well clete, i have seen numerous posts where an open viewer claims that calvinism teaches this or that only to see AMR or nang object and say that they dont understand that particular tenet of calvinism.
So why in the world do you take the word of AMR or Nang?
Who are they?
Read the Calvinist's own articles of faith. Read the Westminster Confession, or Augustine's Confessions or go to a Calvinist website and read the things they say about who God is to people they agree with and with whom they have no axe to grind.
Ask basically anyone that isn't on a website that is clearly hostile to their worldview and who isn't here for the express purpose of contradicting anything and everything any Open Theist says.
Since they both are deeply studied in calvinism, i would assume they no more about than those whose only knowledge comes from anti calvinist polemical writers.
Nang and AMR are both bold faced liars, voltaire. Give me a break.
I mean use your own ability to think and you can tell that nothing is being misrepresented. Calvinists commonly give lip service to the notion of free will or at the least they acknowledge that we are somehow responsible for our actions but then they will turn right around a plainly state that God predestines everything that happens. Nang just gave you the perfect example of their typical double talk. They do it so often that they don't even notice it. Look at what Nang said to me on this very thread....
from post 1873
Nang said:
Clete said:
I don't deny that Calvinists acknowledge God to be the highest authority but that is not what they are saying when they use the word 'sovereign' in reference to Him.
We aren't?
Then in the very same post!...
Nang said:
Clete said:
The Calvinist concept of Divine Sovereignty is akin to the omni attributes.
Where is God? God is everywhere: Divine Omnipresence.
What does God know: God knows everything: Divine Omniscience.
What can God do? God can do anything. Divine Omnipotence.
What does God control. God controls everything. Divine Sovereignty.
Such is the very definition of God.
To deny the omni-attributes of God, is to deny the essence and Being of God.
I certainly hope you can see the contradiction. I know that Nang can but she doesn't care. In her mind, at worst, its merely an antinomy.
If there is any "misrepresentation" that happens at all its when we Open Theists ignore the concept of antinomy and simply call such doctrines contradictory and treat them as such. The Calvinist calls foul when we do that because they enjoy playing both sides of the fence and don't like it when we pin them to one side or the other. They are fond of antinomy because they believe that the acceptance of contradiction in the name of their religion is a mark of faith and piety on their part. Fortunately for me, and all Open Theists, this makes it really easy to defend against accusations of misrepresentation because all I have to do is to point you to their own words to prove my case, so long as you are intellectually honest enough to acknowledge what you see.
Resting in Him,
P.S. Thanks for the substantive response by the way. Its just so much better than a naked personal opinion hanging out there with no explanation or justification. :thumb: