and crackers. LOL!!

May God Be With You As You Read!!


:guitar: :guitar: :singer: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


New member
Dear Stuart,

It is a fact that some people will experience diseases to cause them to pay for what they've done in a previous life. They could be Hitler or Mussolini, or a supporter of either one. Also, people have to die somehow, so disease it allowed. Satan gets to cause people disease and God only reverses disease at His Own discretion. The devil has to be allowed some things on Earth, like weeds, which is something God gives him. Why are there weeds, just like why is there cystic fibrosis, cancer, COPD, emphysema, heart attacks, etc. People have to die some way, or the Earth would really be overpopulated. Does all of this answer your questions? Some people just reap what they sow and get their just desserts. What they've done in a previous life. Man cannot learn everything in just one lifetime. He has to learn through quite a number of reincarnations. We are learning a lot during this generation. The same way that God lets people be atheistic. God doesn't want them this time around. Maybe they will learn better in their next lifetime.

It does say, "And the REST OF THE DEAD did not LIVE AGAIN until the thousand years were finished." See Rev. 20:5 KJV.

You're going to have to learn what you didn't in this lifetime and hope you learn it in the next lifetime. It's basic knowledge.

All I can think is to be grateful not to believe in such a nasty, hateful, fearful demon-haunted fantasy world of the mind.

If christianity leads one to this way of thinking then it's just another reason not to join that rather mediocre club.



Well-known member
Reincarnation is not, and never has been, the meaning of personal resurrection in the Bible.

It is appointed to man once to die, and after that the judgement. Christ has appeared and suffered to save mankind, and will appear again, not to save but judge. Get your business cleared up ahead of time. That is the sound of the NT Gospel. Hebrews 9:27-28.

God justifies those who believe on what Christ has done for them. He justifies them from their sins in his sight. Romans 3 and 5.

Michael has completely disqualified himself from Biblical theology by using the term reincarnation, and I don't think he's up to speed on relevant science about cosmology.


New member
Reincarnation is not, and never has been, the meaning of personal resurrection in the Bible.

It is appointed to man once to die, and after that the judgement. Christ has appeared and suffered to save mankind, and will appear again, not to save but judge. Get your business cleared up ahead of time. That is the sound of the NT Gospel. Hebrews 9:27-28.
Surely a great many ordinary mortal human beings have suffered rather greater and more chronically than Jesus Christ?
Suffering for a few hours hardly qualifies for anything very much if compared to the totality of human suffering.
If mortal human suffering alone cannot earn salvation then what use is that of Jesus Christ?
Surely too that those who are/were born only to suffer and perhaps never to experience an opportunity for a proper life have clearly not then acquired any justifiable reason at all to be judged by anyone, even by gods? :plain:

God justifies those who believe on what Christ has done for them. He justifies them from their sins in his sight. Romans 3 and 5.

Michael has completely disqualified himself from Biblical theology by using the term reincarnation, and I don't think he's up to speed on relevant science about cosmology.
I think Michael is just as entitled to his own beliefs as you are, neither of you can do any better than mere evidence-free bald assertion.

patrick jane

Surely a great many ordinary mortal human beings have suffered rather greater and more chronically than Jesus Christ?
Suffering for a few hours hardly qualifies for anything very much if compared to the totality of human suffering.
If mortal human suffering alone cannot earn salvation then what use is that of Jesus Christ?
Surely too that those who are/were born only to suffer and perhaps never to experience an opportunity for a proper life have clearly not then acquired any justifiable reason at all to be judged by anyone, even by gods? :plain:

I think Michael is just as entitled to his own beliefs as you are, neither of you can do any better than mere evidence-free bald assertion.

i know where ur comin' from alright alwight. lol, but yes, the experience of billions of people is not as good as ours, that's fact. it doesn't seem fair but since creation and sin entering, we are cursed to suffer and toil, i have faith that it all makes sense in the end - :chuckle:


Well-known member
Surely a great many ordinary mortal human beings have suffered rather greater and more chronically than Jesus Christ?
Suffering for a few hours hardly qualifies for anything very much if compared to the totality of human suffering.
If mortal human suffering alone cannot earn salvation then what use is that of Jesus Christ?
Surely too that those who are/were born only to suffer and perhaps never to experience an opportunity for a proper life have clearly not then acquired any justifiable reason at all to be judged by anyone, even by gods? :plain:

I think Michael is just as entitled to his own beliefs as you are, neither of you can do any better than mere evidence-free bald assertion.

The evidence in this case is the New Testament statements on a person's status upon death. There is no reincarnation in the Bible. Thats why there is reference to people with God now awaiting those who are still living on earth so that all together they enter the new heaven and earth with Christ at the end of time.

The suffering of Christ was not just one person's, even though a crucifixion is horrible. All sin was placed on him and the wrath of God was meted just on him. He volunteered to intercept it for all who believe.


New member
i know where ur comin' from alright alwight. lol, but yes, the experience of billions of people is not as good as ours, that's fact. it doesn't seem fair but since creation and sin entering, we are cursed to suffer and toil, i have faith that it all makes sense in the end - :chuckle:
I think that Christian apologetics perhaps has a very difficult task indeed in trying to account for an imperfect and arguably an apparently entirely natural world.
A frankly impossible task imo.

Just how do you shoehorn in a perfect God into an imperfect world?
Blaming mankind for his own demise, as feeble as that is, probably is just about the best spin apologetics can do.

Otoh apologetics is perhaps deliberately and desperately trying to steer away from something rather more blindingly obvious and likely which is based on real facts and evidence; that the best evidence for an entirely natural godless world is the apparently entirely natural godless world itself!
A world that just is what it is, often cruel and harsh that no caring involved god created, nor is currently controlling.
Humans have surely created God, not the other way around.:plain:


Active member
re: "All sin was placed on him..."

Is that sin still on Him?

re: "...and the wrath of God was meted just on him."

Exactly what did the wrath consist of and how long did the wrath last?


New member
I think that Christian apologetics perhaps has a very difficult task indeed in trying to account for an imperfect and arguably an apparently entirely natural world.
A frankly impossible task imo.

Just how do you shoehorn in a perfect God into an imperfect world?
Blaming mankind for his own demise, as feeble as that is, probably is just about the best spin apologetics can do.
As Christopher Hitchens always put it, you are born sick but commanded to be well. You accept a human sacrifice in order to have responsibility for your wrongdoing taken away from you. It is compulsory to love the perfect god, on pain of burning in sulfur. The perfect god is perfectly totalitarian. Jesus is the only way.

Hardly an ethical way to deal with an imperfect world.



Dear noguru,

Where are you?? What have you been up to? What thread are you on now? Sure do miss you, RD. I hope that nothing is wrong. Will be looking for you!!

God's Blessings Collide With Your Soul,


patrick jane

I think that Christian apologetics perhaps has a very difficult task indeed in trying to account for an imperfect and arguably an apparently entirely natural world.
A frankly impossible task imo.

Just how do you shoehorn in a perfect God into an imperfect world?
Blaming mankind for his own demise, as feeble as that is, probably is just about the best spin apologetics can do.

Otoh apologetics is perhaps deliberately and desperately trying to steer away from something rather more blindingly obvious and likely which is based on real facts and evidence; that the best evidence for an entirely natural godless world is the apparently entirely natural godless world itself!
A world that just is what it is, often cruel and harsh that no caring involved god created, nor is currently controlling.
Humans have surely created God, not the other way around.:plain:

what's imperfect about this ? it might not make sense now, and i'm not a Bible thumping optimist by any stretch -

Hebrews 11:1 KJV - Hebrews 11:3 KJV -


Well-known member
Creation conference webcast Sep 25-27

In the sample on geology and the deluge, Dr. Austin covers:

About 8 minutes is material on A. Schneider's 1859 workup of tectonic plates during the deluge in what he called "continental sprint" (not drift as per Wegner).

About 12 minutes in is material on the abrupt formation of the "Little Grand Canyon" near Mt St Helens. The title itself is being used in the literature.

About 16 minutes is material on the 1500 dinosaur fossils in Utah with preserved ligaments and tissue.
(scroll down to the sample 45 min presentation)
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