Baptism of Water for Babies and Children


New member
Why do folks do that do you feel you need to dismiss Jesus' teachings? That is NOT a parable NO parable has a persons name in it. Abraham,Lazarus, and the rich man were and are real people that Jesus described.

You have it wrong Jesus related what happened to real people as in using the name of ABRAHAM AND LAZARUS.

Again NO parable uses a proper name NONE.


Jesus described the actual state of the deceased and it is dismissed by hiding it behind and in a parable ? That is a fail.

Well Lazarus and the rich guy had thoughts, desires and feelings as in the rich man wanted Abraham to go to his lost brothers so they would not go to the place he was in ,and the rich man described his anguish and pain.

Based on your beliefs Jesus is a liar and story teller.

FYI, Jesus also mentioned Abraham and what Abraham said to the condemned rich man.

Do you believe Jesus was just killing time passing stories that weren't actually what was happening or had happened ?

There are NO parables with a proper name in them. What Jesus told had 2 proper names in it not just one Abraham and Lazarus. I will stay with what Jesus taught.


You accept that hell and heaven are within speaking distance? "Abraham said, 'Son...'" said...not even shout...

How far apart is speaking distance?

You expect Abraham to be able to walk into the flames and brimstones and give out drinks? Oh wait no, there is an epic ditch preventing people from least they can see each other and talk about why circumstances are the way they are...

Oh and how was the rich man able to recognize Abraham? Was he wearing a name tag?

Lol...seriously? hell and heaven close enough that conversations would not be drowned out by the roar and shrieks of hell..."just a drop on my tongue please"


New member

You accept that hell and heaven are within speaking distance? "Abraham said, 'Son...'" said...not even shout...

How far apart is speaking distance?

You expect Abraham to be able to walk into the flames and brimstones and give out drinks? Oh wait no, there is an epic ditch preventing people from least they can see each other and talk about why circumstances are the way they are...

Oh and how was the rich man able to recognize Abraham? Was he wearing a name tag?

Lol...seriously? hell and heaven close enough that conversations would not be drowned out by the roar and shrieks of hell..."just a drop on my tongue please"

You do know if you actually read the bible you would have had the answer right ?

Luk 16:26
And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.


New member
You do know if you actually read the bible you would have had the answer right ?

Luk 16:26
And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

Does it have a guardrail? I mean it's gotta be deep right? Wouldnt want anyone to fall into it... great is a gulf you can speak...not shout...across?

Have you heard the roar of a major fire? There is a reason firefighters shout and/or use radios...and end up shouting into their radios...and this is at house fires....imagine eternal flames of hellfire and the screams and shrieks of the damned...

But you accept Abraham and the rich man having a nice chat...


New member
Does it have a guardrail? I mean it's gotta be deep right? Wouldnt want anyone to fall into it... great is a gulf you can speak...not shout...across?

Have you heard the roar of a major fire? There is a reason firefighters shout and/or use radios...and end up shouting into their radios...and this is at house fires....imagine eternal flames of hellfire and the screams and shrieks of the damned...

Is anything to hard for God ? I think not.

God's Truth

New member
Children and babies ought to be baptized. For if even babies received the holy spirit while still being in the womb, such as John the Baptist, why should the baptism of water be withheld from babies and children? And when the Red Sea was parted by Moses, which was a type of baptism, not only did adults cross through, but also the babies and children of the Israelites. I have a detailed study as to why here .

We have to repent. Babies do not repent.

God's Truth

New member
Babies do not need to repent, but babies are indeed conceived into the same sinful nature that we all were, so us, just as they, must not only be born of spirit, but also of water, to inherit the kingdom of God.

The only way to be born of the Spirit is to repent of their sins.

God's Truth

New member
Just because the Roman catholics practice this does not make this a false teaching, for even they agree that a man cannot remarry after divorce, which is indeed correct, although they err in various other doctrines and are the fulfillment of the whore of Babylon prophecy. I have indicated through scripture that there is no reason to withhold baptism for babies and children, for the baptism of the holy spirit, which is greater, was freely given to babies in the womb and even children, so why should baptism of water, which is lesser, be withheld? You are in error.

Baptizing babies interfere with people being saved, it hinders them. It is serious error.


New member
No parable has proper names in them. The one with the rich man has two Abraham and Lazarus. It is NOT a parable.

Well, of course it can't be a parable. After all the rich man was buried and his grave was on fire and he wanted a drop of water on the tongue of his decomposing body.

Since there is no air in a grave it's a wonder the dead man didn't suffocate, but then since he didn't breathe I guess that wasn't an issue.

Besides, his corpse was already burning, but then a drop of water on his dead tongue would have ameliorated the problem with the flames.

Anyway, so much for the old axiom that dead men don't talk.


New member
Also, the parable defines the grave as hell.

The rich man also died and was buried. And being in torments in hell, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom. (Luke 16:22-23)​


New member
No parable has proper names in them. The one with the rich man has two Abraham and Lazarus. It is NOT a parable.

Three...don't forget Moses is a proper name yes??...

So those in heaven will be able to communicate with those in hell?

For updates? Reminders and lessons as to why one is in hell without a drop of water on parched tongues?

I always thought hell was in the center of earth and heaven was well...up there

But here in this story they are next to each other so as to be able to talk with each other...


New member
Three...don't forget Moses is a proper name yes??...

So those in heaven will be able to communicate with those in hell?

For updates? Reminders and lessons as to why one is in hell without a drop of water on parched tongues?

I always thought hell was in the center of earth and heaven was well...up there

But here in this story they are next to each other so as to be able to talk with each other...

Heaven was not up there until after Jesus' resurrection. For humans that died the place they went was called paradise the same place Jesus went for 3 days after He was crucified. You might want to actually read your bible.

Funny stuff ! I don't believe the rich man that was in torment thought it was so humorous.


New member
Did Jesus need to repent to be baptized? Or was he baptized to fulfill all righteousness?

NO Jesus never sinned so no need to repent, and yes He was baptized to fulfill all righteousness.

How many folks do you know that are sinless ? Isn't the point of baptism for babies to take care of sin , or are you claiming babies are sinless ?

I believe scripture teaches that all are born in sin. Not they they have actually sinned but that they are born in sin. Can a baby repent ?


New member
Also, the parable defines the grave as hell.

The rich man also died and was buried. And being in torments in hell, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom. (Luke 16:22-23)​

Show another parable where ANY name is used. You cannot and you know why because this event was not a parable.

You can believe it is a parable that does not change the fact that it is not.


NO Jesus never sinned so no need to repent, and yes He was baptized to fulfill all righteousness.

How many folks do you know that are sinless ? Isn't the point of baptism for babies to take care of sin , or are you claiming babies are sinless ?

I believe scripture teaches that all are born in sin. Not they they have actually sinned but that they are born in sin. Can a baby repent ?

He never sinned, which is why he did not need to repent to become baptized. The same applies to babies, who although are conceived into the same sinful nature that all are, they have not yet sinned, so there is no need for them to repent to become baptized. Baptism is simply a fulfillment of righteousness that not only Jesus Christ had to do, but also the elect, which includes babies and children. We must all become baptized in water, and also in spirit.


New member
He never sinned, which is why he did not need to repent to become baptized. The same applies to babies, who although are conceived into the same sinful nature that all are, they have not yet sinned, so there is no need for them to repent to become baptized. Baptism is simply a fulfillment of righteousness that not only Jesus Christ had to do, but also the elect, which includes babies and children. We must all become baptized in water, and also in spirit.

You ignore that Jesus' birth was unique and different. Mary was over shadowed by the Holy Spirit and she was with child.

Jesus did not have a human father as do ALL other babies that have been born of a woman. Jesus was born sinless without the curse of Adam's fall being placed upon him.

Infant baptism is not scriptural even though folks do it out of tradition, but then again there are many man made traditions that are not scriptural.

Psa 51:5
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.