Christian Kids in the Public School


New member
Great education?!?! :rotfl:

Do you even know how many kids graduate these days who don't know how to read or write? :loser:

Care to tell us? For whatever number that may be, odds are that public school is their only option.
Of course, they sure know how to roll a joint and put a condom on, but basic learning skills - don't make me laugh!

My public school didn't teach me that :( :idunno:

You (an Nin) react call out people who generalize homeschoolers as sheltered, but you generalize public schoolers as sex-fiend drugees just as quickly


New member
Great education?!?! :rotfl:

Do you even know how many kids graduate these days who don't know how to read or write? :loser:

Of course, they sure know how to roll a joint and put a condom on, but basic learning skills - don't make me laugh!

i know how to roll a joint and put a condom on and i didn't go to public school.
while some of it is partly due to influence, a lot of it has to do with the child as well.


New member
We are challenged to do something about public schooling, and not just holler about how bad it is.

But you are not challenged to take a stand against homeschooling or any form of schooling because you take the apathetic stance of, "It's their choice," to send their kids to private school, public school, or homeschooling.

So many instances have been brought up against public schooling, and we are challenged to do something about it. We are. We are shouting out the truth and we are telling you reason, but speaking doesn't seem to be enough for you. You seem to want us to do something more.

Bad things happen daily in the public school system, all over the country! But of course, you took responsibility and sent your kids to a safe public school where they would grow in the Lord and be the salt and light to his/her classmates. It would be true of any school you happened to live next to, actually.

And now, you are condemning a mother who is looking out for the welfare of all the children who's parents would read her posts, and you are not ashamed. Why is speaking not enough?


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We are challenged to do something about public schooling, and not just holler about how bad it is.

But you are not challenged to take a stand against homeschooling or any form of schooling because you take the apathetic stance of, "It's their choice," to send their kids to private school, public school, or homeschooling.

So many instances have been brought up against public schooling, and we are challenged to do something about it. We are. We are shouting out the truth and we are telling you reason, but speaking doesn't seem to be enough for you. You seem to want us to do something more.

Bad things happen daily in the public school system, all over the country! But of course, you took responsibility and sent your kids to a safe public school where they would grow in the Lord and be the salt and light to his/her classmates. It would be true of any school you happened to live next to, actually.

And now, you are condemning a mother who is looking out for the welfare of all the children who's parents would read her posts, and you are not ashamed. Why is speaking not enough?
Was this post directed at anyone in particular?


You (an Nin) react call out people who generalize homeschoolers as sheltered, but you generalize public schoolers as sex-fiend drugees just as quickly

If kids who attend public school are not sex-fiend drugees, then that is certainly the exception to the rule. When the MAJORITY do behave that way - it's easy to make generalizations.


New member
If kids who attend public school are not sex-fiend drugees, then that is certainly the exception to the rule. When the MAJORITY do behave that way - it's easy to make generalizations.

but it isn't the majority. those are just the cases that get talked about, you don't hear about the nice smart kids who graduate and go on to college...


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DXPose said:
Do you even know how many kids graduate these days who don't know how to read or write?
How many?
And, however big that number is, why do you think it is that way?


I do, in my own way. One way is warning folks about pullik skool.

As for getting involved by offering up my daughter, no thank you. I dunno how many articles I've posted about about parents who have tried getting involved and being told to sit down and shut up. It's usually over sex ed.

I don't know how old your kids are PJ, but I'm curious about something. Do they believe in evolution?

From bottom to top:

No, my kids don't believe the theory of evolution nonsense.
Our oldest son will soon be 22.

I was repeatedly invited - as a pastor - to teach "Sex Ed From A Christian Perspective" in our public school. We taught in both junior high and senior high - and did this for YEARS.

And I'll respectfully disagree with the idea that "warning people" is actually getting involved and making a difference.

Nin, you're obviously a wonderful person - but we simply don't see eye-to-eye on this.


Great education?!?! :rotfl:

Do you even know how many kids graduate these days who don't know how to read or write? :loser:

Of course, they sure know how to roll a joint and put a condom on, but basic learning skills - don't make me laugh!

Tell ya what... Care to put 3 of your kids up - academically - against my 3 "public school educated" kids? I'm talking about my 3 kids that did NOT learn to roll joints and put on condoms in public school.

Let me give you a hint... You would find yourself, and your kids, terribly humiliated. Let me throw in a little :loser: for your home-schooled education!


No one in particular, but I'm hoping Parson Jefferson will read it. :)

I read it, and wondered the same thing KMoney did.

And guess what? You're VERY wrong about what I did.

I got involved and made a difference in the Public School my kids were in.

If you want to do nothing but sit on your butt and criticize the Public School System, fine. But don't expect to be taken seriously, because talk is cheap and non-involved critics are a dime-a-dozen. Sorry...


New member
When Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature," He wasn’t speaking to children, He was speaking to His disciples who were grown men and who were under His exclusive instruction for three full years!

Would you send your child off to fight the war in Iraq if he only had two weeks of boot camp?

From a Biblical perspective however, children are not trained to be missionaries; they are children, still in training! Children are supposed to be discipled by their parents, not turned over to the enemy to become disciples. God NEVER once in His Word called children to be missionaries - NEVER!

Are you sure about that?

It's not my responsibility to take care of other people children. It is beyond my understanding as to why Christian parents would be willing to send their children into a hostile, perverted, godless environment, to be missionaries in an effort to lead others to Jesus. Why would parents risk their own kids at the sake of others? Seems rather irresponsible to me.

Okay - you got me!
Ooo what fire... What if I said to you that I thought all Christians should remove their kids from public schools and allow the public schools be representative of our Constitutional Philosophy... of academia etc....
And that the problems which are currently plaguing many schools would be addressed through strict social programs and educational efforts .... how would that sit with you.... I'm assuming you would want to cut the purse strings so that none of your money went towards maintaining such a system... and of course in return you would receive no vouchers and any other amenities......

How would that sit with you..... and for how long? How would that continue to transform America and ultimately impact on pockets of Christianity around America...?


New member
I read it, and wondered the same thing KMoney did.

And guess what? You're VERY wrong about what I did.

I got involved and made a difference in the Public School my kids were in.

If you want to do nothing but sit on your butt and criticize the Public School System, fine. But don't expect to be taken seriously, because talk is cheap and non-involved critics are a dime-a-dozen. Sorry...

Talking about homeschoolers being socially inadequet is cheap too, don't you think?

You can say you have a good public school. You've gotten involved with your children's education. Great. But the majority of children that go through the public school system grow up hearing and seeing things that should not be a part of their daily lives. Do you agree that there are numorous cases of a bad influence or decision in the public school system?


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socially inadequet? What's inadequet?

One bad decision in the public school system?