ARCHIVE: I believe religion to be obsolete


Well, make up your mind. Would you like me to sit down, shut up, mind my own business, sit up and speak, roll over, or play fetch? You had nothing to say to re: my first post, other than it was off-base somehow, even though I specifically discussed Hilston’s attempt to discredit knowledge gained by our senses and reduce all knowledge to “faith” knowledge. Far as I’m concerned, that’s between me and Hilston. Frankly, other than the crack about doodling online during normal working hours, I wasn’t even talking to you. You are a credit to your screed because you are perhaps the worst example of a Christian I’ve ever encountered, and that’s saying something!

Wish you were HERE because then I could wish you a Happy Thanksgiving in PERSON and see if you’re something other than a “telephone tough-guy.” Tell you what, I’ll pay the freight for a flight to Manchester, NH, you and I can enjoy a leftover turkey sandwich, and then we can “discuss” whatever you want.

Meanwhile, if there's nothing specific you have to say re: my first post, you and I have nothing to talk about.



New member

There was something I really want to say about Clete, but I had to edit it out. It would ruin my whole sweet persona I'm attempting to project here.



What’s happenin’… As a former fundie myself I didn’t “lose” my faith, as some put it, I threw it away. Christians sometimes feel a need to “explain” my falling away, and it always boils down to one of two things: 1) I never knew Him, was only “deluded” into thinking I did, and therefore was never saved, or 2) I was saved, but threw it away.

Q: What assurance do you have that you will not one day hear Jesus say to you, as Jesus will say to many professing Christians, “I never knew you.” There is, apparently, an entire “class” of Christians who think they know Jesus, but never really did. How do you account for this, and how can you be sure you won’t be one of them? If I “fell away” after over twenty years in the faith, home school father of seven, deacon of the church, faithful in my marriage for over 26 years, taught, preached, defended, promoted, prayed, helped others, wrote, tithed, etc. -- why not you?

Keep in mind that if you were to have asked me the same thing two years ago, I might have said, “You can’t know. Only those who persevere to the end are saved,” or “I know I’m saved by the inner witness of the Holy Spirit.” In fact, two years ago I would have sounded a lot like you. Are you open to the “possibility” that you only think you’re saved?



Banned by Mod
If that is your motive, forget it. Jesus came to save His people from their SIN. Deliverance from judgement is absolutely secondary and is not a motivating factor in true salvation.

Rolf, you’ve also been saved from hell. You have to admit that without salvation you would be as good as eternal toast, so no matter what comes first you (according to your belief) have been saved from eternal torment. That begs my question again, why is your god so angry?

Oh that brings up another point. Without hell or satan the death of Jesus would be meaningless, therefore in order to have the death of Christ have any meaning you must put hell and satan on an equal if not greater level of regard than jesus himself, therefore you not only worship a zombie, you worship satan.

Chew on that for a while.

You are a jerk and a fool, judging things by mere appearance. My boss doesn't give a rip what I do or how I do it as long as my work gets done correctly and in a timely manner. I don't get paid by the hour and he is fully aware of what I do and when I do it and is exceedingly happy with the results I produce. As a matter of fact, I just got a pretty sizable raise just last week. You need to sit down, shut up, and mind your own business.

I cannot believe that Clete wrote that. Where does he get off talking to people like that? Clete, you have some nerve.

I didn't say anything about him that was not clearly true based on the words of Jesus Himself.

My bible knowledge is kinda rusty, but I don’t recall jesus ever referring to anyone as a jerk.


You say this because you don't believe there's a God. I am living proof GOd exists, but since you prefer to deny God, and His existence, you deny that I am proof.

First, I never denied the existence of god. I deny your “idea” of god, so please stop trying to read my mind and put words in my mouth. Secondly, you being alive is no proof whatsoever of god’s existence. Because you have the bible, an explanation of the origins of all things, you believe that your very existence is proof enough for not only yourself, but for myself as well. LH, I’m not challenging the validity of your existence, I’m challenging the validity of your standard, the bible. That’s why I reject Clete and Hilston’s “validity of sensory perception” argument. I rejected it because they feel the need to validate their senses and they use the bible as a standard by which to validate them. I need no standard. My challenges call into question not their perception but the validity of the standard by which they validate their perception. See the difference? That’s why I reject that argument.

Because you're an idiot, and someone needs to tell you. You keep twisting everything I say. And if you're not an idiot, then you're twisiting on purpose. And that makes you a jerk.

Grow up, LH. I’ve been “twisiting” nothing. I’ve been quoting you word for word, line for line. Instead of believing that I’m “twisiting” your words, maybe you should take off your blinders and come to realize that your words are twisited to begin with.

What I believe is based on substantial proof. I sought God out, because I wanted to be sure.

Yet by your own admission god has never spoken to you physically, he has never shown himself to you physically, he only communicates to you via your soul which you cannot even prove exists. Do I really need to twisit anything, LH?

That's what you get when you spit in the face of my God.

Oh! My feelings… they hurt…

God isn't sensitive. What makes you say that, anyway?

You shouldn’t have asked me that, LH.

According to your fairy tale, god created all humans with an inherent sin nature. Now you can argue that Adam was the one who screwed all of us over, but if Adam were perfect to begin with than he never would have eaten from the tree, so therefore the sin nature is there from the beginning, Adam just pointed out an inherent flaw in god’s creation, a flaw that ticked your god off because as mirror images of god he saw that imperfection in himself. So, god either ordained Adam to screw things up for all of us, or he allowed it to happen, either way he’s a sadist. Then he created a pit of eternally burning fire in which to throw people like myself who refuse to believe without seeing, what a sin. It’s truly worthy of eternal hell fire. Sarcasm. My grandmother, the sweetest most wonderful person in the world is now in hell, burning for eternity because she didn’t believe in your god, a god who will cast me into hell because I asked him to make my pen spin around on my desk. You worship a god who requires you to be in constant communication with him, he requires you to remain on your toes at all times examining yourself for the slightest “sin” and then makes you dependant on his forgiveness lest you reap curses from him. These sins can be anything from the desire to accumulate wealth to the desire to look at naked ladies. Yes, LH, maybe you are free from sin, but your god was going to throw you into hell for looking at naked ladies. You may be free from hell and sin, but now you’re enslaved to god. I’d rather look at naked ladies.

[quotes] I don't have to. And, seeing as how we are not in the same room, or even the same town, how would I? And it's not my soul to prove, anyway. It's God's. He owns me now. He bought me with the blood of His Son. I am not my own. I am His.[/quote]

That’s really too bad LH. Pathetic too. The god described above, the sadist and his zombie son have you jumping through hoops and they won’t even prove themselves to you. If what you say is true you are a weak, pathetic little human and I do feel really bad for you. You can’t think for yourself, you can’t live for yourself. You think and live to the glory of a god that has never shown himself to you but requires that you dance his dance and walk his walk. It’s sad.

Truth hurts, eh? You arrogant, selfish, little twit.

The only truth I see here is very tragic, very tragic indeed LH. You’re a puppet to a god that you can’t even prove is there. You’ve never seen him, you’ve never heard him, he only communicates to you through a soul in your body that is intangible, but belongs to him. You’re a slave to the invisible, the only voice it has is in the words of a book written by men whose identities remain a mystery to this day. I feel really bad for you, LH.

My question still remains:

IF I had hard, empirical evidence, evidence that proved for a fact that jesus was a fraud, would you (all Christians taking part in this thread) cast off and reject your faith in him, or would you continue to believe against the fact that he was a con?

I would appreciate a direct answer.

Yours truly,



New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer

Can I take this cryptic response as an indication that you don't care to discuss the actual topic at hand, or what?

Resting in Him,

Hey, you ninny, why don't you grow a thicker skin and learn to just take a pot shot in stride? Just a thought.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by wickwoman


There was something I really want to say about Clete, but I had to edit it out. It would ruin my whole sweet persona I'm attempting to project here.


C'mon, wick. That sweet persona of yours doesn't fool ME, anyhow...



When I encounter "Christians" like Clete, I can't help but think, "If he's a Christian, who in their right mind would want to spend more than five minutes locked in the same room with him, no less an eternity in heaven?"

Happy Thanksgiving. 11:30 in the morning, grown man still in his pajamas, the aroma of slow roasted turkey filling the house...

Life's good. Glad you're here.



Banned by Mod
Hey Soulman, Clete's not going to accept your invitation, but if you wanna fly me around and feed me I'll gladly accept!


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by prodigal

Hey Soulman, Clete's not going to accept your invitation, but if you wanna fly me around and feed me I'll gladly accept!

Count me in.:D

Here's a real treat...imagine an eternity with Sozo, Clete, Aimiel, and Lighthouse.:shocked:


New member
If Christianity was anything else--namely, a source of hope for millions afraid of hell--it would have been written off a long time ago.

Let's see...a system of control based on subjective emotion, fantasy, incredible literature, all founded on a fear of eternal pain.

It is written off – the followers of this dogma self destruct and logic and reason will not do anything for them. – Religion is dead, and it’s followers are for the most part terrorists, control freaks, and idiots.

There is true Faith, and there is God, Jesus did rise from the dead, and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father – there are many who understand the Good News correctly – and correctly understood, one does not have to change the Good News to Gospel, then create a neurosis to get people to believe - what we call today the Gospel truth.

With Christ’s Love



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by granite1010

Hey, you ninny, why don't you grow a thicker skin and learn to just take a pot shot in stride? Just a thought.
My skin in too thick, if you ask me. I am still here, reading this thread (for a totally unknown reason at this point).
I really don't get you guys anyway. I get accused of being a thief which is 100% false and I respond to that false accusation by telling him that he is being foolish for making a judgment based on mere appearances which is 100% the truth, and it is me that you guys jump all over! You are all a big bunch a hypocritical fools why am I bothering with this conversation at all! :doh:

Resting in Him,

P.S. Soulman, I've said this before and I'll say it again. If you don't like me, wait till you meet God. I'm a sweet little Teddy bear compared to Him who will judge both the quick and the dead sending both body and spirit into Hell fire forever.
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
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New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by servent101


It is written off – the followers of this dogma self destruct and logic and reason will not do anything for them. – Religion is dead, and it’s followers are for the most part terrorists, control freaks, and idiots.

There is true Faith, and there is God, Jesus did rise from the dead, and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father – there are many who understand the Good News correctly – and correctly understood, one does not have to change the Good News to Gospel, then create a neurosis to get people to believe - what we call today the Gospel truth.

With Christ’s Love


I agree with the terrorist, control freak, and idiot part.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer

My skin in too thick, if you ask me. I am still here, reading this thread (for a totally unknown reason at this point).
I really don't get you guys anyway. I get accused of being a thief which is 100% false and I respond to that false accusation by telling him that he is being foolish for making a judgment based on mere appearances which is 100% the truth, and it is me that you guys jump all over! You are all a big bunch a hypocritical fools why am I bothering with this conversation at all! :doh:

Resting in Him,

P.S. Soulman, I've said this before and I'll say it again. If you don't like me, wait till you meet God. I'm a sweet little Teddy bear compared to Him who will judge both the quick and the dead sending both body and spirit into Hell fire forever.
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

Clete: if this bugs you so much, get lost. Just a thought.

By the way, this whole nah-nah-nah Jesus'll Get You Eventually routine is about the most toothless and vacant "threat" imaginable. You can't take someone to task on a bulletin board, for crying out loud, so you resort to shaking your text fist about the whole final judgment and Great White Throne Cosmic Barbecue.


New member
Hi, All,

To join the fray on this quiet holiday...

Hilston wrote:
Only trust in Christ as revealed in the Scripture can validate your reasoning and sense faculties. With trust in Christ comes the gift of certainty, by which you can be certain about the verity of the Scriptures. By acknowledging Christ as the Source of all truth, and the Scriptures as His inerrant and infallible Word, you won't have to toss an apple in the air a million times to know that induction works. You will see it attested in the Scriptures, and since you will have certainty regarding the Scriptures, you can then be equally certain about what they infer, including the verity of the senses and the validity of logic and reason.

Yes, Prodigal, you should listen to Hilston here. But if you do, then you should really take his advice and rely solely upon infallible revelation for your beliefs, and not the fallible and confused theories of men. This will include thoroughly refuting the idea that the sky is an insubstantial atmospheric effect, which opens up onto a universe of unimaginable scope, full of heavenly bodies which dwarf the earth. Because Scripture is quite clear that the heavens are a vault hammered out by God, as "hard as a mirror of cast metal," which separates a body of water above from the earthly expanses of water below. The stars and other heavenly bodies, created after the earth, are actually fairly small objects, which God fixed in the firmament, not above it, but which sometimes may actually fall out of the firmament and hit the Earth, as they will do again during the End Times. Rain is the "release" of water from its storage above the vault, through gates that allow it to pour down; and winds too are kept in a storehouse and let out from time to time. God has established his throne on this great and mighty vault, and he walks around on it as well, again establishing beyond all doubt its firmness and solidity. If you look to the book of Enoch, not in the Bible but cited by many inspired writers (with Jude conferring the status of inspired prophet on its author), then you will find an even clearer picture of the true universe, not that tricky wicky universe of your senses. The Earth really is flat, it has corners and a cornerstone, and there are quite a number of gates out of which the sun and moon emerge at different times of year. There are other gates too by which God regulates mist and other heavenly phenomena. (The sun and stars are propelled by wind, in case you are wondering how they actually move up and down the firmament.) Some stars don't rise punctually, however, or so Enoch reports, and these disobedient stars are thrown in a kind of dungeon.

So, forget modern cosmology, Prodigal. It rests on a totally insecure and irrational foundation. The Bible tells us that the Earth actually existed before the heavens or any of the bodies fixed up there, and we should clearly believe that. Anything else is irrational.

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Fight your own battles, Clete. Educated men invoking the wrath of the local deity went out with the 60s. Not the 1960s. The 60s. You remind me of a man too quick to call down fire from heaven and wipe out an entire town just for the satisfaction of having the last word. Jesus cuffed that monkey, as I recall.

Perhaps you’d care to quickly summarize your position. Hilston was implying that our senses couldn’t be trusted. If he reversed that position between pages 9 and 12, which I didn’t read, I could have missed it. As a materialist, Prodigal is looking for tangible evidence supporting Christianity’s truth claims. So are a few of the rest of us. That gets old, because there isn’t any. If there was evidence “proving” that Jesus is Lord, faith wouldn’t be necessary.

Hilston then cast doubt on the reliability of Prodigal’s senses. Maybe his senses are wrong. Maybe the sky is red. It’s a philosophical argument, arguing that nothing is really knowable. Prodigal says he’s a materialist. Hilston replies (paraphrasing) that facts are not facts, but subjective impressions formed on the basis of sensory input that may or may not be reliable. Thus, even as a materialist Prodigal exercises a “kind” of faith: he accepts as “true” only those things that depend on sensory input that may or may not be flawed. Garbage in (sensory input), garbage out (wrong conclusions).

Once rendering the prospect of “knowing” anything impossible, faith becomes normative. Faith and fact become one. Prodigal has faith in “dubious facts.” The Christian has faith in “things unseen.” There is no substantive difference. Faith is faith. The difference is the object of faith. Prodigal, therefore, has nothing to complain about when the Christian resorts to “truth statements” based on “faith.”

My first post was a response to Hilston’s argument, as I understood it. Clete threw a red flag and “ruled” that I was arguing against a point that wasn’t being made, knee-jerked himself into a frenzy over what amounts to a jibe, stormed off the field in a huff and called down fire from heaven to settle the matter.

Another glimpse into the troubled soul of the "biblical worldview."



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Soulman

Fight your own battles, Clete. Educated men invoking the wrath of the local deity went out with the 60s. Not the 1960s. The 60s. You remind me of a man too quick to call down fire from heaven and wipe out an entire town just for the satisfaction of having the last word. Jesus cuffed that monkey, as I recall.
I have not called down any fire from heaven. Do you always read into what people say whatever it is you find easiest to refute?
And you wouldn't know Jesus if He came up and slapped you in the face.

Perhaps you’d care to quickly summarize your position.
My position is nearly precisely the same as Jim's on this issue, that being that all world views, other than the Christian world view, break down into logical incoherence.

Hilston was implying that our senses couldn’t be trusted.
No, he was not implying any such thing. You missed the entire point.

If he reversed that position between pages 9 and 12, which I didn’t read, I could have missed it.
Since that was never his position to begin with there would have been no need for a reversal. Different users have a different number of posts per page (I have 40 posts per page, for example) so I have no idea what page the three posts that I linked to were on but if you would read those three posts you would understand the point, or at least I would hope that you would.

As a materialist, Prodigal is looking for tangible evidence supporting Christianity’s truth claims. So are a few of the rest of us.
By what means would you test and evaluate such evidence, if any where presented?

That gets old, because there isn’t any. If there was evidence “proving” that Jesus is Lord, faith wouldn’t be necessary.
This is just simple ignorance. Biblical faith has nothing whatsoever to do with belief in spite of the evidence or lack thereof.

Hilston then cast doubt on the reliability of Prodigal’s senses. Maybe his senses are wrong. Maybe the sky is red. It’s a philosophical argument, arguing that nothing is really knowable.
This is not what Jim is arguing. Read it again. You've missed the ENTIRE point.

Prodigal says he’s a materialist. Hilston replies (paraphrasing) that facts are not facts, but subjective impressions formed on the basis of sensory input that may or may not be reliable. Thus, even as a materialist Prodigal exercises a “kind” of faith: he accepts as “true” only those things that depend on sensory input that may or may not be flawed. Garbage in (sensory input), garbage out (wrong conclusions).
I can tell you have read his posts, I cannot understand how you have so totally missed his point!

Once rendering the prospect of “knowing” anything impossible, faith becomes normative.
Wrong agian. Jim and I are quite completely certain that the Bible is true and that Jesus is indeed the Creator God.

Faith and fact become one. Prodigal has faith in “dubious facts.” The Christian has faith in “things unseen.” There is no substantive difference. Faith is faith. The difference is the object of faith. Prodigal, therefore, has nothing to complain about when the Christian resorts to “truth statements” based on “faith.”
I assume that this is your attempt at restating Jim's position. If so you couldn't be any further from the truth. You have (as I've said a few times already) totally missed the point altogether.

My first post was a response to Hilston’s argument, as I understood it. Clete threw a red flag and “ruled” that I was arguing against a point that wasn’t being made, knee-jerked himself into a frenzy over what amounts to a jibe, stormed off the field in a huff and called down fire from heaven to settle the matter.
You had missed the point and you are still missing the point and continue to argue against a position that has not been presented.
Your jibe, as you call it, was very intentionally offensive. Had it actually been a jibe you would have explained as much and apologized for the undue offense that you have caused. As it is, you've been caught with your fly open, realizing that you had made a rash judgment without knowing the facts, and are now back peddling. But don't worry about it, my calling a spade a spade doesn't mean I'm going to lose any sleep over it. Just know that if you make idiotic statements that have no basis in fact whatsoever, I will call you on it, especially if your statements are slanderous.

Another glimpse into the troubled soul of the "biblical worldview."
Judging by your ability (or lack thereof) to comprehend what Jim and I are communicating, I wouldn't put a lot of stock in whatever it is you think you've glimpsed about the Christian worldview. If it's even half as off base as your understanding of Jim's argument then you've missed that one too.

Resting in Him,
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Soulman


What’s happenin’… As a former fundie myself I didn’t “lose” my faith, as some put it, I threw it away. Christians sometimes feel a need to “explain” my falling away, and it always boils down to one of two things: 1) I never knew Him, was only “deluded” into thinking I did, and therefore was never saved, or 2) I was saved, but threw it away.
SInce God is the author and finisher of our faith, you didn't throw anything away. You had nothing to throw away.

Q: What assurance do you have that you will not one day hear Jesus say to you, as Jesus will say to many professing Christians, “I never knew you.” There is, apparently, an entire “class” of Christians who think they know Jesus, but never really did. How do you account for this, and how can you be sure you won’t be one of them? If I “fell away” after over twenty years in the faith, home school father of seven, deacon of the church, faithful in my marriage for over 26 years, taught, preached, defended, promoted, prayed, helped others, wrote, tithed, etc. -- why not you?
Because I know Christ. And I know His word is true. His blood freed me from sin, and all that comes with that, by freeing me from the law.

Keep in mind that if you were to have asked me the same thing two years ago, I might have said, “You can’t know. Only those who persevere to the end are saved,” or “I know I’m saved by the inner witness of the Holy Spirit.” In fact, two years ago I would have sounded a lot like you. Are you open to the “possibility” that you only think you’re saved?

I was, at one time. And I was scared. SO I sought out the Lord, to make sure. And He assured me.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by prodigal


First, I never denied the existence of god. I deny your “idea” of god, so please stop trying to read my mind and put words in my mouth. Secondly, you being alive is no proof whatsoever of god’s existence. Because you have the bible, an explanation of the origins of all things, you believe that your very existence is proof enough for not only yourself, but for myself as well.
I know it's not proof enough for you. I already told you that when I said you'd deny my existence as proof.

LH, I’m not challenging the validity of your existence, I’m challenging the validity of your standard, the bible. That’s why I reject Clete and Hilston’s “validity of sensory perception” argument. I rejected it because they feel the need to validate their senses and they use the bible as a standard by which to validate them. I need no standard. My challenges call into question not their perception but the validity of the standard by which they validate their perception. See the difference? That’s why I reject that argument.
The problem here, your problem, is that you are trying to find with your senses that which your senses will never know. You can't smell God. You can't see God. You can't touch/feel God. You can't taste God. And you can't hear God. Not in the physical. It is in your soul that you can commune with God. And it is only by that you will know Him. If you don't deny the existence of a God, then why don't you seek Him out. Find out if He is really there. I did. And I found Him. You can too. If you would just look. Search Him with your soul.

Grow up, LH. I’ve been “twisiting” nothing. I’ve been quoting you word for word, line for line. Instead of believing that I’m “twisiting” your words, maybe you should take off your blinders and come to realize that your words are twisited to begin with.
I said that you might be twisting them. But that was merely an afterthought. I knew that was not the case. Which is why I first mentioned that you were misunderstanding me. Which you have not denied.

Yet by your own admission god has never spoken to you physically, he has never shown himself to you physically, he only communicates to you via your soul which you cannot even prove exists. Do I really need to twisit anything, LH?
"'Cause I can sniff, I can see
I can count up pretty high
But these faculties aren't getting me
Any closer to the sky
But my heart of faith keeps poundin'
So I know I'm doin' fine
But sometimes finding You [God]
Is just like trying to
Smell the color nine...

Smell the color nine?
But nine's not a color
And even if it were you can't smell a color
That's my point exactly..."
-Chris Rice
'Smell the Color 9'

Oh! My feelings… they hurt…

You shouldn’t have asked me that, LH.

According to your fairy tale, god created all humans with an inherent sin nature.
Nope. Not what I believe at all. God created us with free will. That is not an inherent sin nature.

Now you can argue that Adam was the one who screwed all of us over, but if Adam were perfect to begin with than he never would have eaten from the tree,
Who said Adam was perfect? God, alone, is perfect.

so therefore the sin nature is there from the beginning, Adam just pointed out an inherent flaw in god’s creation, a flaw that ticked your god off because as mirror images of god he saw that imperfection in himself.
What is this sin nature you speak of? God gave Adam free will. Adam exercised that, and followed his wife in the eating of the "apple."

So, god either ordained Adam to screw things up for all of us, or he allowed it to happen, either way he’s a sadist.
I agree that God would have to be a sadist to ordain Adam's disobedience. But how would allowing Adam to exercise the free will that God created him with, for a reason, be sadistic? God loved His creation enough to give them free will so they would love Him back. Why? Because He didn't want robots or puppets. He knew this would come at a price. And when He saw the effects of that price He was grieved. And, at one point, He repented that He even made man. So, to take care of it, once and for all, He sent His Son. Whose blood cleansed sin from the earth. Of course, to understand what I mean, you have to understand my definition of sin. I'll explain this much, for now: All sin is forgiven. The grace is there, and so is the freedom. All that is needed is to know it. And I don't mean head knowledge. I mean, you must know it. Beyond human understanding. Lean on God's understanding, and all will be made apparent. But those who do not accept that which has been given them, by either not believing it's there, or not believing they need it, are doomed to hell. Not by God's hand, but by their own choosing.

Then he created a pit of eternally burning fire in which to throw people like myself who refuse to believe without seeing, what a sin.
Wrong. Hell was not created for people. Hell existed before Adam and Eve even ate the fruit of the tree. It was not for mankind. It was for the rebellious angels. Those who were pissed that man was favored over them. And, Satan [the adversary], being even more pissed off that he lost, tempted mankind, in hopes that they too would be cut off from God, forever. And when they weren't, Satan was enraged. So he continues trying to lead people to hell. And, for the longest time, he worked by tempting them away from the law of God. But God had a plan that would not fail. He sacraficede Himself to do away with the law, and allow for the entire human race to be sanctified. And Satan couldn't do anything about it. So now he tempts people away from Christ. Mostly by lying to them, and gettign them to believe God's not there, and if He was He would prove it. And also, by getting them to believe they aren't good enough, or that they are. But the truth is that only the righteous can enter heaven. And no one is righteous. God imputes righteousness on those whose faith is in Him. Satan decieves people, and makes them think their sin keeps the from God. When all the while, the truth is, their sin is forgiven.

It’s truly worthy of eternal hell fire. Sarcasm
There's only one place that is apart from God. And if you don't want to be with him, where do you think you're going to go? God sends no one to hell. They choose to go.

My grandmother, the sweetest most wonderful person in the world is now in hell, burning for eternity because she didn’t believe in your god, a god who will cast me into hell because I asked him to make my pen spin around on my desk.
Nope. God doesn't send anyone to hell. And if you think your grandma was good enough, then you don't know what good enough is. There is no such thing as good enough. Hell is full of good people. But there is no one righteous in hell. The righteous go to heaven, and it is only they who can enter its gastes.

You worship a god who requires you to be in constant communication with him, he requires you to remain on your toes at all times examining yourself for the slightest “sin” and then makes you dependant on his forgiveness lest you reap curses from him.
That's not my God. My God has freed me from sin. I am not condemned for my failings. I am forgiven! His forgiveness is a done deal. I no longer need to seek His forgiveness, for it is already mine. My sins are cleansed, and I am righteous. That is what the blood of Christ did for me. I used to believe what you just said, but i was wrong...and so are you. And God does not "require" constant communication, either. He constantly communes with my soul. That is all.

These sins can be anything from the desire to accumulate wealth to the desire to look at naked ladies. Yes, LH, maybe you are free from sin, but your god was going to throw you into hell for looking at naked ladies. You may be free from hell and sin, but now you’re enslaved to god. I’d rather look at naked ladies.
No, he wasn't. He wasn't going to throw me into hell, or even allow me to go there. He did not condemn me for looking at naked ladies. He had already made me righteous, and cleansed me. And when I realized that, I no longer desired to lust...or do other things, as well. I am not a slave to sin, as I once acted. I am a slave to righteousness. I once believed I was bound to the sin of lust, and that I would suffer condemnation for it. But I was wrong. I was not bound, God ahd freed me! And I was not condemned, for I was in Christ. And knowing the truth made me free.

That’s really too bad LH. Pathetic too. The god described above, the sadist and his zombie son have you jumping through hoops and they won’t even prove themselves to you. If what you say is true you are a weak, pathetic little human and I do feel really bad for you. You can’t think for yourself, you can’t live for yourself. You think and live to the glory of a god that has never shown himself to you but requires that you dance his dance and walk his walk. It’s sad.
I jump through no hoops. And I am not the one walking. Christ is. He lives in me. I rely on His understanding, and I understand. And if I dance, it is for joy!

The only truth I see here is very tragic, very tragic indeed LH. You’re a puppet to a god that you can’t even prove is there. You’ve never seen him, you’ve never heard him, he only communicates to you through a soul in your body that is intangible, but belongs to him. You’re a slave to the invisible, the only voice it has is in the words of a book written by men whose identities remain a mystery to this day. I feel really bad for you, LH.
I'm not a Calvinist, prodigal. So you can't get me to believe that I'm a puppet. I know better. I choose God, because I desire God. Because He chose me. Yes, I am a slave. We all are. The difference, I'm a slave to rightoeusness. You're still a slave to sin, because you'd rather beleive in yourself than a god who condemns for every little misstep. And that makes you so blind that you can't even see that that isn't God. I don't believe in the idea of God that you thought I did, prodigal. I hope you understand that. To reject my idea of God is to reject the forgiveness that is yours.

My question still remains:

IF I had hard, empirical evidence, evidence that proved for a fact that jesus was a fraud, would you (all Christians taking part in this thread) cast off and reject your faith in him, or would you continue to believe against the fact that he was a con?

I would appreciate a direct answer.

Yours truly,

You will never find any such proof. Becaue it does not exist.


My position is nearly precisely the same as Jim's on this issue, that being that all world views, other than the Christian world view, break down into logical incoherence.

That wasn’t so hard, was it? In other words, non-Christian worldviews are based on knowledge that may or may not be as “true” as the unbeliever thinks it is. That is, if “logic” is applied to what the materialist merely thinks he knows, the rules of logic prove the position “incoherent.”

What’s “logical” about accepting truth claims (outlandish truth claims, at that) that can’t be proven? What’s “logically coherent” about talking snakes, stopping the sun, turning water into wine, or people rising from the dead?
