Church and Government


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It means a society filled with many people of differing beliefs and religions and ethics/morals.

That's great. I am all for it.

I was speaking strictly in the context of government and the laws it can pass.

Witnessing to others is something everybody should do on a daily basis, and has nothing really to do with government.

But if you become a Senator or a President, you need to find a way to promote values in a non-sectarian way. For example, if you are against abortion, you need to make the case without using the Bible, because many folks don't recognize the Bible as the Word of God. Same for gay marriage, or whatever. You would need to make make your case appealing and convincing to everyone regardless of their beliefs.


It means a society filled with many people of differing beliefs and religions and ethics/morals.

That's great. I am all for it.

I was speaking strictly in the context of government and the laws it can pass.

Witnessing to others is something everybody should do on a daily basis, and has nothing really to do with government.

But if you become a Senator or a President, you need to find a way to promote values in a non-sectarian way. For example, if you are against abortion, you need to make the case without using the Bible, because many folks don't recognize the Bible as the Word of God. Same for gay marriage, or whatever. You would need to make make your case appealing and convincing to everyone regardless of their beliefs.
The Gospel does not change once a person is in office.


God wants no King. The Old Testament shows how bad an idea it is. This president does not seek God. He has said publicly he has no reason to ask forgiveness. He is as corrupt as they come. He only uses religion, which is what con men do.

Again Christians who tie themselves into worldly politics only soils the gospel. Jesus is King period. Why settle for the profane when you have the divine? Why do you think He said His kingdom is not of this world?

John 18:36
Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place."

Why do you think Paul wrote this?

1 Corinthians 5
9 I wrote you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people. 10 I was not including the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. 11 But now I am writing you not to associate with anyone who claims to be a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a verbal abuser, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.

12 What business of mine is it to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked man from among you.”

The church is making the same mistake over and over. They associate themselves with the world and not the next.

Isaiah 48:20
"Leave Babylon, flee from the Babylonians! Announce this with shouts of joy and proclaim it. Send it out to the ends of the earth; say, "The LORD has redeemed his servant Jacob."


You might not care about God's name in the world but He does.

Ezekiel 20:21-22
But the children [Israel] rebelled against me: They did not follow my decrees, they were not careful to keep my laws—although the man who obeys them will live by them and they desecarated my Sabbaths. So I said I would pour out my wrath on them and spend my anger against them in the desert. But I withheld my hand, and for the sake of my name I did what would keep it from being profaned in the eyes of the nations in whose sight I had brought them out.
If you know about something it may be good to say something, so good job.

However, in the Torah God speaks of a King.


I know that, but when you are in office you have to make your case for your proposals to people who do NOT believe in the Gospel too.

I realize that communicating with others who do not share my beliefs may be a challenge, but it does not change the message.


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Sure it would. It would put them out of business. Because you can make laws against things that you do not support.

And what would stop private investors from stepping in and doubling the funding?


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If you think Trump is seeking God in all he does, you've pulled wool over your own eyes.
If you don't see a change in his personality and in his speech, you're not watching him very closely. He said that he needs God more in this office than at any time in his life. He is praying and seeking God; I believe that he does so more than any contemporary President.


If you think Trump is seeking God in all he does, you've pulled wool over your own eyes.

Democrats are the party of infanticide and gay marriage. Trump is a pro-life champion and is fighting the socialists. If you can't see THAT then YOU have wool over YOUR eyes.

Besides, you don't have the first clue about Trump's relationship with God. Only God and Trump know that. You comment is fueled by sheer hate and no facts.


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Democrats are the party of infanticide and gay marriage.

What do the dumbocrats have anything to do with it?

Trump is a pro-life champion

If Trump is a pro-life champion to you, then you've believed the fake news about him.

Don't click this link if you want to continue believing that Trump is "pro-life".

and is fighting the socialists. If you can't see THAT then YOU have wool over YOUR eyes.

Besides, you don't have the first clue about Trump's relationship with God.

If he's a Christian, then he isn't acting like one.

He's acting very much like a dumbocrat turned republican taught how to be appealing to the Christian right.

Only God and Trump know that.

"By their fruits ye shall know them..."

You comment is fueled by sheer hate and no facts.

That's a knee-jerk reaction if I've ever seen one...

On the contrary, I don't hate Donald Trump.

I just don't support him.

I want him to repent towards God.