cheap salvation

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
You see, this kind comment makes Jesus' salvation so cheap.

Salvation is not cheap. It costed Him His life.

If we don't appreciate what He has done by saying like "your works cannot save you", odds are we will not be accepted in His kingdom.

Jesus is our Lord, He commands us many things to do.

Jesus gave us many things to do.

Jesus says if you love me, keep My commands.

so it is obvious we ought to obey His commands because without loving Him there is no salvation.

Your works [that you admit have not saved you] are an abomination

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
If it were possible that we by our works or obedience could be saved then God would not have sent His Son to the cross.

You cain't be saved until you admit your disobedience [sin] if you claim obedience you are saying you have not sinned, making God a liar.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If it were possible that we by our works or obedience could be saved then God would not have sent His Son to the cross.

this statement alone shows you do not understand what Jesus did
do you understand what we are saying
let me ask you a question

was anyone saved before Jesus did what He did?

yes or no


New member
Was anyone saved before Jesus did what He did? The answer is Yes, contingent upon Jesus' doing what He did.

Ben Masada

New member
When you say "your works cannot save you", it is saying "obedience to Jesus will not save you" which is so ungrateful thing to say to the Lord after what He has done for us..

In that case, if Jesus were still around, he would be in trouble with you because Jesus was the one himself who had said that the only thing to save you is to listen to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31) You don't believe him, do you? I'll understand if you tell me: "Yes, I don't believe what he said." Well Meshak, indeed, there is no other way to say that thing because, I have proved with the proper evidence in Luke 16:29-31 that, he did say that there is no other way to achieve salvation but to listen to "Moses aka the Law.


New member
In that case, if Jesus was still around, he would be in trouble with your because Jesus was the one himself who had said that will save you is to listen to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31) You don't believe him, do you? I'll understand if you tell me: "Yes, I don't believe what he said." Well Meshak, indeed, there is no other way to say that because, I have prove with the proper evidence that he did say that there is no other way but to listen to "Moses aka the Law.

Which is the reason why the 7 churches in Rev. that existed in what is now modern day Turkey (then called Asia in the Word) no longer exist, but are buried in a country that is 99% Muslim. As He said He would, He removed their CANDLESTICK. For those of you who don't know, this was a reference to the MENORAH in the inner court portion of the Tabernacle OF MOSES.

But why listen to us.....go on thinking your Hellenistic, Constantine approved, watered down anti-grafted-into-the-tree, understanding of the Word is correct. Soon the candlestick will be removed again. Peace

Ben Masada

New member
OSAS does not conclude with the wicked going to Heaven. There are some people, a minority, who believe that once you get baptized or something, then you can be unrepentant, not observe God, and still reap salvation- which is general heresy, and not what OSAS is.

If you ask me, that's absurd and akin to a mind out of order. Without repentance if this is what you mean, there is no chance to achieve salvation. (Isaiah 1:18,19) Without repentance and return to the obedience of God's Law, there will be no personal salvation

Ben Masada

New member
That's why I say the Christianity in the west is chaos because many of them don't seem to know how to be saved.

I don't think that the point is that they don't know but because Christian
preconceived notions have them "by the nose" if you understand the figure of speech.

Ben Masada

New member
Is salvation a directional belief system? How about the north and south? Can they be saved or is it more difficult?

What defines what makes one achieve salvation is not the region where he or she dwells but the way how he or she takes according to Jesus' instructions about listening to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31)


I don't think that the point is that they don't know but because Christian
preconceived notions have them "by the nose" if you understand the figure of speech.

I don't take your opinion seriously because you don't accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

good day.

Ben Masada

New member
There is nothing cheap about 1 Corinthians 15:1-2, 3, 4 - the gospel of our salvation.

Nothing is cheap about the blood of Christ - Colossians 1:20 KJV -

It's not cheap and easy to believe and trust Jesus - Ephesians 1:13-14 KJV -

Of course, you mean those who follow the gospel of Paul. I prefer to follow the gospel of Jesus as I have done it from birth.


New member
If you are truly grateful to Jesus and what He has done, stop spreading cheap gospel by saying "your works cannot save you".

If you truly grateful to Jesus and what He has done, stop spreading cheap gospel by saying, 'I, meshak, must work because without my, meshak's work, Jesus cannot save meshak.'

What a cheap gospel you're spreading, when Jesus said, 'It is finished' and the veil of the Temple was rent from top to bottom.

Has anybody explained to you what that renting meant, meshak?

Jesus says "if you love Me, keep My commands".

Jesus also said, "COME UNTO ME all who are tired and heavy ladden, and I, Jesus, will give you rest (I will save you)."

He was talking about you, meshak. He is saying to you, meshak, stop trying to do things to be saved. I, Jesus, have done everything, meshak, just come to me, Jesus, and let me, Jesus, save you.

Obedience to Jesus is everything for salvation

Then obey Him, for He says to you:
Let me, Jesus, save you meshak, and then, I, Jesus, will tell you meshak, the real work I, Jesus, want you, meshak, to do because by then, I, Jesus, will have already saved you, and then you will not be so tired and heavy ladden working yourself to the ground to find a way of salvation, when I, Jesus, already did it all, but, meshak, first let me, Jesus, save you, so that I, Jesus, can tell you the works I, Jesus, have prepared for you to do since the foundation of the world.

Be obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ, meshak, let Him save you as He asks.

Ben Masada

New member
Meshak believes you get to Heaven by:

1) Doing good works and deeds.
2) Not admitting to being saved.
3) You must earn your right into Heaven.
4) You must be 100% obedient to ALL the laws and commands of Jesus.
5) You can only trust in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and sometimes John. You must reject the rest of the Bible like Meshak does.
6) You cannot ever assume that Heaven awaits you. Because, it's not humble.

1) - Doing good works and deeds, I do find akin to observing the Law. And according to James 2:26, to claim faith without the good works and deeds of the Law is to claim a dead body without the breath of life. Dead in a word if you want to understand what James meant.

2) - The admission of being saved is too preemptive hypocrisy. As all blessings from the Lord are voluntary, the personal sense of salvation can be removed. (Ezek. 3:17-19)

3) - Indeed, one must learn his or her right to salvation as Jesus said that we must listen to "Moses" aka the Law to keep salvation "fresh" so to speak.

4) - That's true but, since and, for that matter,"There has never been a man upon earth so just as to have done only good and never sinned, the Lord has given us allowances to cover those defaults by setting things up with Him so that, our sins, even from scarlet red become as white as snow through repentance and return to the obedience of the Lord. (Isaiah 1:18-19)

5) - You have missed the whole of the Tanach which, by the way, was the gospel of Jesus.

6) - I would say, because all blessings from HaShem are conditional. Hence, salvation could be removed from our agenda.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
1) - Doing good works and deeds, I do find akin to observing the Law. And according to James 2:26, to claim faith without the good works and deeds of the Law is to claim a dead body without the breath of life. Dead in a word if you want to understand what James meant.

2) - The admission of being salved is too preemptive hypocrisy. As all
blessings from the Lord are voluntary, the personal sense of salvation
can be lost.

3) - Indeed, one must learn his or her right to salvation as Jesus said that we must listen to "Moses" aka the Law to keep salvation "fresh" so to speak.

4) - That's true but, since and, for that matter,"There has never been a man upon earth so just as to have done only good and never sinned, the Lord has given us allowances to cover those defaults by setting things up with the Him so that, our sins, even from scarlet red become as white as snow through repentance and return to the obedience of the Lord. (Isaiah 1:18-19)

5) - You have missed the whole of the Tanach which by the way was the gospel of Jesus.

6) - I would say, because all blessings from HaShem are conditional. Hence, salvation could be removed from our agenda.

Sorry Ben but, I don't wish to go around and around with you. We
are both coming from two different perspectives and never the
twain shall meet.