This will be a chapter by chapter study of the book of Job.
Job is an interesting study.
We have the privilege of knowing what went on behind the scene.
Job and his friends didn't.
The dialogues between Job and his friends are going to cause us to ponder a lot about how we approach theology.
We are going to see that Job's friends were wrong, even though their theology could be said to be sound.
They basically tell Job that he must have done something offensive, otherwise this calamity would not have befallen him.
You reap what you sow.
That's scriptural and sound theology, and is the basis of the theology of Job's friends.
Problem is, even though it was sound theology, it was wrong in the case of Job.
Sometimes sound theology is not as black and white as one would wish.
There always seems to be an exception somewhere.
And this is why we often see one scripture pitted against another, as if one is right and the other wrong.
When the fact is, both are right, but it depends on the situation at hand.
There is a time and place for everything under the sun.
The question one should always ask first is ..... what time is it?
So, let us begin to study and discuss the book of Job.
God bless our studies.
Job is an interesting study.
We have the privilege of knowing what went on behind the scene.
Job and his friends didn't.
The dialogues between Job and his friends are going to cause us to ponder a lot about how we approach theology.
We are going to see that Job's friends were wrong, even though their theology could be said to be sound.
They basically tell Job that he must have done something offensive, otherwise this calamity would not have befallen him.
You reap what you sow.
That's scriptural and sound theology, and is the basis of the theology of Job's friends.
Problem is, even though it was sound theology, it was wrong in the case of Job.
Sometimes sound theology is not as black and white as one would wish.
There always seems to be an exception somewhere.
And this is why we often see one scripture pitted against another, as if one is right and the other wrong.
When the fact is, both are right, but it depends on the situation at hand.
There is a time and place for everything under the sun.
The question one should always ask first is ..... what time is it?
So, let us begin to study and discuss the book of Job.
God bless our studies.