Alcoholics Anonymous(kinda)

patrick jane

AA is not the only program or philosophy for alcoholism. It is the oldest- in fact, it was the first program ever created for people dealing with a substance problem.

But by the same point, not everyone agrees with the 'sobriety for life' way for alcoholics. It's a philosophy fundamentally built on fear and doesn't acknowledge Christ as actually removing a disease from one's mind- it rather holds to one always being under a disease even if they never drink again.
Teen Challenge treats addiction with Jesus Christ


Well-known member
Statistically, however, religious recovery programs have a high failure rate. Almost twice that of AA.

Any method that can help an alcoholic get sober, and help him stay that way, is a blessing. But by that same token, it makes sense to use ALL the available tools, and not just the ones that fit in with our personal bias. Because that's exactly the kind of thinking that alcoholics will use as an excuse not to get sober. Or to go back to drinking when they do get sober.


New member
My name is Josh, and I'm an alcoholic. I am working on day 39 of my sobriety, and I don't know much, but I know I won't drink today.

That being said, I searched for a similar thread to no avail, so I thought I'd start one so that any of us that would like/need another place to talk/vent/be heard would have it. I've made some pretty decent friendships on TOL over the last 5 years, so I have no doubt that this thread can be a good place for those of us that need it. I know I need it, since I work 3 weeks at a time without any real chance to catch a meeting.

Bill said in the AA's Big Book that "we are people who normally would not mix. But there exists among us a fellowship, a friendliness, and an understanding which is indescribably wonderful." That's as true at AA meetings as it is here at TOL, so I hope we can all get along, or at least be respectful here. :)

In tradition with AA, I'd like to keep theology out of here as much as possible. This thread is for those who are staying sober, one day at a time, or for those who would like insight into any aspect of AA. I hope this thread is helpful to even one other person here. :wave2:

It's 6182 days since I was converted. When my sin was forgiven my 30 year addiction to alcohol was lifted.
That's 8,902,080 minutes approximately
148,368 hours
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Been to 47 AA meetings- the only thing that really worked for me was church and my own personal outlook.
Maybe I'm just too self willing, or maybe AA isn't for everyone :idunno:

I always sort of had a problem with the 'alcoholic for life' thing, treating it as a disease- it is unsound from a biblical perspective, at least according to this place downtown which is a discipleship ministry. They take in people with problems ranging anywhere from substance abuse to homelessness, and have an interesting bit to say about it.


Well-known member
Been to 47 AA meetings- the only thing that really worked for me was church and my own personal outlook.
Maybe I'm just too self willing, or maybe AA isn't for everyone :idunno:

I always sort of had a problem with the 'alcoholic for life' thing, treating it as a disease- it is unsound from a biblical perspective, at least according to this place downtown which is a discipleship ministry. They take in people with problems ranging anywhere from substance abuse to homelessness, and have an interesting bit to say about it.
All that matters is that whatever method you use, it works for you. Because alcoholism will destroy you, slowly. Under it's influence, sooner or later you will lose everything and everyone you love. And you will end up in prison, in a hospital, or dead.

For me, AA was not enough. Religion was not enough. And the help of a good professional psychologist was not enough. But fortunately, I lived in a big city where I could obtain access to all three of these, simultaneously, and for several years. And together, these were enough to get me sober, and teach me how to stay that way. And I thank God from the bottom of my heart for making all these methods available to me. Because I needed them all. And even more then that, I thank God for making me WILLING TO AVAIL MYSELF OF ALL THE HELP I COULD GET! Because as an alcoholic, I naturally wanted to do everything my own way. But God (and life) broke my idiotic pride, but good. I was beaten all the way down, and my pride and self-centeredness was just smoke and mirrors. So I reached back to any hand that was offered to me: from AA, from my local pastor, and from Dr. O. And they all saved my life … together.
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Well-known member
Do you ever have drinking dreams? Dreams where you drink or try to drink but can't?
I did, for a long, long time after I quit drinking. It also happened for a long time after I quit smoking, too. But eventually they passed. And I no longer think about either one more than once in a while, in passing. And usually my first thought is how grateful I am NOT to be involved with either habit.


Well-known member
325 and counting!! Thankya sir!!



Feral Phoenician

New member
Statistically, however, religious recovery programs have a high failure rate. Almost twice that of AA.

Any method that can help an alcoholic get sober, and help him stay that way, is a blessing. But by that same token, it makes sense to use ALL the available tools, and not just the ones that fit in with our personal bias. Because that's exactly the kind of thinking that alcoholics will use as an excuse not to get sober. Or to go back to drinking when they do get sober.
That is one of the most eloquent statements I've ever heard. And, also, extremely true.

AA didn't do much of anything for me. Also didn't help that I had (and still have) family members reminding me to "use my crutch" and excuse my drinking.

My divorce and not being able to see my daughters everyday, the very reasons I even got out of bed, was a swift kick in the rear.

Got together with some kindred spirits, we put together a team, and I'm almost two years sober now. I still haven't kicked the cigs, but they're next.

Anyone in here wants to chat sometime, let me know. I'm all ears. And congratulations every darn one of you.

patrick jane

That is one of the most eloquent statements I've ever heard. And, also, extremely true.

AA didn't do much of anything for me. Also didn't help that I had (and still have) family members reminding me to "use my crutch" and excuse my drinking.

My divorce and not being able to see my daughters everyday, the very reasons I even got out of bed, was a swift kick in the rear.

Got together with some kindred spirits, we put together a team, and I'm almost two years sober now. I still haven't kicked the cigs, but they're next.

Anyone in here wants to chat sometime, let me know. I'm all ears. And congratulations every darn one of you.
Good job by you too cat lover

Feral Phoenician

New member
Good job by you too cat lover
You too :)

My cats are my motivation and anti-anxiety meds. I don't get up, they don't eat. I don't get up, they have no fresh water (and it's hot out). I actually take pride in "my" feral colony, and my indoor guys and gals (Feral colony is up to about 17 cats, all are "fixed", and I have 5 cats inside the house).

patrick jane

You too :)

My cats are my motivation and anti-anxiety meds. I don't get up, they don't eat. I don't get up, they have no fresh water (and it's hot out). I actually take pride in "my" feral colony, and my indoor guys and gals (Feral colony is up to about 17 cats, all are "fixed", and I have 5 cats inside the house).
I have 2 cats. I love all animals. You must be around some open land?

Feral Phoenician

New member
I have 2 cats. I love all animals. You must be around some open land?
Believe it or not, no. Inner city Phoenix. Turns out, this neighborhood is feral cat overrun. I didn't know that until I got the TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) program out here. Turns out, my house is just overflow. Another house right up the block is feeding over 30 feral cats.

I love all animals, too. I had dogs and cats growing up. I had a dog, big Rottweiler named "Josie" (get it? "Josie and the Pussycats"). Poor girl went into renal failure, and I had to have her put to sleep. Haven't got another one.

patrick jane

Believe it or not, no. Inner city Phoenix. Turns out, this neighborhood is feral cat overrun. I didn't know that until I got the TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) program out here. Turns out, my house is just overflow. Another house right up the block is feeding over 30 feral cats.

I love all animals, too. I had dogs and cats growing up. I had a dog, big Rottweiler named "Josie" (get it? "Josie and the Pussycats"). Poor girl went into renal failure, and I had to have her put to sleep. Haven't got another one.

Kudos to you for helping with the feral cat problem, it's terrible losing a critter