Calvinism: A declaration that God is unjust and that his Son is a failure

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
The scripture you are trying to teach is not about ALL hearts; it is about how the heart, of all things on earth, it has the most possibility for wickedness.

You have been taught wrong about the scriptures.

You don't believe much of the Bible do you? You don't believe Paul, you don't believe Isaiah, You don't believe John and now you don't believe that the heart of man is wicked.


New member
They who diligently attend to the scriptures, will
find throughout the whole a vein of election and
reprobation. The holy seed may be traced in many
instances, and in divers families, in the Bible, from
Adam to the birth of our Saviour, whose ancestors,
according to the flesh, were of the line of election or
the godly; which those who are only born after the
flesh, and not after the Spirit, namely, the reprobate,
have always despised and persecuted, and will do so
to the end of time—Mason and Ryland.

God's Truth

New member
You don't believe much of the Bible do you? You don't believe Paul, you don't believe Isaiah, You don't believe John and now you don't believe that the heart of man is wicked.

Not every man's heart is wicked. What is God doing searching hearts if all are only wicked anyway?


New member
I need to know why the hatred of Reformed theology. Oh I know your Arminian. Joseph did like it so he penned his own theology.

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