ARCHIVE: The Mind of Bob Enyart

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The Berean said:
It doesn't mean anything! :D I've read many of your posts and this was the first time you stated your "theological" position. Most of your posts I've read have been in evolution threads, mainly trading jabs with bob b. :box:

I'm not sure I stated my theological position, in fact I'm not perhaps even sure what my theological position is other than it has clearly been shaped by lots of Catholic school education--through college--some Bible study after that and some reading after that. I'll buy into the Christian basics. I think I get caught up with some of the literal Genesis stuff that clearly flies in the face of objective science.

The Berean

Well-known member
Jukia said:
I'm not sure I stated my theological position, in fact I'm not perhaps even sure what my theological position is other than it has clearly been shaped by lots of Catholic school education--through college--some Bible study after that and some reading after that. I'll buy into the Christian basics. I think I get caught up with some of the literal Genesis stuff that clearly flies in the face of objective science.
I only meant "theological" position in the broadest sense. Catholicism has certain "core" theological beliefs. Do you consider yourself a "conservative" or "liberal" Catholic?


New member
The Berean said:
I only meant "theological" position in the broadest sense. Catholicism has certain "core" theological beliefs. Do you consider yourself a "conservative" or "liberal" Catholic?
I'd have to say more on the liberal side. A product of Vatican II, although I am old enough to have been an altar boy who had to learn Latin. I can still repeat some of it if I get a chance. I will also state that I was never hit on by a Catholic priest, maybe I was just not cute enough.
Seems to me that the core Catholic theological beliefs are those of most Christians. The Marian movement and perhaps praying to saints are big issues with some but the basics
seem, well, basic.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Jukia said:
And no I do not believe in Noah's flood as set forth in the Bible...
I know! is absurd
Jesus didn't think so:

[jesus]"And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all."[/jesus] Luke 17:26-27​

I'm not sure my theology is up to debating here.
I can see how it would be difficult to defend your "Christian" theology, considering that you openly mock what the Lord says is true.


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Turbo said:
I know!

Jesus didn't think so:

[jesus]"And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all."[/jesus] Luke 17:26-27​

I can see how it would be difficult to defend your "Christian" theology, considering that you openly mock what the Lord says is true.

Well there you go. "Mock", your choice of words. Although as I read the quote from Luke I see no reason to relate it to a world wide flood of which there is no evidence. Jesus spoke in parables and stories on occasion, was clearly knowledgeable as a Jew and perhaps he was trying to make a point other than the existence of a world wide flood.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Jukia said:
Well there you go. "Mock", your choice of words.
"Absurd," your choice of words.

Although as I read the quote from Luke I see no reason to relate it to a world wide flood of which there is no evidence.
Luke also wrote that Jesus was a direct descendent of Noah [and Adam] (Luke 3:36,38). Real people don't have fictitious anscestors.

There is abundant evidence for the Flood (but I know that you deny it) and one would think that to someone who recognizes that Jesus is God, His mentioning the Flood story as though it were true would be powerful evidence indeed.

Jesus spoke in parables and stories on occasion,
But there is nothing in the text indicating that He is speaking in a parable here, but rather he cites it as a well-known historical event.

was clearly knowledgeable as a Jew
Do you agree that Christ's Jewish contemporaries recognized the story of Noah and the worldwide flood as historical?

and perhaps he was trying to make a point other than the existence of a world wide flood.
Of course he was. His point was to deliver a prophetic warning, but in doing so He in passing affirmed the truth of the Scripture:

[jesus]"And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all."[/jesus] Luke 17:26-2​

Likewise Luke's point in chapter 3 was not to say that Adam and Noah were real men and that Adam was created by God. His point was to give Christ's lineage as the Son of Man, but in doing so affirmed that Adam and Noah were real men and that Adam was created by God.


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Enyart, is a good man, but is suspect on some theological issues. His thinking is flawed in some critical areas but thank God for the stance he does take on some very important issues. :up:


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Hall of Fame
Jukia said:
Sorry to rain on your parade, sports fans, but listening to one of Enyart's broadcasts dealing with evolution, recent dinosaurs, etc., did little for me but make me giggle. Well, that is not quite the truth, it did get me to TOL. The information put forth there with respect to science, biology and evolution in particular, makes me question the efficacy of science education in this country.
Plus as a (shudder) Catholic some of his theology is a bit suspect, and his politics downright antedeluvian.
For those of you who have become Christians through his ministry--God works in mysterious ways.

You would have to say something convincing to "rain on my parade". Giggling has yet to change my opinion. A liberal Catholic calling someones theology "a bit suspect"??? Pot, meet the kettle, Kettle, this is the pot...



Well-known member
Turbo said:
No, like Job.
:ha: :BRAVO:

Through "The Plot" I learned there is a logical way to look at the Bible that doesn't require twisting your brain into knots to make it harmonize. You can read the Bible at face value. And just so I don't get too far off the recent topic, that includes the flood.

Through Bob's predestination series I learned that God is not the author of sin and cruel.

I'm now listening to his revelations series. Could DBC move to the north end of Denver and maybe I could attend?



New member
So I am supposed to take the theology of someone who believes that dinosaurs walked with men?

I'll stay with my word--absurd.

And the overwhelming evidence is that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, there was no world wide flood, evolution happens. Get over it. Learn some science. Look at the world around you and try to figure it out. That is what God gave you brains for.


New member
Hall of Fame
Jukia said:
So I am supposed to take the theology of someone who believes that dinosaurs walked with men?

I'll stay with my word--absurd.

And the overwhelming evidence is that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, there was no world wide flood, evolution happens. Get over it. Learn some science. Look at the world around you and try to figure it out. That is what God gave you brains for.




New member
Turbo said:
There is abundant evidence for the Flood

Such as?

Oh, I forget, us commies (to use a word that people love to throw around here) are just part of the scientific Godless conspiracy that ignores the evidence of a world wide flood about 4000 years ago.
Again, learn some science. There is no abundant evidence for the Flood. There is abundant evidence to the contrary.
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