Biblical Flat Enclosed Earth and Firmament

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patrick jane

A closer look at the "Star of Bethlehem" from a Flat Earth perspective, comparing the Biblical account in Matthew to recent Copernican-based theories attempting to explain the Star via modern astronomy. Merry Christmas... ;-) - Everyday is Christmas !!!


patrick jane

Rediscovery of Electromagnetism, Planned by the "Hierarchy" All Along???

Has the rediscovery of "Mystery of Electromagnetism", (what many people today refer to as the "Electric Universe Theory") actually been part of the Occult agenda known as the "Externalization of the Hierarchy", all along...? According to the writings of such notorious occultists such as Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, along with others at Lucis Trust, the answer is an undeniable, yes.....


patrick jane

So where is NASA going? Where are WE going? What are they spending billions and trillions on? Space travel? You must be kidding. Exploring the solar system? To what end? Looking for life? Really? Does anybody care what they do, meaning do they just get a free meal ticket to dazzle us with CGI? They know nothing and see nothing but blurry pixels. They "imagine" and conjure the rest with beautiful colors through CGI and the globe can't get enough of it. Look at the "missions" and the "projects" - What good are they? What do they do for humanity besides lead people away from our Creator?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
So where is NASA going? Where are WE going? What are they spending billions and trillions on? Space travel? You must be kidding. Exploring the solar system? To what end? Looking for life? Really? Does anybody care what they do, meaning do they just get a free meal ticket to dazzle us with CGI? They know nothing and see nothing but blurry pixels. They "imagine" and conjure the rest with beautiful colors through CGI and the globe can't get enough of it. Look at the "missions" and the "projects" - What good are they? What do they do for humanity besides lead people away from our Creator?


$2.3 million PER HOUR in taxpayer money.

Right Divider

Body part
And YET, perspective would cause the sun to get VASTLY smaller as it travels AWAY from the viewer, a phenomenon that was DO NOT SEE happen.

The sun remains EXACTLY the SAME SIZE all the way down, proving that it is NOT circling over a "flat earth".

patrick jane

Dirty Space Tricks for Dummies ✞
From Video : Did you ever wonder how they are faking "Outer Space" and the "Globe?"Fish-eye Lenses, Green-screen Zero G Flights + Editing; Augmented Virtual Reality contact lenses to manipulate virtual objects in 3D space, wires, green-screen POOL diving, models, CGI and LOTS of HAIRSPRAY = the distorted reality you know as "Outer Space."

Jason Kirby made the excellent Blue Origin - with corrected Lense video:
Flat Earth_ Proof_ 35mm Camera Perspective Space Experiment 2017 Antarctica Byrd


patrick jane

To The [WANDERING] Stars... Delonge and the "Disclosure" of the Occult Hierarchy

The UFO Disclosure and Investigation "narrative" - scam, in my opinion

Will, the video maker actually shows the credentials and work history of this new "UFO" organization. It's more than that for sure, but why? Watch the video, very interesting.

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patrick jane

Copernicus/Copenhagen - The Philosophical Pillars of Scientism...
Copernicus/Copenhagen - The Philosophical Pillars of Scientism...


The Copernican Principle: Darwin's Trojan Horse [Flat Earth]:

David Bohm Quantum theory versus Copenhagen Interpretation:

Ron Garret - Google Tech Talk on the "Quantum Conspiracy"

The Firmament of Genesis 1 (Danny Faulkner):

Flat Earth: Doug Hamp Bursts His Own Bubble...

Flat Earth: "Ouranos" - Earthly vs Heavenly Bodies [1 Cor. 15]

Very interesting really too much to explain or summarize, about physics, science, philosophy etc. Very educational imo.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Good thing fellers like me know water runs downhill.

Otherwise you wouldn't have a dry spot to build them cabinets in.

Roofers creed: Water runs downhill, pay day is on Friday and the boss is an *** hole. :chuckle:
Pitty you don't understand what downhill means. I'm afraid your roofers creed has left you ill prepared to deal with the subtitles of God's creation.
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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You conveyed yer idea right the first time.

Pity is what you need after reading my reply.

Well, your reply as a taunt that was not even as creative as the average middle schooler can come up with. If you would like to discuss why water runs downhill and what downhill actually means, I'd be glad to.
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