Calvinism: A Denial of the Lordship of Jesus Christ


Well-known member
Jesus has made salvation available to EVERYONE, Hebrews 2:9.

You can't bring yourself to believe that because it is not according to you demonic religion.

You are trying to convince people that God is an unjust, unmerciful tyrant that cannot be trusted.

You are in serious trouble.

It seems to me that you are the one in unbelief, since you dont believe that sinners Christ died for are Justified before God !


Well-known member
The Bible teaches that Jesus died so that salvation would be available for EVERYONE, Hebrews 2:9.
Talking about a denial of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, that is exactly what you do by teaching that His Death alone for sinners He died for failed to save them from their sins Matt 1:21

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Talking about a denial of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, that is exactly what you do by teaching that His Death alone for sinners He died for failed to save them from their sins Matt 1:21

To deny that Jesus is the savior of the world is to deny that he is Lord.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You deny the Saviour from sin can save from sin. Thats a denial of His Lordship, Hes Jesus Christ the Lord. Do you know what the Name Jesus means ?

When you say that Jesus is NOT the savior of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. You are literally saying that Jesus is a failure, and that he is NOT Lord. The scripture says "No one can call Jesus Lord, but by the Holy Spirit". Which proves that you are void of the Holy Spirit.


Well-known member
When you say that Jesus is NOT the savior of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. You are literally saying that Jesus is a failure, and that he is NOT Lord. The scripture says "No one can call Jesus Lord, but by the Holy Spirit". Which proves that you are void of the Holy Spirit.

You teach a Saviour that cannot save. He failed to save people from their sins because they were too sinful and rejected him! Thats hilarious !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You teach a Saviour that cannot save. He failed to save people from their sins because they were too sinful and rejected him! Thats hilarious !

You are an example of that. You have rejected him and are trusting that you have been predestinated, which you haven't been.


Well-known member
I am telling you that unless you repent and believe that Jesus is Lord, you will die in your sins, John 8:24.

So let me get this straight. The savior who came to seek and Save sinners from their sins, didn't do it because the sinners were to sinful to repent?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So you don't believe that Christ death alone saved them He died for. That's a denial of Christ saving death!

No its not.

Christ death is not yours, because you have not received the atonement.

"But we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, BY WHOM WE HAVE NOW RECEIVED THE ATONEMENT" Romans 5:11.


New member
I'm still confused. If God not only predetermined who would be saved or lost, but also the means by which the chosen will be saved (in other words predestination who is going to preach to the chosen so they will receive it) WHY CAN'T I SIT BACK AND LET GOD'S WILL BE DONE?

If I'm predestined to be saved, and that takes a response to the Gospel, that response will be something I can't help. God will make sure it happens without my efforts because it's preordained.

If I'm predestinated to be lost I can't do anything about that either.

If I'm predestinated to be a tool God uses to save people, that'll happen spontaneously as well. It's been predestinated, so it can't help but happen, without any decision or effort by me. If God ordained me to expend effort, his plan will make sure that happens.

In all of the above why shouldn't I sit back in leisure and take the easiest and most comfortable road I can? What God has preordained will happen no matter what.

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patrick jane

I'm still confused. If God not only predetermined who would be saved or lost, but also the means by which the chosen will be saved (in other words predestination who is going to preach to the chosen so they will receive it) WHY CAN'T I SIT BACK AND LET GOD'S WILL BE DONE?

If I'm predestined to be saved, and that takes a response to the Gospel, that response will be something I can't help. God will make sure it happens without my efforts because it's preordained.

If I'm predestinated to be lost I can't do anything about that either.

If I'm predestinated to be a tool God uses to save people, that'll happen spontaneously as well. It's been predestinated, so it can't help but happen, without any decision or effort by me. If God ordained me to expend effort, his plan will make sure that happens.

In all of the above why shouldn't I sit back in leisure and take the easiest and most comfortable road I can? What God has preordained will happen no matter what.

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The dilemma of calvinism