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Well-known member
If you perform any kind of duty towards the Eternal Almighty you must do so in sincerity. You must be:

100% sincere in every intention
100% sincere in every thought
100% correct and sincere in every word you utter
100% sincerity in deed
100% effort in every deed you perform.



What if you sincere towards God but doing the wrong thing?

But if you are correct and we have no free will choice in the matter, then your thread is pointless.

But why would God not let you be 100% sincere? If someone, according to your theology of no free will, is not 100% sincere, it is not the fault of the individual, but of God.

If what seems to you to be only 50% effort in another is true, then you must ask God why God controlled that person to do only 50% not 100

So if you are correct that man has no free will, then why do you ask?


New member
What if you sincere towards God but doing the wrong thing?

But if you are correct and we have no free will choice in the matter, then your thread is pointless.

But why would God not let you be 100% sincere? If someone, according to your theology of no free will, is not 100% sincere, it is not the fault of the individual, but of God.

If what seems to you to be only 50% effort in another is true, then you must ask God why God controlled that person to do only 50% not 100

So if you are correct that man has no free will, then why do you ask?

Your post is just a series "ifs and buts". So sad...


New member
For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.


New member
He reveals His will to the heirs of promise and not to those that contest His will. The pretenders can read the will, but they cannot benefit from it.

The Good News of the Reformed gospel. Step right up and win the cosmic lottery. All those verses on faith and repentance are just an illusion. There is no heaven to win or a hell to shun just believe in our twisted gospel and you will become one of the elect like us. We have been elected by Satan to pervert the gospel to our dying days.


New member
Really? But if your theology is true, then that is God's fault, not mine.

It therefore your god you are finding fault with, not me.

I don't find fault with Him. You are bound to your mistaken beliefs. You will continue in them and perish, unless you are converted.


New member
The Good News of the Reformed gospel. Step right up and win the cosmic lottery. All those verses on faith and repentance are just an illusion. There is no heaven to win or a hell to shun just believe in our twisted gospel and you will become one of the elect like us. We have been elected by Satan to pervert the gospel to our dying days.

I was converted before I discovered the doctrine of predetermination. I found it in Romans and Ephesians.


Well-known member
I don't find fault with Him. You are bound to your mistaken beliefs. You will continue in them and perish, unless you are converted.

According to your theology of no free will, that is God's choice, not mine. So again, according to your beliefs, you blame God for my mistaken beliefs, for I have no choice in the matter.

Why do you criticize me if indeed, I an not capable of choosing, let alone doing what is right?


New member
According to your theology of no free will, that is God's choice, not mine. So again, according to your beliefs, you blame God for my mistaken beliefs, for I have no choice in the matter.

Why do you criticize me if indeed, I an not capable of choosing, let alone doing what is right?

I am warning you. Not criticising you.

Repent and trust.


:rotfl: heathen

Yep, but my comment remains accurate. You and Truster continue to snipe at each other, each claiming he is correct in interpreting your Scripture. It's like listening to 10 year olds bad mouthing each other's mother. The old "Oh yeah, well your mother wears combat boots."


New member
Yep, but my comment remains accurate. You and Truster continue to snipe at each other, each claiming he is correct in interpreting your Scripture. It's like listening to 10 year olds bad mouthing each other's mother. The old "Oh yeah, well your mother wears combat boots."

I have never declared that "I am right". I simply convey the truth. I don't argue I simply declare the facts. I don't snipe I see the target clearly and fire.


New member
Yes, it is taught there, as clear as day . . for those given grace to see.

So why is the Lutheran understanding of predestination light years away from the Reformed understanding? You have no answer for that. Reformed act as if they own the doctrine of predestination and the only thing they own is their perversion of it.


New member
So why is the Lutheran understanding of predestination light years away from the Reformed understanding? You have no answer for that. Reformed act as if they own the doctrine of predestination and the only thing they own is their perversion of it.

I take it that you haven't read Luther's Bondage of the Will. Or his commentary on Romans.


New member
I take it that you haven't read Luther's Bondage of the Will. Or his commentary on Romans.

Yes I have read the latter and Luther was very strong on God's choice being the sole factor in determining the elect from the non-elect. The gospel is preached to all and those who believe are elect and those who do not are non-elect. It's as simple as that. You may claim to be an elect believer but you deny that Christ died for all which has nothing to do with election. The cross is not where Christ chose it is where he died for all people and all sin.


New member
Yes I have read the latter and Luther was very strong on God's choice being the sole factor in determining the elect from the non-elect. The gospel is preached to all and those who believe are elect and those who do not are non-elect. It's as simple as that. You may claim to be an elect believer but you deny that Christ died for all which has nothing to do with election. The cross is not where Christ chose it is where he died for all people and all sin.

So close and yet no comprehension. Parrot fashion is the only thing you have, but your marching mantra is out of step with truth.