BATTLE TALK ~ BRX (rounds 4 thru 7)

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Bob Enyart

Staff member
elected4ever said:
Thank you for your response. I had no idea that you lumpted all CVer's into the Calvanist camp and basicly you are debateing Calvanism Vs OV. I am a CVer but the things you were accusing me off were untrue and I found myself defending Calvanism; which is an imposability to defind. Now that I am aware of what you are doing maybe I wont get cought up as easyly. :juggle:

E4E, I do not lump all Settled Viewers into the Calvinist camp. Millions of the strongly oppose Calvinism. However, it is Calvinist immutabilty (from neo-platonism through Augustine) that brought about Arminian simple foreknowledge in the first place.

So there's overlap. -Bob

Bob Enyart

Staff member
M K N's Oops

M K N's Oops

M. K. Nawojski said:
I am referring to all answers to my first post in this forum (the post which asked two questions but made no "claims" at all): i.e., "Has anybody noticed that Bob Enyart, in 'discarding' what he calls the 'Settled View' listing of God's attributes -- omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, impassibility, and immutability -- has thus swept aside the 'defining' traits of deity..."MK


Bob Enyart

Staff member
elected4ever said:
As for as I am concerned Dr. Lamerson need not answer any of Mr. Enyart's questions until Mr Enyart returns to the first post and addresses it effectively. He has not done so to this point.

E4E: Now, after round four, will you agree that I have fully responded to Dr. Lamerson's arguments in his first post (along with answering everything else he's officially asked), so that we can have your nod for the Doc to proceed? :) -Bob
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New member
Bob Enyart said:
E4E: Now, after round four, will you agree that I have fully responded to Dr. Lamerson's arguments in his first post (along with answering everything else he's officially asked), so that we can have your nod for the Doc to proceed? :) -Bob
He proceeds at his own risk as do you and the rest of us.:e4e:

PS That is what makes it fun


New member
Bob Enyart said:
E4E, I do not lump all Settled Viewers into the Calvinist camp. Millions of the strongly oppose Calvinism. However, it is Calvinist immutabilty (from neo-platonism through Augustine) that brought about Arminian simple foreknowledge in the first place.

So there's overlap. -Bob
You would not have your view if not for Darby. That does not make it right or wrong. Just a point of view.


New member
elected4ever said:
You would not have your view if not for Darby. That does not make it right or wrong. Just a point of view.
Wow, that's a nice ipse dixit. Care to try again?

If our view is biblical, then we got it from scripture. What's stopping us from saying, "You would not have your view if not for Calvin (or Arminius or whoever)?"


Well-known member
elected4ever said:
You would not have your view if not for Darby. That does not make it right or wrong. Just a point of view.

:rotfl: Was Darby even an Open Thiest? That has to be the funniest post I've ever seen. Totally off topic and unrelated to a hill of beans.


New member
RightIdea said:
Wow, that's a nice ipse dixit. Care to try again?

If our view is biblical, then we got it from scripture. What's stopping us from saying, "You would not have your view if not for Calvin (or Arminius or whoever)?"
Nothing except I wasn't alive when these folks were. They didn't tell me anything. Except maybe you are a paranormal or something.


New member
Bob Hill? What about Bob Hill? He's an aquaintance of mine... but how did he get into this discussion? LOL (Altho he is a biblical scholar who is a fantastic proponent of the Open View, granted...)


New member
elected4ever said:
Nothing except I wasn't alive when these folks were. They didn't tell me anything. Except maybe you are a paranormal or something.
Psst... dont' tell anyone this, but..... Darby died a century ago!!! He didn't tell me anything, either!


In fact, I've never read a single word he wrote!


New member
RightIdea said:
Bob Hill? What about Bob Hill? He's an aquaintance of mine... but how did he get into this discussion? LOL (Altho he is a biblical scholar who is a fantastic proponent of the Open View, granted...)
I don't know . I didn't wright the book


Well-known member
elected4ever said:
Yea you did if you read the Schofield Bible. He is the one that made the notes that Schofield used.
The problem with this, I don't have a Skolfield Bible. Secondly, I don't read notes in any bible. Thirdly, Verify everything and PRAYFULLY request God's truth on the matter. Not Darby's, not Calvins, not Skolfields. Maybe that is what you are doing and don't even realize it.


New member
elected4ever said:
Yea you did if you read the Schofield Bible. He is the one that made the notes that Schofield used.
I've never so much as cracked open a Scofield Bible. (My last name is Schofield, his last name is Scofield. However, it's very likely we're related distantly, because families back then typically when they would split, one side would change the spelling of the family name slightly.)

So, sorry again, but no, I've never read the Scofield Bible, and I don't even agree with Scofield anyway. I think he was way off on a number of things.


Well-known member
RightIdea said:
So, sorry again, but no, I've never read the Scofield Bible, and I don't even agree with Scofield anyway. I think he was way off on a number of things.


Bob Enyart

Staff member
elected4ever said:
You would not have your view if not for Darby. That does not make it right or wrong. Just a point of view.

Oh, now Darby is the father of Openness too? Pretty soon you'll guys will have him as the author of the Pentateuch!



New member
Bob Enyart said:
Spoken like a true OVer!

Will you guys please make up your mind as to what I'm supposed to be. I may be a little like Paul. I am all things to all men that I might win some.
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