ARCHIVE: Open Theism part 1

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Hilston said:
If you read my statement in context, you'd realize that I'm talking about this specific issue, not what half the world believes.
Hilston, you obviously missed it. I am trying to show you I am a calm cool headed guy most of the time, using that as an example.

I simply find it amazing how fast you are to dish out trash talk while totally ignoring everything else, I just wanted you to think about it, that's all. I thought you'd want to take a stab at the issues before you got your pants wet.

We can settle this like Neanderthals in pants. I know you have some ideas, but I already figured out they were all wrong. I'll tell you how in a second....

For now, I try to get some common ground at times to approach issues. I try to present them as a way that we can find footing, you see. But with you, I have to be careful about rambling on because you seem to take everything i saw and just find a good way to trash it.

I don't really want to be trashed, so I will try to keep it short. You might say something else mean that I could take to heart and i might take you more seriously if i don't try not to.

You see, some people like to argue with words. Some like to use keep it a little simpler than that, like you, and I can respect that. So I think I get that. And that's cool.

Old hippies like us need to get in synch with a new way of communication... through the mind waves. And that's what i did with you.

OK, here is a physics lesson...

You have to understand the 3d circle. It is round, it doesn't end, and it has the extra dimension most circles don't have. When you see its eternal essence, you can see it is hollow. That is time. No ending. No beginning, and hollow, with an extra dimension, and space inside it. It is why we don't agree with time. It is too wrong.

There are just too many things to say here as to why you are wrong. thats the first... address it please?

Oh, BTW, I also found out you are a muslim-polytheiminiate. Look it up. It is weird stuff man. :kookoo:
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Hilston said:
In classic Open Theist fashion, patman just. Doesn't. Get it (all according to God's decree, of course). No Calvinist or Settled Viewer worth his salt believes that God makes them do anything. But as long as Unsettled Deists continue to learn pseudo-Calvinism via the Bob Hill School of Enyartian theological inbreeding, this distortion will persist and propagate, with no regard for what Calvinism actually teaches (all according to God's decrees, of course). It's typical. Pathetic. And sadly, it's exactly what I've come to expect from the self-delusional worshippers of the Opposable-Thumb Sand God.

According to God's decrees,
Huh? I didn't say that.


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patman said:
I simply find it amazing how fast you are to dish out trash talk while totally ignoring everything else, I just wanted you to think about it, that's all.
Thinking is hard. I'd rather avoid it.

patman said:
I thought you'd want to take a stab at the issues before you got your pants wet.
No worries. I wear Depends.

patman said:
We can settle this like Neanderthals in pants. I know you have some ideas, but I already figured out they were all wrong. I'll tell you how in a second....
I'm riveted.

patman said:
For now, I try to get some common ground at times to approach issues. I try to present them as a way that we can find footing, you see. But with you, I have to be careful about rambling on because you seem to take everything i saw and just find a good way to trash it.
We don't have common ground, patman. Your conception of God floats in the void. You have no footing.

patman said:
I don't really want to be trashed, so I will try to keep it short. You might say something else mean that I could take to heart and i might take you more seriously if i don't try not to.
Don't bother. It's not worth taking me seriously. Look what happened to Clete.

patman said:
You see, some people like to argue with words. Some like to use keep it a little simpler than that, like you, and I can respect that. So I think I get that. And that's cool.

Old hippies like us need to get in synch with a new way of communication... through the mind waves. And that's what i did with you.
Oooo. Spooky.

patman said:
OK, here is a physics lesson...

You have to understand the 3d circle. It is round, it doesn't end, and it has the extra dimension most circles don't have. When you see its eternal essence, you can see it is hollow. That is time. No ending. No beginning, and hollow, with an extra dimension, and space inside it. It is why we don't agree with time. It is too wrong.

There are just too many things to say here as to why you are wrong. thats the first... address it please?
No, it is you who are wrong. Here is a psychological geometry lesson ...

You have to understand the 4th rhombus. It is a equilateral parallelogram quadrilateral, i.e., it has four sides of all the same length with both pairs of opposite sides parallel. The word rhomb is sometimes used instead of rhombus, and a rhombus is sometimes also called a diamond. A rhombus with 2 angles at 45 degrees has an extra quality that most rhomboids do not have, and it is sometimes called a lozenge. That is Open Theism's God. When you see His existential finitude, you can see He is a tangential quadrilateral with a=b=c=d, and so has inradius (r) equals the product of the its polygon diagonals (p & q) divided by twice the square root of the sum of the squares of the polygon diagonals. He is bound by time, a hapless schlub, too stupid to design a better being in His own image, and quite literally man-handled by the Freewill Thugs of His own poor design.


Active member
Hilston said:
You have to understand the 4th rhombus. It is a equilateral parallelogram quadrilateral, i.e., it has four sides of all the same length with both pairs of opposite sides parallel. The word rhomb is sometimes used instead of rhombus, and a rhombus is sometimes also called a diamond. A rhombus with 2 angles at 45 degrees has an extra quality that most rhomboids do not have, and it is sometimes called a lozenge. That is Open Theism's God. When you see His existential finitude, you can see He is a tangential quadrilateral with a=b=c=d, and so has inradius (r) equals the product of the its polygon diagonals (p & q) divided by twice the square root of the sum of the squares of the polygon diagonals. He is bound by time, a hapless schlub, too stupid to design a better being in His own image, and quite literally man-handled by the Freewill Thugs of His own poor design.
No. you didn't count the sides of the circle.


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RobE said:
I guess I need to explain fully. How do you know that the future didn't turn out as it was intended?


The grief from sin and evil is inconsistent with God's creation mandate and His great character. God will consummate the future, but that still does not undo all the evil perpetrated by man against humanity. Heinous evil and hell (intended for the devil and man) are sufficient examples to know that the future did not turn out exactly like God intended. The death of Christ is another supreme example of the great cost to God of our rebellion.


Active member
Hilston said:
Thinking is hard. I'd rather avoid it.

No worries. I wear Depends.

I'm riveted.

We don't have common ground, patman. Your conception of God floats in the void. You have no footing.

Don't bother. It's not worth taking me seriously. Look what happened to Clete.

Oooo. Spooky.

No, it is you who are wrong. Here is a psychological geometry lesson ...

You have to understand the 4th rhombus. It is a equilateral parallelogram quadrilateral, i.e., it has four sides of all the same length with both pairs of opposite sides parallel. The word rhomb is sometimes used instead of rhombus, and a rhombus is sometimes also called a diamond. A rhombus with 2 angles at 45 degrees has an extra quality that most rhomboids do not have, and it is sometimes called a lozenge. That is Open Theism's God. When you see His existential finitude, you can see He is a tangential quadrilateral with a=b=c=d, and so has inradius (r) equals the product of the its polygon diagonals (p & q) divided by twice the square root of the sum of the squares of the polygon diagonals. He is bound by time, a hapless schlub, too stupid to design a better being in His own image, and quite literally man-handled by the Freewill Thugs of His own poor design.

Looks like I almost had you going for a while... you got all the way through before you started making real since tho...

Bob Hill

TOL Subscriber
I believe the Open View of God.
It develops an honest responsible character.
It allows real choice for man, rather than making man a semi robot.
It produces moral responsibility.
It causes freedom for man and contingency to exist.

The application of these laws to certain passages clears up problems.
The future actions of men under the law of freedom are unknowable. There are some things God does not know before hand. Gen 22:12 And He said, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.

Even when God thinks or says something will happen, it may not under the law of freedom. “God said ‘She will return to Me!’ But she did not return” Jer 3:7 And I said, after she had done all these things, ‘Return to Me.’ But she did not return..

God is limited in His promises to bless when man does not do as He commands (Psa 78:41).

Even promises that appear to be unconditional may be broken (Ex 23:27-31; 33:1,2; 34:10; Deu 7:1; Josh 1:4,5; 3:10; 15:63; 16:10; Jud 2:1-3,20-23; 3:1-4,5).

God broke a promise sworn to the fathers of Israel because of disobedience (Num 14:23,30,34).

When God saw the extreme wickedness of man, He was sorry He had made him. In fact, He repented that He had made him, Gen 6:5-7 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.”

God repented in many other situations. Here are some examples: Ex 32:7-14; Deu 9:8-25; 1 Sa 15:11,35; 2 Sam 24:16; 1 Chr 21:15; Jer 4:28; 15:6; 20:16; 26:19; Joel 2:13; Jon 3:10; Zec 8:14; Mal 3:6.

Isaiah prophesied by the word of the Lord to Hezekiah that he would die soon (2 Ki 20:1-5), but he didn’t.

Under some circumstances, God said He would not repent. The context of these passages show why (Num 23:19; 1 Sa 15:29; Psa 110:4).

When God foreknows, declares, or prophesies an event as being sure, to make sure, He makes it happen.

God “works all things according to the counsel of His will” (Eph 1:11). Does this mean all things, even outside of this context? 1 Ti 2:4; 1 Th 4:3; 5:18

Bob Hill


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The Existentialism of Bob Hill

Bob Hill said:
I believe the Open View of God.
It develops an honest responsible character.
Where does this conclusion come from? Obviously there are no Calvinists or Settled Theists who are honest or responsible in their character. Obviously all Open Theists are honest and responsible. The honest and responsible atheists out there must be utterly ignored for this theory to work. Only existentialism would lead someone to think this way.

Bob Hill said:
It allows real choice for man, rather than making man a semi robot.
This is code language for existentialist Luciferian autonomy. So-called "real choice" is the libertarian freedom Lucifer presented to Adam and the very sin which caused the fall of man (all according to God's decrees, of course).

Bob Hill said:
It produces moral responsibility.
Of course, there are no morally responsible Calvinists or Settled Theists. Only Open Theists show any moral responsibility. And Mormons. So it looks like the true religion is a toss-up between Open Theism and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Bob Hill said:
It causes freedom for man and contingency to exist.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? "Hath God said?" Open Theism is the existentialist invitation to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, to be autonomous, to be libertarianly free.

Bob Hill said:
The application of these laws to certain passages clears up problems.
The future actions of men under the law of freedom are unknowable.
The law of freedom? Where does this come from? Is it written down somewhere?

Bob Hill said:
There are some things God does not know before hand. Gen 22:12 And He said, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.
So hellbent are Unsettled Deists on proclaiming the ignorance of God and making Him less than God that they do violence to language. Instead of recognizing an obvious figure of speech that emphatically and richly expresses God's favor toward Abraham, the proponent of this toxic theology uses it make God into a finite being who cannot be trusted (according to God's decrees, of course). Abraham trusted a God who knew what was going to happen and would decree evil for His own good purposes. The Open Theist version of Abraham would not have obeyed God. He would have reminded God that He doesn't know the future and that maybe He's wrong about this course of action.

Bob Hill said:
Even when God thinks or says something will happen, it may not under the law of freedom.
Such is the finite God of Open Theism. Is "Theism" even an appropriate term for this theology? Is "theology" even an appropriate term? It should probably be something more like "Open Demigod-ism".

Bob Hill said:
“God said ‘She will return to Me!’ But she did not return” Jer 3:7 And I said, after she had done all these things, ‘Return to Me.’ But she did not return..
Open Theism proudly proclaims God's rashly impulsive declarations. He's like a child really. He lacks maturity and judgment. He just flies off and makes these bold statements, only to make Himself look like an idiot later.

Bob Hill said:
God is limited in His promises to bless when man does not do as He commands (Psa 78:41).

Even promises that appear to be unconditional may be broken (Ex 23:27-31; 33:1,2; 34:10; Deu 7:1; Josh 1:4,5; 3:10; 15:63; 16:10; Jud 2:1-3,20-23; 3:1-4,5).
So much for trusting God. Open Theism proudly proclaims the untrustworthy character of their God. Despite what the writer of Hebrews says, God breaks His promises.

Bob Hill said:
God broke a promise sworn to the fathers of Israel because of disobedience (Num 14:23,30,34).
See what I mean? Instead of rightly understanding the passage as a reference to the preservation of the elect of the nation, Open Theism proudly prefers to use it as a prooftext for God's failure. Good job! :up:

Bob Hill said:
When God saw the extreme wickedness of man, He was sorry He had made him. In fact, He repented that He had made him, Gen 6:5-7 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7 So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.”
Poor God. He's such a dolt. Mankind is His pinnacle creation. The very best He could do. Yet His design of man is so poor and flawed that the vast majority of men want nothing to do with Him. Where did God go wrong? Should He have made the brain bigger? Or maybe He made it too big? Not only that, but for those who are keeping score, Satan wins big every day. Far more people plummet into hell than pass through the gates of heaven. And since the Open Theist says God can do nothing to stop this, it's obvious that He is the Biggest Loser to have ever existed. According to the humanistic terms that Open Theists are so wont to apply to God, any engineer or designer whose creations failed the vast majority of the time would be considered an abject failure. Any athletic team who lost the vast majority of its competitions would be considered an embarrassment to their sponsors. Why do Open Theists trust this God? There is no rational basis for trusting Him. The only conclusion is self-delusion.

Bob Hill said:
God repented in many other situations. Here are some examples: Ex 32:7-14; Deu 9:8-25; 1 Sa 15:11,35; 2 Sam 24:16; 1 Chr 21:15; Jer 4:28; 15:6; 20:16; 26:19; Joel 2:13; Jon 3:10; Zec 8:14; Mal 3:6.
Of course, just as we'd expect from a God Who is the Supreme Loser. Unless, perhaps those passages are to be understood figuratively. Naw ~ that would deprive the Open Deists of further proof that their God is less than God.

Bob Hill said:
Isaiah prophesied by the word of the Lord to Hezekiah that he would die soon (2 Ki 20:1-5), but he didn’t.
If God were not so impetuous, He wouldn't be such a huge embarrassment.

Bob Hill said:
Under some circumstances, God said He would not repent. The context of these passages show why (Num 23:19; 1 Sa 15:29; Psa 110:4).

When God foreknows, declares, or prophesies an event as being sure, to make sure, He makes it happen.
Yet He still breaks promises. That make Him even worse.

Bob Hill said:
God “works all things according to the counsel of His will” (Eph 1:11). Does this mean all things, even outside of this context? 1 Ti 2:4; 1 Th 4:3; 5:18
On the Open View, of course not. That would make God more God-like and trustworthy. That is unacceptable to the Open Theist. God must be more like man, fallible, errant, ignorant and fickle. It's the only way man can relate, and it's all about "relationship" isn't it? A God who is really God-like can't have relationships with man, so He cannot possibly be like a real God. Like a Rock. He must be more warm and cuddly, like Sand.


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Hilston said:
God is the author of sin.


Repent, Hilston, for your sick and twisted thinking.



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elected4ever said:
Then show me where Hilston made that declaration.

Post #3341.

E4e, I wouldn't have used the quote feature if he hadn't said it word for word.


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Poly said:

Repent, Hilston, for your sick and twisted thinking.

It's not merely my thinking, Poly. It's what the Bible teaches. It's what logic demands. It's what makes God trustworthy. In a universe that is random, there can be no trust, no solid confidence, no unwavering assurance. God is only slightly less clueless than man. How long will God sit by and let scores of people funnel into hell? There's nothing He can do to stop it, except end it all now. But He doesn't. I thought you people said your God was loving, relational, personal, good and living. Why then does He not end it all right now? Can't He do the arithmetic? Every day that goes by, He loses more and more souls to hell. Every day that goes by, more and more people are born, the vast majority of which will choose hell instead of Him. With every child that is born, is He crossing His fingers, convincing Himself that "this time it will be different"? That is a psychotic God who is disconnected from reality. That is the Open Theist God.

On the Settled View, God inexorably saves each and every person that Christ died for. He doesn't lose a single one. Everyone for whom Christ shed His blood has full assurance, an absolute guarantee of salvation, and can trust God fully to work all things for the good of His elect. Even in the midst of the evil that befalls us, we can be absolutely sure that God has decreed it for His good purposes, just like Job, just like Joseph, just like Paul. Each of these men knew that God's decrees of evil would bring about only the good and the best for His elect. In that they could confidently rest.

The Open Theist, despite Clete's delusional sign off, has no grounds upon which to rest in God.


Blessed beyond measure
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Hilston said:
It's not merely my thinking, Poly. It's what the Bible teaches.

James 1:13
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone.


New member
Hilston said:
On the Settled View, God inexorably saves each and every person that Christ died for.

Which makes God the reason some are not saved and not themselves and all for no other reason than your idea of God's sovereignty. God doesn't really love people by the SV because he could have saved them (which is loving) but chose not to (for an obviously unloving reason). God doesn't care for those he didn't save for absolutely no reason other than he chose to (all by the SV). Is that the image of God we see in Jesus? Why did he heal every single person that came to him if he only cared for some? Why did he feel compassion for entire crowds if he was only to save some? No. I cannot accept that. The bible makes plain that God's heart is for the nations and for the world and that he desires all men without distinction to be saved. It is they who reject God, not the other way around as the SV puts forth.


New member
Hilston said:
It's not merely my thinking, Poly. It's what the Bible teaches. It's what logic demands. It's what makes God trustworthy. In a universe that is random, there can be no trust, no solid confidence, no unwavering assurance. God is only slightly less clueless than man. How long will God sit by and let scores of people funnel into hell? There's nothing He can do to stop it, except end it all now. But He doesn't. I thought you people said your God was loving, relational, personal, good and living. Why then does He not end it all right now? Can't He do the arithmetic? Every day that goes by, He loses more and more souls to hell. Every day that goes by, more and more people are born, the vast majority of which will choose hell instead of Him. With every child that is born, is He crossing His fingers, convincing Himself that "this time it will be different"? That is a psychotic God who is disconnected from reality. That is the Open Theist God.

On the Settled View, God inexorably saves each and every person that Christ died for. He doesn't lose a single one. Everyone for whom Christ shed His blood has full assurance, an absolute guarantee of salvation, and can trust God fully to work all things for the good of His elect. Even in the midst of the evil that befalls us, we can be absolutely sure that God has decreed it for His good purposes, just like Job, just like Joseph, just like Paul. Each of these men knew that God's decrees of evil would bring about only the good and the best for His elect. In that they could confidently rest.

The Open Theist, despite Clete's delusional sign off, has no grounds upon which to rest in God.
Though you made a great post entitled, "The Existentialism of Bob Hill", I cannot agree with you that God created sin. If God created sin then God is unjust in prosecuting sin. God does not create enemies on purpose. man chose to become the enemy of God. God does not choose to work against and oppose His own purpose. If he did then he would be a candidate for the nut house because he would be a sycophantic. God would be double minded and work against his own purpose. You need some adjustment in thinking on this subject. By saying such stupid things you make an easy target for for marginalization in all the Christian world and not just for the OVer alone.


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patman said:
Rob, I don't want to hurt ya, just strangle you a little with the keyboard I have been banging over my head.


Because God told us what he was going to do. If it didn't happen that way, I know God can handle it, but in the mean time it shows God didn't foresee that event.

He had to have some idea of the future though or was He just guessing to the best of his limited ability?

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