Are black on white attacks justified?

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The history between you and Town is that you've been kicked out of his threads for obsessive stalking and a fair number of bans along similar lines for the very same. Whereas he...hasn't.

Them's the facts dude.

i was posting to dm, artie

but i knew you'd feel compelled to respond, since i mentioned your girlfriend :chuckle:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Clearly, I disagree.
You think there was confusion on the point? :plain:

You do you. Medium fish in a shallow pond...
Well, at least we can agree something is fishy about your protest.

Still running your humiliation. *cough*. Sorry. Observational thread?
So you don't know much about that thread either.

Crack on, sunshine.
That's the spirit. :thumb:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Not quite sure how we got from the OP to here, but have you ever heard of Static Guard? It works really well to get those clingy socks unstuck. :)

Seriously, some people have nothing better to do than sit there and push your buttons. They're not worth your time.
Appreciated. Apparently he's been here about as long as I have. I have no idea who he is, no recollection of ever having read him before. But he sure seems to have given me a bit of thought. I suspect you're right on all counts.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i was posting to dm, artie

but i knew you'd feel compelled to respond, since i mentioned your girlfriend :chuckle:

Compelled to respond with facts, yes.

Whereas you respond with the kinda thing that led to so many of your bans in the first place.

Dude, that's kinda...retarded...


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
and after a quick read of his 33 posts, i can state with some certainty that he's contributed more to the site than you :thumb:
Then your judgment is almost a match for your manners. :)

It was close, but the absence of a "retard" or similar insult in the above won the day for manners...well, the moment then.


New member
i've been here longer than you, and the history between me and town goes back to when he started
how is it that you have such an early join date and such a low post count?
did you have a different user name earlier?
rumour has it that i might have :noid:

You can see my post history (and you've recently posted on an aged post of mine). I got banned for some reason or other, probably profanity. As already described, I can be prone to emotional delivery, which where I'm from involves profanity. Which is not acceptable here. Hence the very fair ban.

If it's been a while between posts, it's because I've been busy. Life will do that to a chap.

I don't have a history per se with Town Heretic, other than reading what he writes. I take exception to it, content and consequence.

While he doesn't like the obvious pattern being pointed out, he's very good at what he does. I see people like him all the time. I don't like them, and I never shy from calling them out.

What you absolutely shouldn't read into that is some kind of deeper affinity. That 'the enemy of my enemy' trope is not applicable. This isn't war, it's a public forum.

You be you, I'll be me, and he'll be him. The truth won't (despite the best wishes of everyone's granny) out. But, it's never not fun to poke the nest. So to speak.

You think there was confusion on the point?
Well, at least we can agree something is fishy about your protest.
So you don't know much about that thread either.
That's the spirit.
Now, then. You, Mr Heretic.

Happy to have given you something to think about, from one little line of text.

I'm not sure what's suspect (fishy, pond. See. Oh, you.) about what I wrote. I thought it rather clear. I don't like the way you address things, or specifically, other people. I don't like the superior tone you take in your 'Observational' thread.
I don't know much about 'that' thread? Well, I do. I read it (hence the comment). You just don't like the inference (note, inference, distortion would require a deliberate misrepresentation, rather than an observation. At leat one of us has to play fair.) I take from it. Or, rather, you don't like me stating my inference.
Quelle surprise.

I think you're smug.
Who cares? Well, possibly just me, or, probably, you too. Your little tribe, however, well, we already know, right?

No leadership at all, not any...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now, then. You, Mr Heretic.Happy to have given you something to think about, from one little line of text.
Well, there was this fellow I couldn't recall, haven't spoken to or had any correspondence with, who doesn't appear to know me, feeling free about judging my character about as errantly as he did my thread. It seemed a reasonable enough time to contemplate the why.

I don't like the superior tone you take in your 'Observational' thread.
My rebuttal would be easy enough: you're mistaken.

I think you're smug
Which would bother me if you knew me. I don't think you're any particular thing except hostile and assumptive, and wrong.
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