PastorKevin said:
This is really just a semantical dodge Stephen. You and all of the other Universalists have affirmed Balder in his assertions that God is a monster if unrepentant sinners go the Lake of Fire for all eternity. Go back and read the gist of this conversation. It's all there.
What you view as a "semantical dodge" is in fact the whole gist of our argument. In your view, God either created hell to be eternal or made the conditions whereby men live forever regardless of their relationship with God...then says "smoking or non-smoking" to the creatures He created. The issue has never been that it is God's fault that people face punishments if they don't is the nature of the punishment they face.
What you seem to be unable or unwilling to acknowledge is that, IF Hell is eternal without any possibility to escape then God made it that way...not people.
Eternal concious torment is the most monsterous thing anyone could possibly ever concieve. You say God concieved it...not Christian Universalists. Balder, surely, isn't the only one that realizes just what it is the docrine of eternal torment accuses God of doing...which is designing a torture chamber of burning fire that endures forever and ever.
NOTHING is more monsterous, and the doctrine of eternal torment says God made it, or will.
It sure seems that is exactly what Red and others have repeatedly asserted when they say "IF ET is true then God is a monster for sending people to hell." I mean come on, anyone could go back and read those sings being said over and over.
But...we never said He is responsible for people going there...but the very idea that this is what YOU and the other damnationalists assert is, in fact, accusing God of creating that in the first place.
See the difference?
God is responsible for what the Lake of Fire is. He made it. But He is not responsible for one soul or fallen angel that goes there. That is chosen by the individual. God makes Himself known to all people and they can either choose Him or reject Him. God hopes and desires they will make the right choice. If they do not they have nobody to blame but themselves.
That still doesn't get God off the hook for creating such a thing (supposedly) in the first place.
You are saying God creates an eternal Auschwich that never ends and from which there is no negate the resurrection as an escape...and then want to say it isn't God's fault even though He creates it. In fact it's worse than Auschwich, because when someone is thrown into these literal flames they still NEVER die. I think it's an insult to God to accuse Him of creating that senario, and therefore have tried to show that He didn' fact I have shown that He dindn't the best I know how.
I said:
PastorKevin said:
If a person is willing to humble himself truly before God and seek the Lord, God will make Himself and the way of salvation known to him. There are many, many people in remote places all over the world who have gotten saved from the ministry of missionaries preaching the gospel to them and their people after they had previously NEVER heard the name of Christ. I think this is a perfect illustration that those who seek God in truth will find Him and those who don't will not!
You said:
Logos said:
And yet when Balder made his arguments about this the Universalists were affirming him. The argument has also been made by Universalists in this very thread that eternal punishment is NOT fair because of the people that have never heard the name of Jesus. But above you agreed with me. That is good. :up: (And I know you don't agree with eternal punishment but at least we can agree in principle on SOMETHING)
Universalists (as you want to call us...blatently leaving out "Christian") understand what Balder is fact, I think everyone can understand what Balder is saying...But those that believe that God made or will make an unescapable literal fire in which His own creation will be subjected as a consequence to not accepting the Gospel or of being an unbeliever, and that God will see to it they must spend all future eternity without end in that condition, seem to think this is an acceptable idea. Eternal conscious torment in literal fire, Kevin, is what you are saying God wants to do to unbelievers. How is that NOT monsterous regardless of who's fault it is?
But there is no turning back once one arrives in hell, so the rest is a moot point.
Oh well :idunno: ...Is what you seem to be saying here, Kevin.
Is that what you think God is doing? NO turning back? Abandon all hope all ye who enter here?
It's a moot point?
Maybe to you it is...but a really doubt that it actually is a moot point to you, is it?
Amen that salvation is in Christ. But IF a person spends this life rejecting Christ and worshipping Satan for example, Universalism says that person can still be saved because they will have further opportunities to repent and believe on Christ later on after death. DOES IT OR DOES IT NOT TEACH THIS?
Of course it does. There is the resurrection, which is no moot point at all, even though you don't see it as having any redemptive abilities and offers no escape from death after death, apparently...which makes no sense at all, since resurrection is life out of death. There is the fact that Jesus' death took our death, which Paul lays out as extending to ALL men, and the resurrection which extends as well to all men...there is the fact that Jesus has the KEYS to Hell and death, He being the resurrection and the life. spite of all that you want death to be the final end of all judgement and extend death's "victory" forever...while the Bible says virtually the opposite...death is swallowed up in Christ's victory, and in the end WHOSOVER WILL never ends until such time as there are no more whosoevers that haven't. No indictaion that the invitation or the Grace that attends it ever stops in the last chapter of Revelation.
And if the your understanding on drawing all things into Christ is wrong and it doesn't mean that all are saved including Satan and the fallen angels, then what does that do to the rest of your argument? Honestly?
Ain't my's the Bible's. Honestly!
I'm not entirely sure what point you feel I was being deceptive about, but I am not a deceptive person, so if you FIND me deceptive then you are deceived. I understand you haven't said or agreed with everything that every Universalist has said on here, but many of my statements are directed at what Universalism as a whole believes. If I have misstated what Universalism teaches then please tell me how. I have also read and studied their literature as I have many other false teaching groups such as JW's, Mormons, etc....
You continually misrepresent everything about us...and now you lump us in with false teaching groups...all because we don't agree with your view of HELL, Kevin. You suggest that messing with your precious eternal Hell we negate the entire Gospel. That is being deceptive...and I'm being kind in using those words.
What that Universalism is garbage and is a way that seems right to man, but will lead souls to death? That is what I believe about it, and it is my opinion based upon what the Scriptures say. If you give a person a false hope that there is no eternal punishment or even that he faces no literal fire, then you give the deceptiveness of sin an even more powerful hold on that person because they won't believe they have to repent and get saved and can therefore do whatever they like in this life. I don't know why it is so difficult for you to see this or admit it. I see people all the time that make excuses for their sin as it is because they don't want to give it up. Even when presented with the fact that they will spend eternity apart from God if they don't repent, they still won't give up their sin. Universalism gives people false hope. And this is not just my opinion, I have heard many people on this site say the same thing to you and Red and others over and over again.
How fair is that, Kevin?
Think about it. The doctrine of eternal torment has alienated far more people than you seem to dare think about. I brought this up in the Battle Royal...and, I think far more people would be repentant, accepting the salvation of God..if this DOCTRINE of eternal torment never forcably overtook the beliefs of the early church through the Roman Church's belief system.
What GOOD has eternal torment done? How does it reveal God and His wisdom or glory? How does it reveal Who He is? How about His nature? What kind of God is He?
More people have REJECTED the gospel because of this doctrine than for ANY OTHER REASON!
No it's in the Bible, God's Word.
We've been over this. I don't know how to show you that aionios means "of the ages" and also is undefined in duration, but speaks of quality. Even if it is viewed as eternal it still isn't a quanity, but a QUALITY and denotes a SOURCE, not a duration as though it means lasting forever but as coming FROM eternity. I've tried and tried, but you are very resistant to this and want to fight me on I see no fruit in attempting again to convince you about this until such time that you are willing to consider it.
Pray about it...
I won't respond to the rest of your post because I really am trying to be a friend to you and, well, I don't want to jeopardize that any further.