Creation vs. Evolution II

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Tyrathca;4689861]Are you a true Christian? If yes then how do you know you wont leave the faith in a few years? How do you know what you are thinking now isn't exactly what many ex-christians have felt too?

The answer is you don't. For all you know you aren't even a Christian yourself according to your own rules. :think:
And yet many will say that they believed exactly the same thing at one time. So you believing it now is no guarantee that you are a true Christian either :)

And you know you aren't doing exactly this too how? Most ex-christians didn't know they were doing it even as they denounced others for it just as you have done.

There is no such thing as an ex-christian !

I know in whom I have believed and am persuaded that HE is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day !

I know in whom I have believed=Jesus

And am persuaded= BELIEVE

that HE is able= God keeps His own

to keep that which I have committed unto Him=my eternal soul

Against that day= judgement

A hoax that has somehow convinced the vast VAST majority of scientists, even the Christian ones? Do you have any idea the gargantuan magnitude of conspiracy that would take to maintain? It would be unsustainable.

Of course it is a hoax ( LIE ) ; otherwise, anyone could dig anywhere and find something in transition.

When you deny your very creator , God , to follow and believe a lie and then immerse your lies in your god of science that is exactly what Satan had planned and you fell for it, sadly.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Are you a true Christian? If yes then how do you know you wont leave the faith in a few years? How do you know what you are thinking now isn't exactly what many ex-christians have felt too?The answer is you don't. For all you know you aren't even a Christian yourself according to your own rules. :think: And yet many will say that they believed exactly the same thing at one time. So you believing it now is no guarantee that you are a true Christian either :)And you know you aren't doing exactly this too how? Most ex-christians didn't know they were doing it even as they denounced others for it just as you have done. A hoax that has somehow convinced the vast VAST majority of scientists, even the Christian ones? Do you have any idea the gargantuan magnitude of conspiracy that would take to maintain? It would be unsustainable.

Darwinists will discuss anything but the evidence.

Anything to insulate their precious religion from scrutiny.


New member
There is no such thing as an ex-christian !
Sure there are. The generally used definition meaning those who used to see themselves as Christian but now no-longer do so. Claims of them not being "true Christians" doesn't really matter.

I know in whom I have believed and am persuaded that HE is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day !

I know in whom I have believed=Jesus

And am persuaded= BELIEVE

that HE is able= God keeps His own

to keep that which I have committed unto Him=my eternal soul

Against that day= judgement
And most of the people who once thought of themselves/called themselves Christian (but don't now) also said they thought those things. So what makes you so sure you're different from them when they said they once thought the same things you do?

Of course it is a hoax ( LIE ) ; otherwise, anyone could dig anywhere and find something in transition.
What is wrong with the current examples?
When you deny your very creator , God , to follow and believe a lie and then immerse your lies in your god of science that is exactly what Satan had planned and you fell for it, sadly.
Translation: "Science is the work of Satan" says the person on their computer. Why don't you go live with the Amish rather than being a hypocrite?


New member
Tyrathca;4689994]Sure there are. The generally used definition meaning those who used to see themselves as Christian but now no-longer do so. Claims of them not being "true Christians" doesn't really matter.

And most of the people who once thought of themselves/called themselves Christian (but don't now) also said they thought those things. So what makes you so sure you're different from them when they said they once thought the same things you do?

What is wrong with the current examples?
Translation: "Science is the work of Satan" says the person on their computer. Why don't you go live with the Amish rather than being a hypocrite?

I do not bow at the altar of science. Science in itself is not bad until it tries ( and in many cases succeeded )to replace God as it has done.

There are many proofs of the existence of God, but you of course ignore them all to your own eternal destruction, sadly.


Problem is that God being able to turn anyone into a pillar of salt without causing a massive explosions and or lethal radiation is not science. There simply isn't enough sodium or chloride int he body to even make much of a small pile, no amount of chemistry will help since we are talking about basic elements. The only solution is to resort to fusion, which when dealing with the mass of a human tends to lead to literally earth shattering results.

Dear Tyrathca,

Well, look who is back? How are you doing? Ty, you must understand that God can turn anyone into anything regardless of whether it makes sense or not. When you are a Master Chemist, come tell me about it. We can only imagine what was happening in Sodom's storm that rained upon them from God. Something He did not want man to see, so He said not to look, or you would be silenced. Thus, we don't have Lot's wife to tell us what was happening. But be sure that it doesn't matter how much salt one has in their body. God can still turn them into a pillar of salt. Also, you might notice that the area of Sodom is now loaded with salt, including the Dead Sea. It is a sea which might seem like a lake, since it is surrounded by land, etc. It has a very high level of salt in it.

Have A Wonderful Day,



MIke you have good writing skills !!

Dear PJ,

You have some yourself!! I'm impressed! I guess you get a lot of practice posting on many threads. All I can ever seem to do is try to keep up with thread, as it is. My email takes a lot of time too. It gives me computer-neck. Sore!!

Praise God And Thank Him For Everything!!



New member
Ty, you must understand that God can turn anyone into anything regardless of whether it makes sense or not.
Sure, so long as you don't call it compatible with science and anything short of a violation of physics. A "miracle" if you will. That was the point.
Also, you might notice that the area of Sodom is now loaded with salt, including the Dead Sea. It is a sea which might seem like a lake, since it is surrounded by land, etc. It has a very high level of salt in it.
For which there is a natural explanation. The Dead Sea is technically not a sea but actually a hypersaline lake (regardless of the name) and not even the largest or saltiest one anyway, it just happens to be the most famous for some reason.


New member
What is wrong with the current examples?
Pftttt :)
Imagine ten fossils of totally different things... Now give them to an evolutionist who can arrange them and tell stories.

I see your link lists Archaeopteryx at top of the list as a transitional.
How about you list ten reasons why you think it is transitional... Then I will list ten reasons why it isn't transitional.

You ask 'whats wrong with current examples'. Whats wrong is that your examples are all based on silly stories... and not even all evolutionists agree with these 'just so stories'. Whats wrong is shoddy interpretations of evidence.


New member
Whats wrong is that your examples are all based on silly stories... and not even all evolutionists agree with these 'just so stories'. Whats wrong is shoddy interpretations of evidence.
Couldn't that be said no matter what fossils are dug up?


Whats wrong is that your examples are all based on silly stories... and not even all evolutionists agree with these 'just so stories'. Whats wrong is shoddy interpretations of evidence.

Not even all Christians agree with one interpretation of the Bible.


Pftttt :)
Imagine ten fossils of totally different things... Now give them to an evolutionist who can arrange them and tell stories.

I see your link lists Archaeopteryx at top of the list as a transitional.
How about you list ten reasons why you think it is transitional... Then I will list ten reasons why it isn't transitional.

You ask 'whats wrong with current examples'. Whats wrong is that your examples are all based on silly stories... and not even all evolutionists agree with these 'just so stories'. Whats wrong is shoddy interpretations of evidence.

Dear 6days,

Thanks for posting and keeping up the good work. Please post often. Don't be a stranger!

May God Cover Your Back With Wings,



Not even all Christians agree with one interpretation of the Bible.
I know what you mean, Jonah! It's an awful shame, but one should search for the true meaning of the words. Sometimes, we won't know until we go to Heaven. Sometimes only God knows what He meant when He spoke the words.

Much Love And God's Best 4 U!!

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