Attention Liberals

patrick jane

It's funny how people hate trump because they think he's a con man and yet they worship every word of TOLs big conman.
I realize you're jealous because i am so well received by all of TOL. I am very popular and loved by all. My profile page has had some 2,600 plus views to your 185. I'm a big deal here and that upsets your paranoid personality. You'll be OK - seek professional help

Become a member before you trash other members
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Hall of Fame
I realize you're jealous because i am so well received by all of TOL. I am very popular and loved by all. My profile page has had some 2,000 plus views to your 180. I'm a big deal here and that upsets your paranoid personality. You'll be OK -

Oh Patrick ... your most endearing quality is your modesty! :D
Liberals and intelligence? Isn’t that an oxymoron?

The problem I've found with liberals is they just believe stuff, despite every obvious argument against. Like gun control. The leftist sheeple actually believe society will be safer, if you take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. In slip-ups of a few seconds honesty, their behind the scenes leadership has stated, publicly, that restrictions are the path to confiscation, that they have to disarm people, one step at a time, as an immediate ban won't fly. Liberal leaders have admitted their plan to slowly boil the frogs, first get the clip down to ten bullets, with zero the goal. Liberals don't see such bone-headed policies only leave criminals armed, only embolden criminals, who don't care about laws. It doesn’t matter the size of the clip a law abiding gun owner has: he’s not using a gun for crime, Einstein, hopes to die with no powder residue in the barrel. They neither see the same argument could be made for banning cars and trucks, pharmaceutical drugs, Big Macs, a zillion other things that cause premature death, though most drivers die of old age, many drugs help more people not addicts, many people only have the occasional Big Mac, that most people responsibly handle their lives, on various fronts, like they responsibly handle guns and are only interested in protecting their family and guaranteed freedoms. And you don't cancel freedoms because of abusers, strip people of any right, turn everybody into a criminal! Furthermore, liberals don't understand the 2nd Amendment has more to do with keeping tyrannical government in check than thwarting burglars, murderers and rapists, don't see the Big Brother that's pickled their brains is the real enemy, the elitist, the globalist that needs a disarmed population to effect totalitarianism. But, in any case, they believe you're safer if you have a baseball bat or kitchen knife, to defend yourself against some brute who's kicking in your door, with a stolen or black market gun in hand, or that it's better to just quietly give way to death camps for enemies of the state, starting with people who actually believe in the Bible and the Constitution. By the way, brainchildren of the left, you've invited that brute to kick in your door, if he thinks you're not armed. Every block probably has some liberal whackjobs who believe guns should be illegal, being protected on same said block by people with guns they hate, protected by the fact the criminals don't know whether a home is occupied by a helpless idiot who'd vote for Hillary, or not. You may as well take the kitchen knife you think protects you and cut off your nose with it.

There's simply the matter of the U.S. Constitution that is America. They'd like to ban Romans 1 from being preached for some noisy homos, call it "hate speech." This is regardless Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech and exercise of religion. They don't have a clue that, once you start silencing any speech, their speech comes next. Once you start silencing religious expression, your religion or philosophy comes next. They don't see that big government things like redistributing wealth, there's no incentive for a strong middle class: why go to all the trouble to get ahead, when your small business profit is eaten alive, frustrated at every turn by regulations and predatory lawsuits? How are you going to have less unemployment, flooding the nation with illegals? How are you going to have safety, handing out visas to Islamic terrorists? How are you going to be respected in the world, when the Iranians swear they'll destroy you every other day, declare what incredible idiots you are at the negotiating table, and you actually reward them with billions of dollars and an agreement with no teeth, they didn't even sign, a green light to go nuclear? This is just stupid insane, the best government Satan can buy. There is really only a one party system on Satan's payroll, should just have one convention of Stoogocrats, this the naked truth you can't handle.

I'm, actually, not a political person, neither like the extreme right, am a Bible believer most of all. I hate guns, but do see the necessity, history proving what happens to sheep being herded by Satan and the obligation to protect our families and rights. I see the necessity to protect the speech and religious liberty of people I wholly disagree with, that the citizens' inalienable rights means just that. I see it's obvious the nation can't support endless immigration, much less Muslim radicals strolling into the nation, under the radar, because big and evil government is trying to create chaos, break everything, so they can "fix" it, their way, the way Hitler and Stalin "fixed" things. Certain matters are intuitively obvious, and your liberal has a Jello-ed brain that can't see the forest for the trees, completely unresponsive to reason. I've known liberals who are like deer caught in the headlights when presented with the serious problems, the irrationality of what they believe in, that senseless bill of goods they've been sold. What it all comes down to is no real answers and a cult of personalities, evil men and women who say, "Trust me!" That's enough for them, just check the old brain at the door, one can only suppose, or maybe they've never attended a basic history class. Who knows?

In the final analysis, no matter their whys and wherefores, they should leave America, go to some totalitarian nation, without the rule of such a Constitution, without a Bill of Rights front and center they're trying to dismantle, and stop trying to destroy what is America to any good American. They need to go screw-up somebody else’s nation, crap in the bed they sleep in there. Those who are against the freedoms a long line of patriots have died for are, in short, the real enemies of the nation. I grew up and was taught Founding Fathers and rule of law preeminent, the oath of government employees to the Constitution, that there are no kings, government of the people codified in immutable, basic laws, and happen to also agree with this, do not accept any liberal moron redacting history and telling us that was all, "Just kidding!" As far as I'm concerned, such people should be told not to go away angry, but, in any event, do go away, crown the likes of Obama or Hillary on somebody else's soil. I'd suggest Sweden or Germany, where they welcome rape on the streets now and will subsidize even an invasion of demoniacs. But better hurry and get that passport! It may not be much longer you're welcome there, either.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Bea Arthur is back in "Stupid Mode".

Situation: Normal.

Listen up you gullible Trump worshiping moron. The people in Scotland did not deserve to have their lives trampled upon simply because that egotistical git wanted to build a bloody golf course. He promised thousands of jobs that never transpired and treat the people who already lived on that land like complete crap.

Those are the facts but hey, you carry on putting a halo over the guy you gormless crank.


Hall of Fame
Listen up you gullible Trump worshiping moron. The people in Scotland did not deserve to have their lives trampled upon simply because that egotistical git wanted to build a bloody golf course. He promised thousands of jobs that never transpired and treat the people who already lived on that land like complete crap.

Those are the facts but hey, you carry on putting a halo over the guy you gormless crank.

In a nutshell ... Trump lacks the what should be two qualifiers of any candidate running for the POTUS: humanity and sanity. The longer I watch and listen to his insane antics and remarks, the more I am convinced he is a narcissistic sociopath.


Active member
I understand many of you refuse the label. I'm talking to people who would never call themselves conservative, who are called liberals by self proclaimed conservatives. I have a few questions for you.

Do you consider yourself as more innately intelligent than most conservatives you meet? Do you consider yourself more moral? More compassionate?

Do you think America would be better off without conservatives? Having them around for entertainment value or to keep your mind sharp doesn't count.
I think Canada Is better off with a diminished conservative influence....Thank you Mr Harper for your service and Good Bye. Good bye indeed.


Hall of Fame
I think Canada Is better off with a diminished conservative influence....Thank you Mr Harper for your service and Good Bye. Good bye indeed.

Oh quit bragging! :madmad:


Seriously, you guys are so lucky you don't have to deal with this type of radical individual (Trump) trying to destroy your country.


Active member
Oh quit bragging! :madmad:


Seriously, you guys are so lucky you don't have to deal with this type of radical individual (Trump) trying to destroy your country.

It's unbelievable that a presidential candidate would invite America's major foe to commit cyber espionage against his political opponent....How is he not in jail for treason?


Hall of Fame
It's unbelievable that a presidential candidate would invite America's major foe to commit cyber espionage against his political opponent....How is he not in jail for treason?

Good question ... he should be locked up behind bars ...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think Canada Is better off with a diminished conservative influence....Thank you Mr Harper for your service and Good Bye. Good bye indeed.
Well, we have our share of diminished conservatives, but they keep making it to the top of the ticket. :mmph:

Not sure how much worse that is than the accomplished dissembler on the other side of it, but it's scarier on the whole.


Ronald Reagan was long thought to be the most conservative of Republicans. And by any standard today he is the most popular Republican in modern history.

Yet he raised taxes 11 times, supported a ban on assault rifles and the Brady Bill, which mandated background checks, and established amnesty for 3 million undocumented workers.

- Mark McKinnon