Christians are always bullied by society


New member
Society bullies Christians. Example: you, a Christian, want to stand on a street corner and witness against abortion. Suddenly laws are created to keep you from doing that, even though this is supposed to be a free country. You can't go within X feet of the "clinic" where babies are killed. Disgusting

you are supposed to sign off on a gay marraige license even though you don't believe in gay marriage. Some states would force you to do that or lose your job

There is a new law being proposed in (I believe) Mississippi that protects Christian business owners from being forced to engage in certain practices that go against their faith. But of course, this is called "discriminatory" against gays. to heck with what discriminates against Christians, though..

We have to elect a Christian president, one who has stood against this kind of un-Constitutional nonsense. And Ted Cruz is it. He has argued religious liberty cases (and 2nd Amendment cases) with the sup Ct.. and WON



All that
just to endorse a candidate :rotfl:

I'll have to remind myself to read the end of posts first :rolleyes:

Bradley D

Well-known member
Christians will always be hated and despised by the world. If not then the professed Christian is doing something wrong. I have noticed that not all of Sen. Cruz's campaign has been all that honest. Is this a "Religion" thread?


New member
There is a lot of persecution in the world towards Christians, but I think pretty often Christians suffer not because of being a Christian but because of being unnecessarily annoying.

I don't think Christians are supposed to invade everyone and tell them how they're supposed to live. I've never seen such a pattern in the Bible.

The Horn

Sorry, but this is an example of Christian hypocrisy and whining . Christians ARE allowed to protest at women's health facilities, which do much,moocher than abortions, also providing them with the very contraceptives which PREVENT abortions and much else .
But they do NOT have the right to harass, scream at and intimidate women trying to enter these facilities , which many Christian abortion protesters do . Some are violent toward innocent women here, many of whom are not even having abortions .
This is why these clinics do not allow abortion protesters within certain limits of their location by feet .
Your Christian faith does NOT give you the right to discriminate against gay people, or anyone else . Discrimination is discrimination, and totally unacceptable. If you're opposed to same sex marriage, tough noogies. It's now the law of the land, as it SHOULD be .
Christians, please stop whining about imaginary "persecution" of Christians while you are harassing and interfering with the private lives and rights of other people just because you disapprove of who they are and what they are doing .
If you are a persecutor, don't accuse others of persecuting YOU .

Greg Jennings

New member
Society bullies Christians. Example: you, a Christian, want to stand on a street corner and witness against abortion. Suddenly laws are created to keep you from doing that, even though this is supposed to be a free country. You can't go within X feet of the "clinic" where babies are killed. Disgusting

you are supposed to sign off on a gay marraige license even though you don't believe in gay marriage. Some states would force you to do that or lose your job

There is a new law being proposed in (I believe) Mississippi that protects Christian business owners from being forced to engage in certain practices that go against their faith. But of course, this is called "discriminatory" against gays. to heck with what discriminates against Christians, though..

We have to elect a Christian president, one who has stood against this kind of un-Constitutional nonsense. And Ted Cruz is it. He has argued religious liberty cases (and 2nd Amendment cases) with the sup Ct.. and WON

Are you saying that Christians don't bully?


Sorry, but this is an example of Christian hypocrisy and whining . Christians ARE allowed to protest at women's health facilities, which do much,moocher than abortions, also providing them with the very contraceptives which PREVENT abortions and much else .
But they do NOT have the right to harass, scream at and intimidate women trying to enter these facilities , which many Christian abortion protesters do . Some are violent toward innocent women here, many of whom are not even having abortions .
This is why these clinics do not allow abortion protesters within certain limits of their location by feet .
Your Christian faith does NOT give you the right to discriminate against gay people, or anyone else . Discrimination is discrimination, and totally unacceptable. If you're opposed to same sex marriage, tough noogies. It's now the law of the land, as it SHOULD be .
Christians, please stop whining about imaginary "persecution" of Christians while you are harassing and interfering with the private lives and rights of other people just because you disapprove of who they are and what they are doing .
If you are a persecutor, don't accuse others of persecuting YOU .

Oh, blow it out your other end.

You all are suing people for not making gay wedding cakes or having a portrait of Jesus on a public wall, out of sheer contempt and a desire to harass Christians the best you can.

If it were the other way around, you all to climb up on a cross and martyr yourselves :rolleyes:

The Horn

I've never "harassed " Christians, and I have many Christian friends . The "persecution" of Christians in America is an urban legend created by whining right-wing pundits .


New member
Christians will always be hated and despised by the world. If not then the professed Christian is doing something wrong. I have noticed that not all of Sen. Cruz's campaign has been all that honest. Is this a "Religion" thread?

what u have probably noticed is that it has been ACCUSED of not being entirely honest. I have seen no proof. As you may know, all political campaigns are full of vitriol and truth-stretching

and the liar Drump takes the cake for all that


New member
I've never "harassed " Christians, and I have many Christian friends . The "persecution" of Christians in America is an urban legend created by whining right-wing pundits .

then you have no idea what it's like to be hated for being a Christian

talk about things you do know about then


New member
There is a lot of persecution in the world towards Christians, but I think pretty often Christians suffer not because of being a Christian but because of being unnecessarily annoying.

I don't think Christians are supposed to invade everyone and tell them how they're supposed to live. I've never seen such a pattern in the Bible.

obviously you haven't read it

Jesus annoyed people like no one else--and look what happened to HIM


TOL Subscriber
This is yet another example of assigning general negative human behavior to one particular group.

Humans bully. Humans are Christians or non-Christians, so both can be bullies. Most Christians are not bullies. Many non-Christians are not bullies.

Bullying is a thing humans do, and it's wrong for Christians and non-Christians. Accusations by either/any group of humans while being oblivious to (and defensive of) the same behavior within one's own group is hypocrisy and naivete'.

Both Christians and non-Christians are guilty of bullying, but it's because of their humanity not their religious affiliation or lack thereof. Extremes of individuals do not necessarily represent the whole of any group.

There are no good or authentically Christian candidates, so endorsing any particular one is still supporting evil.

Attitudes and behaviors will likely ultimately lead to true oppression and persecution, but Christians are not being persecuted in any historical sense in the US... yet. Ignored and overrun, etc., yes. The real persecution is coming. Don't cry so soon.


Hall of Fame
This is yet another example of assigning general negative human behavior to one particular group.

Humans bully. Humans are Christians or non-Christians, so both can be bullies. Most Christians are not bullies. Many non-Christians are not bullies.

Bullying is a thing humans do, and it's wrong for Christians and non-Christians. Accusations by either/any group of humans while being oblivious to (and defensive of) the same behavior within one's own group is hypocrisy and naivete'.

Both Christians and non-Christians are guilty of bullying, but it's because of their humanity not their religious affiliation or lack thereof. Extremes of individuals do not necessarily represent the whole of any group.

There are no good or authentically Christian candidates, so endorsing any particular one is still supporting evil.

Attitudes and behaviors will likely ultimately lead to true oppression and persecution, but Christians are not being persecuted in any historical sense in the US... yet. Ignored and overrun, etc., yes. The real persecution is coming. Don't cry so soon.


The Horn

Whatever67, most Non-Christians in America don't "hate" Christians , including me . There is no "persecution " of Christians in America .
A tiny number of Christians in America have gotten themselves into trouble for interfering with the private lives of others and violating their rights, particularly gay people, and trying to impose their religion and mores on others . But this is not persecution , just the Karma of being a bigoted, narrow-minded, intolerant and self-righteous jerk .


New member
I agree with the horn. We Christians can have our own beliefs and opinions but we can't force them on other people. The law is the law. Even the bible says we need to obey the law, and if gay marriage is allowed, then it's not our place to prevent that from happening. Plus it's not our place to reprimand people who sin, we need to love these people and let God do his job.
As Christians we are not suppose to police everyone.