Can Christ-professing Hitler’s sins be washed away by confession?


Can Christ-professing Hitler’s sins be washed away by confession?
Catholics say that, when one confesses his sins to a priest those are washed away by Christ’s blood. To support it they quote the verses in the bible made by them. Protestants say similarly that sins are washed away when one confesses to Christ in repentance. A little of repentance at least as perfect repentance is impossible for heaven-fallen sinners us. Suppose that Hitler confessed to Christ with such repentance. Are all his sins washed away by Christ’s blood the best solvent?!! So he marches off to heaven!!

No! Sin can’t be washed away, as it is a negative conception like darkness, debility, ignorance etc, which have no real existence by themselves. As darkness means absence of light, debility means absence of strength, ignorance means absence of knowledge and sin means anti-love acts due to absence of integrating love. Without love-derived integrity strength we can’t control our negative passions of anger, greed, lust etc. These doing anti love works diminish internal love more to further destroy our integrity. Ultimately soul parts break apart losing personality (eternal death).

Repentance means coming to humble Christ, turning back from pride for which all of us fell from heaven. Christ is the humility of God, who repent-rectifies His primary responsibility for the sin-imperfections of the world in Christ eternally, not in an ancient time. Living with ingrate humanity is itself worse than the wooden cross. If one, believing Christ obeys his love commands by love-works, not just futile faith-confession, then his love begins to increase by exercise helped and guided by Christ. Then love begins to bind together his soul parts integrating him. Everything increases by exercise. Then only he can control his diverse passions. That way I am integrated by Christ through 50 years love-works practice.

So the false misleading statement that Christ’s blood washes sin must be discarded. Otherwise we shall see that all the sins remaining and destroying us as in Hitler. No wonder that now such misbelieving Christians have become Hitler-like to make numerous incinerators of Atom bombs to destroy humanity.
Soon the irreversible economic breakdown of ‘Christian’ world will lead to the rise of despot leaders as before World War 2. They shall stamp out the fake Christianity corrupted by the compromising churches worldwide like Hitler and cleric Stalin. They have become greater enemy of Love-God and Christ than Gentiles. But the real Christ-followers will spiritually survive in Gulags and concentration camps then. After the atomic carnage a new Christianity will rise up from the ashes.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
No! Sin can’t be washed away.

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,

And just for good measure, that also applies to the Body of Christ.

1 Corinthians 6:11

11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.


New member
Can Christ-professing Hitler’s sins be washed away by confession?
Catholics say that, when one confesses his sins to a priest those are washed away by Christ’s blood. To support it they quote the verses in the bible made by them. Protestants say similarly that sins are washed away when one confesses to Christ in repentance. A little of repentance at least as perfect repentance is impossible for heaven-fallen sinners us. Suppose that Hitler confessed to Christ with such repentance. Are all his sins washed away by Christ’s blood the best solvent?!! So he marches off to heaven!!

No! Sin can’t be washed away, as it is a negative conception like darkness, debility, ignorance etc, which have no real existence by themselves. As darkness means absence of light, debility means absence of strength, ignorance means absence of knowledge and sin means anti-love acts due to absence of integrating love. Without love-derived integrity strength we can’t control our negative passions of anger, greed, lust etc. These doing anti love works diminish internal love more to further destroy our integrity. Ultimately soul parts break apart losing personality (eternal death).

Repentance means coming to humble Christ, turning back from pride for which all of us fell from heaven. Christ is the humility of God, who repent-rectifies His primary responsibility for the sin-imperfections of the world in Christ eternally, not in an ancient time. Living with ingrate humanity is itself worse than the wooden cross. If one, believing Christ obeys his love commands by love-works, not just futile faith-confession, then his love begins to increase by exercise helped and guided by Christ. Then love begins to bind together his soul parts integrating him. Everything increases by exercise. Then only he can control his diverse passions. That way I am integrated by Christ through 50 years love-works practice.

So the false misleading statement that Christ’s blood washes sin must be discarded. Otherwise we shall see that all the sins remaining and destroying us as in Hitler. No wonder that now such misbelieving Christians have become Hitler-like to make numerous incinerators of Atom bombs to destroy humanity.
Soon the irreversible economic breakdown of ‘Christian’ world will lead to the rise of despot leaders as before World War 2. They shall stamp out the fake Christianity corrupted by the compromising churches worldwide like Hitler and cleric Stalin. They have become greater enemy of Love-God and Christ than Gentiles. But the real Christ-followers will spiritually survive in Gulags and concentration camps then. After the atomic carnage a new Christianity will rise up from the ashes.

The question could not have come from the Body of Christ.

Paul -- 060612


Catholic made bible must not be made into idol. [/I][/B]

Catholic made bible must not be made into idol. [/I][/B]

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,

And just for good measure, that also applies to the Body of Christ.

1 Corinthians 6:11

11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

Jesus saves by teaching us to do love-works as Good Samaritan did. If we do, then our love increases to love-integrate us. Love’s nature is binding, integrating. Then no amount of suffering, temptation can break us apart. That is salvation. That is proved by experience and psychology. Catholic made bible must not be made into idol.


New member
Jesus saves by teaching us to do love-works as Good Samaritan did. If we do, then our love increases to love-integrate us. Love’s nature is binding, integrating. Then no amount of suffering, temptation can break us apart. That is salvation. That is proved by experience and psychology. Catholic made bible must not be made into idol.

Where did you find that in the Gospel???!!! - There is nothing like that anywhere in the Scriptures or anything that remotely hints to that!!!

How do you people add to the Truth as if it's nothing, and then rejoice over your false statements and condemn others for saying what God did say????!!!! -- Geniuses!!!

Paul -- 062912


Where did you find that in the Gospel???!!! - There is nothing like that anywhere in the Scriptures or anything that remotely hints to that!!!

How do you people add to the Truth as if it's nothing, and then rejoice over your false statements and condemn others for saying what God did say????!!!! -- Geniuses!!!

Paul -- 062912
So you say that the ancient catholic made bible is truth and our experiance, reasearch, conscience, science are all false!!


New member
So you say that the ancient catholic made bible is truth and our experiance, reasearch, conscience, science are all false!!

If there is a God, He never allowed us to receive a false pile of garbage for Scriptures. You as usual underestimate God's will and what He can do, or not do!!

Paul -- 062912


Forgiveness of God doesn’t mean annulling murderer’s death sentence, drunkard’s liver cirrhosis or social distrust for a thief. It means giving fellowship in spite of the sins. Usually Christ’s or a near one’s fellowship is disrupted when one offends by sins. But, if one repents, ever forgiving God and Christ resumes giving fellowship and guidance to help him rise over sin, as it happened in my case.
If he obeys then these natural punishments no longer harms him, rather purifies him to make him love-Heaven worthy.
I believe that Heavenly Father granted Christ’s prayer on the cross to resume His fellowship and guidance to the involved Jews and Romans. But only repentant ones like the theif can receive it. But unrepentant majority rejected that and followed their suicidal way, which resulted in the destruction of Jews and Israel.


New member
Forgiveness of God doesn’t mean annulling murderer’s death sentence, drunkard’s liver cirrhosis or social distrust for a thief. It means giving fellowship in spite of the sins. Usually Christ’s or a near one’s fellowship is disrupted when one offends by sins. But, if one repents, ever forgiving God and Christ resumes giving fellowship and guidance to help him rise over sin, as it happened in my case.
If he obeys then these natural punishments no longer harms him, rather purifies him to make him love-Heaven worthy.
I believe that Heavenly Father granted Christ’s prayer on the cross to resume His fellowship and guidance to the involved Jews and Romans. But only repentant ones like the theif can receive it. But unrepentant majority rejected that and followed their suicidal way, which resulted in the destruction of Jews and Israel.

There is no way that any man can obey Christ!! - You have to throw out the New Creature, and you all do!!

Paul -- 062912

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Jesus saves by teaching us to do love-works as Good Samaritan did.

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,

And just for good measure, that also applies to the Body of Christ.

1 Corinthians 6:11

11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.


[Can professing Christ wash away sins like those committed by Hitler?]

Christ's innocent (Matt. 27:4), precious (1 Pet. 1:19) blood is sufficient (Heb. 9:13, 14) to cleanses us from all sins (1 John 1:7).

Believe this (Rom. 5:9) and be reconciled (Eph. 2:13–16).

...[A]ncient catholic made bible...


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Last edited:


New member
Christ's innocent (Matt. 27:4), precious (1 Pet. 1:19) blood is sufficient (Heb. 9:13, 14) to cleanses us from all sins (1 John 1:7).

Believe this (Rom. 5:9) and be reconciled (Eph. 2:13–16).


Why Isn't the Apocrypha in the Bible?

Did Constantine Decide What Books Belong in the Bible?

What Occurred at the Council of Nicea?

Did the Roman Catholic Church Give us the Bible?

What is the origin of the Roman Catholic Church?

There's not much in the Bible that the Catholic Church has Faith in, except the things that Christ (( not do ))!!!

Paul -- 070112