Another wolf is marked/exposed/identified.


New member
The droid takes himself way too seriously. Our/my mistake-we thought you were human, with a sense of humor.

Remind me never to invite you to "Celebrity Roasts," tonight roasting the great saint John W.

You're beginning to bore us, Pops Downer. You're a real barbiturate.
Is that a step above junkie or below oh wise Sir?

Where's that dead eye?

I don't take things of faith or the salvation jokingly; and yes, I am quite the stick in the mud at times.

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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Hear and believe the Word of GOD.

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Non responsive. Evasive. Subjective.

Provide specifics. Hear what? That "still voice" in your spirit/ears? A voice in a dream? What is the content of faith, required to be believed?

Many people believe in "God," or "The Man Upstairs," or some concept of a Supreme Being or some “force” that operates the universe, Darth Pops.

Some deluded Buddhist monk, on the streets of San Fran believes in "god,” many "gods,"..... worshiped by images,...

Jews, Muslims allegedly believe in the same God as "Christians."

Many alleged "Christians" deny the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, or that He rose from the dead.

Unpack it for us.


Well-known member

To me the good news is that GOD is a surety; that HE not only knows us, but knew us before we where even given the gift of life on this world. Before we were, GOD knew us, and is ever merciful to those who believe on HIM. And though this blink may be full of what some percieve as hard; what is of GOD will surely return to the rest of GOD and witness the new heavenly abode.

Thank you, Pops.

Do you honestly think that is the ONE GOSPEL that saves?
Those who believe that will have eternal life?


Well-known member
Let me make it a little more clear for you since I missed the mark the first time.

By all means, please do.

I do not care what any man calls me or thinks of me ultimately.

That's nice.

That in no way means I would not respond to the call of our Lord for whatever He required of me what so ever.

That's nice as well.

Same GOD no matter what form; very good, so why think He came and brought some third testament or separate gospel of salvation? Same One Lord; same one Gospel.

Well Pops. Maybe you can gander at my post #606 and answer it.

I already said St. Paul is an apostle.


And I'm pretty sure you are aware that he was too a Jew.

Which now doesn't mean a thing in the task he was given.

You should try to understand that there aren't separate tribes any longer. The Jew has been spread throughout the world.

Woah there kiddo...Are you sure you wanna stick to that statement? The twelve Apostles have been promised that when Christ comes again and sits on the throne of His glory, they will sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28).

You might want to look into that.

Your question about tribe is irrelevant to me. What is your point?

See above.

If you agree St. Paul is an apostle then why do you say he is not?

I said he wasn't? That's news to me.

And when I say only One will judge me; I mean it. Do you really think the apostles will be judging separate from the Christ or contrary to His Will?

Like I said, you need to study Matthew 19:28 with more fervor...then get back to me.