What happened at the rally: Most of the people were regular people with legit grievances on both sides.
White Supremacists and Nazis with legit grievances? :think: Regarding their upbringing?
There were a number of people on both sides among them that were violent. The violent people clashed and it spilled over into innocent ralliers.
Seems like.
Should the police have done more to avoid the violence? They probably could have.
Okay. I agree that was handled abysmally. I'm not going to get into speculation about motives and the why, but badly done doesn't seem to cover it.
There was an argument within the alt-right whether to let leftists in that said they would support the alt-right, specifically the Nazis.
This new group of racial purists have nothing in common with the left, unless it's at the left extreme and in terms of a willingness to engage in violence to advance their aims.
Disclaimer: I'm not alt-right. I think we should expand immigration. Limiting or stopping immigration is a central tenet of the Alt-right.
I'm not an open borders guy, but I think we have a decent process set up. People should follow it legally and those who don't shouldn't be rewarded for breaking the law. I think building a wall on our southern border is a bad move.
Related: the KKK could have alt-right members. Although it was typically leftist throughout its history,
You just have to stop it. I get why the right wants that to be true, but it just isn't. They were Democrats, but not liberals. When the Republican party of Lincoln became the resistance to social change and minority empowerment the traditional bastions of support for the Democratic party largely abandoned it in the South, establishing that same power block for the right that it leans on today.
race supremacy is neither a right nor left foundational tenet.
It depends on when and to what extent. It's largely been about power and status quo. Whoever has the former protects the latter. And, for a large part of our history you couldn't throw a dead cat in any party meeting of any major party without hitting a racist.
That being said, those on the hard right would probably be less inclined toward race supremacy because believing in absolutes suggests that mankind is subject to the same problems and a similar human nature to deal with said problems.
Actually, being right wing isn't a religious position and neither conservative nor liberal thinking speaks to eternal truths in that sense. Most White Supremacists and the like will be found among the right, mostly because it is from that side that they'll derive protection of the traditions that empower them.
Stewart was right. It isn't that if you're a right winger you like Nazis or the Klan, it's that if you're a Nazi or a Klan member you like the right. Just as minorities look to the Democrats for empowerment and advancement, whether or not they get what they pay for.