Bob & Doug to Tampa and Beyond!


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Bob & Doug to Tampa and Beyond!

This is the show from Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015


* Ted Cruz’s Beard: Join Bob & co-host Doug McBurney as they discuss the blind spot Christians have for politicians like Ted Cruz who’ll say anything to bamboozle them.

* Spreading Disease as a Human Right: According to Planned Parenthood’s pamphlet on “how to live as an HIV positive youth”, infected deviants have the right to spread their various diseases, including HIV in secret.

* Todd From Tampa: Hear how Todd in Tampa found Bob Enyart Live via Doug McBurney’s Weekly Worldview, and how the Plot and lots of Bob’s other materials have changed his life for the better!

* Watching the Detectives: Find out how the Obama administration plans to put the Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal to rest by enlisting the HHS inspector General to reveal how Planned Parenthood has complied with all of the well established federal and state laws about how to murder, chop up, and sell the body parts of innocent children.

* Note to Franklin Graham: Congratulations Franklin on leaving the RE-publican party, and for pointing out that funding Planned Parenthood is akin to funding NAZI death camps. But we pray you will publically repent of the instructions in your ministries’ Christian Workers Handbook, that justify the killing of sick and handicapped children.


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* Ted Cruz’s Beard: Join Bob & co-host Doug McBurney as they discuss the blind spot Christians have for politicians like Ted Cruz who’ll say anything to bamboozle them.
I'm not getting the point of that article.

I don't carry water for Cruz or anyone else but if one believes the survival of this nation as constitutionally founded is in jeopardy (if not already too far gone to recover, which I personally believe), and if one also believes a bloody collapse into hard socialism is imminent (which I also believe), then how high a priority is fighting sodomite marriage, really? It's definitely a symptom of the rot but that rot is systemic and was not caused solely by sodomite goes back WAY before that.

This nation draws ever closer to going over the falls and once it's gone, it's gone for good. Of course I'd be for outlawing sodomite marriage on principle, if it were possible, but that by itself will not come close to reversing America's self-destruct.

Nathon Detroit

* Ted Cruz’s Beard: Join Bob & co-host Doug McBurney as they discuss the blind spot Christians have for politicians like Ted Cruz who’ll say anything to bamboozle them.
There does come a point when you have to pick a candidate that you can work with.

If conservatives can't work with a guy like Ted Cruz then you can't work with anyone.

I support Ted Cruz and hope he is the next president.