Aimiel: A False Prophet Who Must Already Be Stoned

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Well-known member
You are a liar. You have done no such thing. You are a self-deluded fool. You think God does things for you that He does not do for others.
He does the same thing for anyone in a One-on-one relationship with Him. You should get one.
Because of these false claims of yours, you make those who are having real problems in their life feel as though God rejects them, for not doing all this **** that you claim.
Other persons' feelings aren't my responsibility. You have yet to dis-prove anything I've ever said, you doof-wad.


Well-known member
That Aimiel is destroying people's lives by setting them up for failure, or that he is being exposed for doing it?
That self-righteous morons like yourself, who have only a 'form' of godliness deny The Power of God that is obviously at work in the lives of those who are actually in a relationship with Him.


New member
He does the same thing for anyone in a One-on-one relationship with Him.
What is so sad and pathetic about you Aimiel, is you don't even know what you are saying. You are such a sick, disgusting, and arrogant little pervert, that you don't even know how blind, poor, miserable, and naked you are.

This is the core problem with the charismatic/pentecostal cults. You have had some experience in your life that you attributed to God, and because of that you think you are special. You think that others are missing out on what God wants to do for them, and so you arrogantly boast of your special powers and special knowledge. You are Gnostics, wrapped up in christian rhetoric.

I want you to take your arrogant comments and walk through a childrens cancer ward telling the kids how God will do the same for them that He does for anyone who has a relationship with Him. Tell them how your so-called faith will heal them, if only they will have a "One-on-One relationshp" with Him. Then walk down to the chapel and find a mother who lost her son in a car accident, and tell her how if he had a "One-on-One relationship" with God like you do, God would have saved his life.

Go ahead, Aimiel, tell everyone how it takes the same faith to be healed, and have your special powers, as it does to be saved. Give everyone that special assurance that you have, so that when they don't get healed, or get in a car accident, they can know that they are not saved.

Other persons' feelings aren't my responsibility.
Yes, we know.

That self-righteous morons like yourself, who have only a 'form' of godliness deny The Power of God that is obviously at work in the lives of those who are actually in a relationship with Him.
Yes, yes, we all get how special you are.


New member
Like I said, right over your dung filled head.

Stay stupid, Aimiel. Just keep telling others that if they could only have your faith, and your "relationship", that they too will have special powers that will save them from calamity. Just keep stealing, killing and destroying the hopes of others from your ivory tower cult. That's what you are good at. Just expect to hear "I never knew you", when you boast about this in the face of Jesus.


New member
I am quite flabergasted by the claims and the rebuttals here. The real point of a prophet from God Yahweh is that one is chosen to speak to men by Yahweh, and when the prophet speaks, "Thus sayeth the Lord..." the is no room for a mistake.

God does not make mistakes!

Proof is always in the pudding. Either God says it or He doesn't! If He said it, it WILL be. If it DON"T BE, then He didn't say it and it is a lie...and the prophet is FALSE!

To claim that one is a prophet from God, and not be able to give the truth in the prophecies, is lying about "what God has said!" And you are a false prophet.

Anyone can be a prognosticator, anyone can guess or make predictions. But a "prophet" from God is speaking to men for Him. A false prophecy is nothing but lie. And we all know who is the father of ALL lies.

And besides, a believer must be very careful of what he might claim to be. If we claim any spiritual identity, such as pastor, teacher, prophet, healer...then we WILL be JUDGED according the highest template there is...YAHSHUA the Christ. And if our claims are false, we are nothing but liars. I would just advise, that any who would call themselves a prophet, should first understand what that speicific relationship is and what God Himself expects from those He calls for that office.


New member
... just because someone prophecies something that doesn't come to pass doesn't make the propheseyer or the prophecy itself false.

To claim that one is a prophet from God, and not be able to give the truth in the prophecies, is lying about "what God has said!" And you are a false prophet.

Amen, and amen. :thumb:


You backwoods pentecostal hicks are funny! :chuckle:


New member
Giving a prophecy and speaking what God has said are two different things.
:rotfl: Yes, I know, that is what this whole thread is about! I couldn't have said it better myself! :rotfl:

Your "prophecies" have nothing to do with what God has said.

I think u r catchin' on Jethro. :dunce:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I object to the label that Pentecostal-Charismatics are 'cults'. Most evangelicals admit that they are the largest and fastest growing segment of the Body of Christ (evangelicals) worldwide. There are probably leaders you respect and admire who speak in tongues, etc. Our statements of faith only differ on a few points of Pentecostal distinctives from any other ones you would approve of. Your list of extra, non-salvific issues (OSAS, cessationism, etc.) is Pharisaical.

Reserve pejorative terms for the true cults who deny the Deity/resurrection of Christ, etc. (JWs, Mormons, Christian Science, Islam, etc.).

Credibility, dude. Go buy some.:zoomin:


Well-known member
Your "prophecies" have nothing to do with what God has said.
If God tells me what to say, I will preface what I give with, "I believe I hear God saying..." but if I get only a word of knowledge or vision, I can only give what I see or hear. If God speaks, it is different from simple prophecy, it is The Word of The Lord; which He doesn't give for simply one person or to give any private interpretations of His Word; He shares (very wisely) what He wants shared, clearly and concisely.

As an example, I prayed for a couple one time who had gone through four miscarriages, and were discouraged to the point of their marriage breaking up, because they both wanted to have children. While praying for the woman, I was shown that their prayers would be answered. I told her, "It's done." God didn't say that. I did. It was an accurate prophecy. They now have three children (she had her first less than a year after I told her that). When God gives words, I'm very careful to be sure of Who is speaking (yes, the enemy will try to trick even prophets) and exactly what He says, using the same exact wording, including His inflections. I've whispered, spoken normally, shouted, and even scolded sternly and emphatically. It is His Spirit Who speaks through me, not my own and certainly not the enemy of our souls.


New member
If God tells me what to say, I will preface what I give with, "I believe I hear God saying..." but if I get only a word of knowledge or vision, I can only give what I see or hear. If God speaks, it is different from simple prophecy, it is The Word of The Lord; which He doesn't give for simply one person or to give any private interpretations of His Word; He shares (very wisely) what He wants shared, clearly and concisely.

As an example, I prayed for a couple one time who had gone through four miscarriages, and were discouraged to the point of their marriage breaking up, because they both wanted to have children. While praying for the woman, I was shown that their prayers would be answered. I told her, "It's done." God didn't say that. I did. It was an accurate prophecy. They now have three children (she had her first less than a year after I told her that). When God gives words, I'm very careful to be sure of Who is speaking (yes, the enemy will try to trick even prophets) and exactly what He says, using the same exact wording, including His inflections. I've whispered, spoken normally, shouted, and even scolded sternly and emphatically. It is His Spirit Who speaks through me, not my own and certainly not the enemy of our souls.
You already snubbed your nose at my suggestion that you go to the children's cancer ward, so I doubt asking you what kind of a message you think this sends to those Christians who wanted children and never got them is going to mean anything to you.
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