Creation vs. Evolution

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I just find it interesting that there are life forms that have not changed for Hundreds of Millions of years, and you expect me to believe that man Speciated from an Ape like Being in 3.2 Million Years.

Is your real-life family name Gish? Like in "Gish Gallop"?


New member
If evolution means the loss of body parts how is it that for about 4000 years that Jews have their prepuces cut off the children are not born without?
I was surprised that nobody picked up on this sad caricature of evolution when Ben posted it a few months ago. This doesn't even rise to the level of Lamarckism, since circumcision wasn’t done for survival value.
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1. Speciation, Has Proved to have Never Been Observed; within the Fossil Record, or in Nature.
6days, one of your active partners in this thread, said:
Not only is natural selection part of the creationist model, but so is rapid speciation. The ability of organisms to adapt quickly, and even speciate quickly is because of pre-existing info in their genomes.
You creationists really need to all sing the same song at the same time. But, if you want to imply that 6days is a liar, and vice versa, then have at it.


Dear 6days,

I wrote this whole thing out, then went to take a P before saving it and came back and it was gone. Bummer. I will rewrite it to you the best I can remember. I remember that you told me that our Adam was the (first Adam) and Jesus was the (last Adam). You can say what you want. I have written a reply to you in my MSWord Processor that I'm going to keep to myself until I'm ready to post it. It's too much for you to know. You remember how Jesus said to His disciples, There is much more I could say to you, but you are not yet able to hear it. Words to that effect. I hope someone knows where they are written. They are in one of the four gospels, Matt. or John, I would say. But I could be wrong. God help Michael if and when he's wrong on anything.

You will find written in Rev. 10:4 that some secrets are kept from us. "And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write; and I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not." So, you can just find out when everyone else does, 6days.

Also, in Rev. 10:7, "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the Mystery of God should be finished, as He has declared to His servants, the prophets." There is tons of a wealth of information that you're going to learn soon enough. So if any of you, at any time, disagreed with me about something, and I was correct, know that I still love and forgive you regardless. You don't know what you are doing always, though you think you do. The ONLY reason I would reconsider that I might be wrong about something is if I said perhaps one word wrong in it. I have to remain pure, so that the words I give to you are from God and pure. I am doing the best that I possibly can. See if you can do better than me. You are a hard crowd, even in these modern times, you do just the same thing that they did back in the time of Christ. Mock the prophet, for he is only the messenger. Well, they didn't just kill the messenger, they killed God's Son, and that doesn't go down well. Except it were meant by God for that to happen for our sakes, it would not have happened? There are a lot of things God does that seems strange, that you don't know.

That's all I have to say for now. Before you cast the first stone, wait until you hear what the seven voices have uttered. Things you could not hear beforehand. Mankind has come to a much better frame of mind to learn these things. See what happens, 6days, who thinks he knows it all! Yes, the Pharisees knew it all too, eh? Same with the Sadducees. Watch and be ready!! Don't go back to grab a cigarette, or another sip of milk. Go to Jesus when He returns. Everything you do, then, and now, is seen by angels every day. Even when you poop or masturbate, they suffer you. They are very advanced after taking care of man for so long. And if things get gravely out of hand, the angels and servants implore that the Lord hears what is being said and done, and the Lord acts accordingly.

God Keep Your Souls In The Latter Days And Keep You From The Devil/Accuser During Those Times!! This Is The Best Prayer I Can Give You Or Have Given Anyone!!



New member
Michael, there is a current thread titled “Has God Really Spoken to You?” Sounds like most of the personal accounts in that thread about God speaking are small fry compared to yours. You outa check it out.


Michael, there is a current thread titled “Has God Really Spoken to You?” Sounds like most of the personal accounts in that thread about God speaking are small fry compared to yours. You outa check it out.

Dear DavisBJ,

I have already checked it out. I have already posted on it. He who has received little, then little is expected. He who receives A LOT, much is expected. God will bear much fruit indeed with this tree he's planted with me. Thank you.



Dear DavisBJ,

Do you own a Bible?? I'd start reading it, if I were you. I hope you have some idea of what is in it? If you don't, that's why you are atheist. I am going to give you some good rep. pts. to start you on a better tract.

Warmest Regards,



New member
Dear DavisBJ,

Do you own a Bible?? I'd start reading it, if I were you. I hope you have some idea of what is in it? If you don't, that's why you are atheist. I am going to give you some good rep. pts. to start you on a better trac(k).

Warmest Regards,

I have several translations of the Bible. Many more are available on-line. I have Bible commentaries. I studied the Bible, and taught Bible classes for years. I have read it carefully cover to cover. So don’t get too excited about thinking you are going to show me things in the Bible I haven’t seen before.

My atheism is the result of a brutally honest introspection after years as an active Christian. I realized more than 2 decades ago that one of the biggest lies in my life was my pretending that I really believed the Bible account. Had I died 30 years ago, and found God to be real, I would have been condemned for my hypocrisy. Now I haven’t an ounce of fear of standing before a God I didn't think existed. If he damns me to hell, it will be for being far more truthful than I ever was as a Christian.

As I expressed in my first post to you, I do not know why you maintain such an aberrant view about religion. As long as your extremism is limited to frequent threats against atheists on the internet, then I view you as a pretty harmless fanatic. I just hope you don’t take the next step and become the next newspaper headline about a religious psychopath who decided to kill himself and a bunch of others.

Unlike many others here, I read your book before ever conversing with you. And as far as you are concerned, one reason your angelic visitations have been sparse lately is because I met your angel and beat the stuffing out of him a while back. He apologized for leading you on like he has.

If you have something credible to say about a scientific subject, bring it on. But as to religion, I prefer the fiction of Tolkien to that of Enoch and Samuel.


New member
I just find it interesting that there are life forms that have not changed for Hundreds of Millions of years, and you expect me to believe that man Speciated from an Ape like Being in 3.2 Million Years.
You have the right to believe whatever you like.

But do you understand why some species have changed much more rapidly (because their environments have changed) than others?

And do you appreciate that even if the outward appearance of a species may not have changed much, species that have been around for hundreds of millions of years will have a significantly different sequence of base pairs, even though that sequence achieves (say through alternative codons for the same amino acid) the same overall set of phenotypes?



New member
Who are you joking?? You are almost always coming up lacking when you post. Why don't you just read a few books, and come up with one book read this year?
Ok, read the Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins. Is that enough of a recommendation to keep you going? My points are, that if creationists really wanted to know things then they wouldn't expose their ignorance to the world, they would read books then come and discuss their learning online; and are you suggesting that I should type out high school level biology courses for you to ignore, when if you did really want to know there is much more depth and joy to be had from reading it for yourself? I know this from my own experience. Why would I spoil that for you? If you want something to fall asleep by, try the writing of one of the Johns in the New Testament, or the Koran. If you want a page-turner then read Dawkins or any modern popular writers on evolutionary biology. Or Hawking on cosmology.

Get reading! Then we could have a real conversation.



Christ vs. No Christ!

Christ vs. No Christ!

I have several translations of the Bible. Many more are available on-line. I have Bible commentaries. I studied the Bible, and taught Bible classes for years. I have read it carefully cover to cover. So don’t get too excited about thinking you are going to show me things in the Bible I haven’t seen before.

Well BJ, it is a surprise and yet not necessarily. Many Christians say to themselves, how can there be a God Who would allow all of these things to come down on the Earth? Remember they put Daniel in a hot furnace, and he came out fine. How could God have His Son killed, except for doing it for us? For ALL He has done, you reject Him instead of sticking by Him to see why He is doing these things. Stick with him BJ, because the timing couldn't be better indeed. It's extremely soon. It's breathing down your neck! TBH!

My atheism is the result of a brutally honest introspection after years as an active Christian. I realized more than 2 decades ago that one of the biggest lies in my life was my pretending that I really believed the Bible account. Had I died 30 years ago, and found God to be real, I would have been condemned for my hypocrisy. Now I haven’t an ounce of fear of standing before a God I didn't think existed. If he damns me to hell, it will be for being far more truthful than I ever was as a Christian.

You just had the wrong experiences instead of the right ones, or you would not be saying, 'if He damns you to hell'

As I expressed in my first post to you, I do not know why you maintain such an aberrant view about religion. As long as your extremism is limited to frequent threats against atheists on the internet, then I view you as a pretty harmless fanatic. I just hope you don’t take the next step and become the next newspaper headline about a religious psychopath who decided to kill himself and a bunch of others.

I don't want to hurt a fly. I've been known to catch crickets or moths inside my home and releasing them outside the house, rather than kill them. Not the same for roaches, though.

Unlike many others here, I read your book before ever conversing with you. And as far as you are concerned, one reason your angelic visitations have been sparse lately is because I met your angel and beat the stuffing out of him a while back. He apologized for leading you on like he has.

If you have something credible to say about a scientific subject, bring it on. But as to religion, I prefer the fiction of Tolkien to that of Enoch and Samuel.

I'll have you know that angels are with me every day, helping me with everything. And boy, do they help me cook the most delectable foods. I thank God after my meal and tell Him how extremely good it is. When it's not so good, I tell Him. But He makes it best, almost every time. And they help me with EVERYTHING I do.

My last angelic visit was to tell me that, as I looked around and saw the Palm trees, the oven heat, the foliage, the cactus, the haboobs (enormous dust storms), he said I was in a land that was spiritually like Egypt, because it was like the old Egypt in the new land (USA). Same with it being like Sodom (Rev. 11:8) The angel said that Phoenix was also spiritually like Jerusalem, because they want do not want anyone to prophecy to them. (See Ezek. 16:49). Many of the people here are so haughty and have fulness of bread, and they don't help the poor or feed the hungry, when they could. There are beggars everywhere. It's incredible. I try to help them when I can. I'm helped a lot of people here. And the angel said to me, "You will die here." I have never left the state for very long because of it. I have to be in Phoenix on the day He is ready to take me. This city is named after a Phoenix, a mythological bird who burns and rises from the ashes every 500 years. The people here are also haughty, caring only about themselves, etc. Not everyone, of course. But many indeed. Most friends come and go. They can't stand the heat so they leave to go a bit more north. You can be in our city, Phoenix (116 degrees for today) and drive 200 miles to be cool at 80 degrees). Different elevations is all. Flagstaff gets tons of snow, so you can ski there, and far south, at Mt. Lemon.

I haven't needed any angel to come and speak directly to me because just about everything is already set to go. One of the last things to do now is for the two witnesses to die and be raised to heaven after 3 and 1/2 days, and for the 7th angel to sound. There's more too, but I have to keep it to myself for now). I could explain it to you sometime. Remind me the next time you post. This is getting too long. And I have to attend to answering a post from my close friend, Alwight. Now, he's a dear heart with care and concern. He cares about people more than himself. He's not like you at all. If you want to be friends, that would be okay. Just be kind back to me.

Best Regards!




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I really don't know Michael how you know that when you are claiming to speak for God you aren't in fact just as fallible as when you're not. :idunno:

There are certain times when you can definitely tell that God or an angel is speaking to you major things. When the Lord first visited me, I was having a heart attack, and the 3rd choice I thought of (after a doctor or my mother) was to ask God to help. All of the sudden, a loud, commanding, clear voice boomed out in the room, coming from the left ceiling saying ,"Calm Yourself, and think of those you love." That ought to do it for now. Read my book. I can't keep writing things over and over for everyone who keeps asking. Didn't I send you a copy of my book?? I might have you mistaken with another.

I don't just believe in something because someone else asserts something as true, particularly not 6days, when in truth they have no real evidence for it, nor do they have a better insight than I do. I also don't accept something as true simply because some ancient guy, once upon a time, made up a fantasy kiddies' bed time story (A&E).
No sorry Michael I just don't need to believe in any Adams or Eves either for that matter. All cultures have favourite legends and myths that don't actually need to be believed in as true. The Lilith Myth for example is a Hebrew myth about a precursor to Eve, one of Adam's "helpmeets", they're just stories passed around and adapted probably meant only as entertainment originally.

That's what you believe anyway.

It's you who needs to come to terms with your own doctrine with all its contradictions, the actual evidence speaks for itself as far as I'm concerned.

I suggest however Michael that actually you don't know it is true from any other myth from around the world is, which rather suggests to me anyway that it probably isn't true at all. Humans simply like to fabricate stories and then embellish them, but I accept that you believe it is true.

I accept that you honestly believe what you do and are a nice guy and all that but as I've said before I think you are also just a bit bonkers. ;)

OK, well I guess I must be bonkers to you, so it really is stupid of me to write to you. Wow, you've changed, probably thanks to BJ. Oh well, I can't compete with two atheists. I won't even try. Never thought it would come to this. I can't believe all of this. Oh well, you can't believe all of me too, so I guess it adds up.





Stuart & Michael

Stuart & Michael

You have the right to believe whatever you like.

But do you understand why some species have changed much more rapidly (because their environments have changed) than others?

Do you also realize, Stu, that God would make those changes internally or externally in the species because it needed that change so it would not die off. Don't people up north have thicker blood in the winter, than in the summer? God does that too!!

And do you appreciate that even if the outward appearance of a species may not have changed much, species that have been around for hundreds of millions of years will have a significantly different sequence of base pairs, even though that sequence achieves (say through alternative codons for the same amino acid) the same overall set of phenotypes?



Ok, read the Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins. Is that enough of a recommendation to keep you going? My points are, that if creationists really wanted to know things then they wouldn't expose their ignorance to the world, they would read books then come and discuss their learning online; and are you suggesting that I should type out high school level biology courses for you to ignore, when if you did really want to know there is much more depth and joy to be had from reading it for yourself? I know this from my own experience. Why would I spoil that for you? If you want something to fall asleep by, try the writing of one of the Johns in the New Testament, or the Koran. If you want a page-turner then read Dawkins or any modern popular writers on evolutionary biology. Or Hawking on cosmology.

Dear Stuu,

I have no desire to waste any of my brain cells to read what you ask. I'm using tons of them learning about the Lord and His Son, and the Angels, and the Holy Spirit, and my visions, etc. I guess, as you can figure, I do have a full plate. Now what do you think I would pick up to read when I find the time? Well, it'd be the Bible or something similar. Wouldn't you know I would be at My Father's House?? Reading what's on His shelves.

God Bless Your Precious Brain Cells!!




Get reading! Then we could have a real conversation.



New member
Well BJ, it is a surprise and yet … <several paragraphs of aberrant snipped> I'll have you know that angels are with me every day, helping me with everything. And boy, do they help me cook the most delectable foods. I thank God after my meal and tell Him how extremely good it is. When it's not so good, I tell Him. But He makes it best, almost every time. <more goofiness snipped>
I long since saw that in spite of you titling this thread “Creation vs Evolution”, instead it was primarily an opportunity for you to publicize your unique theology. On a few occasions science has been the focus for a few posts, but that has usually been when other thread participants are conversing.

I am as comfortable in my theological stance as you are in yours, and my position is not the result of an inability to differentiate between dreams and reality. So, unless I see a dramatic redirection towards real science in your posts, I will (once again) pretty much ignore them.

(Angels who specialize in gourmet cooking. At least that is a new one.)
I haven't needed any angel to come and speak directly to me because just about everything is already set to go.
I see, the angels are focused now on just showing you the premier way to cook French toast. Glad they have their priorities straight.
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New member
There are certain times when you can definitely tell that God or an angel is speaking to you major things. When the Lord first visited me, I was having a heart attack, and the 3rd choice I thought of (after a doctor or my mother) was to ask God to help. All of the sudden, a loud, commanding, clear voice boomed out in the room, coming from the left ceiling saying ,"Calm Yourself, and think of those you love." That ought to do it for now. Read my book. I can't keep writing things over and over for everyone who keeps asking. Didn't I send you a copy of my book?? I might have you mistaken with another.
Sorry Michael but we are all very fallible and prone to delusion, and your testimony is simply your own account of how things seemed to you at a difficult time. Countless numbers of people experience bad things happening without any direct divine guidance or any apparent godly concern, and when they think they do imo it usually involves whichever deity they already believe in for some reason. I don't think you are lying, I think you are clearly mistaken.


New member
Do you also realize, Stu, that God would make those changes internally or externally in the species because it needed that change so it would not die off. Don't people up north have thicker blood in the winter, than in the summer? God does that too!!
Get back to us when you have something to say that is comprehensible.



Go For It Stu!!

Go For It Stu!!

Ok, read the Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins. Is that enough of a recommendation to keep you going? My points are, that if creationists really wanted to know things then they wouldn't expose their ignorance to the world, they would read books then come and discuss their learning online; and are you suggesting that I should type out high school level biology courses for you to ignore, when if you did really want to know there is much more depth and joy to be had from reading it for yourself? I know this from my own experience. Why would I spoil that for you? If you want something to fall asleep by, try the writing of one of the Johns in the New Testament, or the Koran. If you want a page-turner then read Dawkins or any modern popular writers on evolutionary biology. Or Hawking on cosmology.

Get reading! Then we could have a real conversation.


Dear Stuart,

Pretty good response. I save my brain cells for religious and spiritual works usually. What has happened to you. You used to be a troller and now you're acting way different. What's going on??!! Well, I'm glad for you. Stu, I just got finished writing my Sixth Edition on my book, and I am tired of reading or writing anything for a long while. It took me 25 years to write my first book. I had 25 years of experiences, visions, angelic visits, Holy Ghost visits during those years and wrote about them in 1998 and 1999. My book has been in the Downtown Phoenix Library for since 2003. It's always getting checked out and that's why they keep it on their shelves. Stu, I'm pleased with your 'change.' Cool! Keep up the wisdom instead of buffoon.

My books have been at the Library, the First Edition, for 11 years. That's no big whoop. I don't sell them usually, though I have, of course. And I have done some book signings. I prefer to give them away to others by making it available on my website. God gave it to me free and so I give it to others free, most likely to the chagrin of my publishers. If you want to get a copy from Barnes & Noble, or, you have to pay $14.95 for it, plus tax. And they have to order it for you. So best to get it free from me. I'm still not happy enough with it. There will be a seventh edition, which will be the Last.

Well, will close for now. You take good care of yourself and keep in touch!!

The chapters John wrote aren't so boring if you understand them. Then they can be interesting. I love Revelation the best, of course. And Daniel is really helpful also. Will try to write more often.

May God Add More And Even More Wisdom To You,





Get back to us when you have something to say that is comprehensible.


Dear Stuart,

I'm just saying perhaps there is a genome that is different than a cat who lives in the upper hemisphere compared to one who lives in Phoenix, where it's not usually cold at all, but extremely hot. Frigid compared to oven-baked. The shedding is different too. But I'm sure their blood (same as human's) is thinner here in Phoenix than it's counterpart in Michigan. They would probably be a tad different in makeup. Same with many of the animals and men living down here compared to those living up north. Plus animals would have to be worried about coyotes here and the roadrunners, scorpions and black widows. All not usually a problem, till I saw a guy who got bit by a brown recluse spider in the Emergency Room at the hospital and his skin was all stretched out and quite a mess.

Well, will cut this short for now. I am just too tired for gabbing tonite. I had to get up unusually early this morning to go to a doctor's appt. I have cancer and we're trying to keep an eye on how far it's spreading or how insidious it has been.

Best Wishes,



May God Take From You What You've Taken From Me, B.J.!!

May God Take From You What You've Taken From Me, B.J.!!

I long since saw that in spite of you titling this thread “Creation vs Evolution”, instead it was primarily an opportunity for you to publicize your unique theology. On a few occasions science has been the focus for a few posts, but that has usually been when other thread participants are conversing.

I am as comfortable in my theological stance as you are in yours, and my position is not the result of an inability to differentiate between dreams and reality. So, unless I see a dramatic redirection towards real science in your posts, I will (once again) pretty much ignore them.

You're incorrect, BJ, I started this thread on the basis of Creation vs. Evolution, not so much science, but beliefs. It is the basis for this thread. Because we chat about other things sometimes makes no difference whatsoever about Creation or Evolution. What I'm saying is your Evolution is wrong and that Creationism is right. Is that plain enough for you?? I say, whatever you want to believe, have at it. After all I have done, I guess it is time to go and chat with friends of mine who are Christian. I guess I was nuts to believe that Christians and Atheists could be friends. So BJ, you've killed a lot of friendships, and God has seen your handiwork. It's got your fingerprints all over it. So then, who am I to judge. It's between you and God. Just like my 'dreams and reality', you will find out what is 'a dream and what is a reality.'

(Angels who specialize in gourmet cooking. At least that is a new one.)

I see, the angels are focused now on just showing you the premier way to cook French toast. Glad they have their priorities straight.

No, not angels who specialize in gourmet cooking. I've been working in restaurants a good part of my life, so the experience is not ALL from the angels, but definitely they've helped. It's been over 10 or 20 years since I've made French Toast. You are a real nut. And I'm the one who is bonkers?? I said my angel helps me cook good meals. If you don't believe me, ask my friends. Scrumptious foods I am eating, or I don't like to bother to eat.

Well, I guess my friendship with Alwight wasn't based on a good foundation. I am in shock that he heads your way. What have you done for him in the past few months? I've been his buddy, not you. It's okay, I have a lot of other friends here at TOL. And perhaps Alwight will come back once you leave, B.J.

Alwight, if this is what you really want, then okay. I know you feel like you have to be sided with the atheist over the theist, so there you go. B.J. You will find out that I haven't been lying and knew what I was talking about all along, and for once, I will not pray that God forgives you. You have taken precious things from me, so let them be taken from you. God never said anything that He didn't mean. He said instead, 'Whatever I say, so shall it not turn to me undone.' So learn from that B.J. As it is, I am done with you and will wait for Alwight to discover who is his real friend.

Good Riddance,



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