Adult Canadians crying because Jordan Peterson publishing new book

Gary K

New member
Jordan Peterson is coming out with a new book in March of 2021. It's being published by Penguin Random House of Canada. A bunch of the employees of the company are melting down. They are literally in tears because of Peterson's book being published. Imagine that. A man who is helping untold numbers of people get their lives in order so that they can live productive lives and have more self confidence is so distressing to these people that adults are literally weeping because Jordan is so "mean". That's how they view someone who tells people to get a grip and face themselves realistically and take responsibility for their own lives. That is evil in these eyes of these snowflakes. :rolleyes:

These people have been so sheltered from reality all their lives that reality is to them unbearable. And this political correctness is supposed to be a successful culture and change the world for the better? The left is literally destroying people.

The staff at Penguin Random House Canada had a meltdown at an "emotional town hall" over the company's decision to publish psychologist Jordan Peterson's latest book, according to Vice. Dozens of additional employees have filed "anonymous complaints", the report notes.

On Monday, the publisher said they would publish Peterson's new book, Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life by Peterson, which is going to be out in March 2021. We're guessing none of these additional 12 rules includes setting fire to a Wendy's or throwing a brick through a Target window to steal T-shirts. Hopefully instead, the book offers up a take on how to conduct yourself as an employee of a company without throwing an emotional temper tantrum anytime the boss makes a decision you don't like.

One "junior employee" at PRH said of Peterson: “He is an icon of hate speech and transphobia and the fact that he’s an icon of white supremacy, regardless of the content of his book, I’m not proud to work for a company that publishes him.”

“I feel it was deliberately hidden and dropped on us once it was too late to change course,” they continued.

Perhaps Penguin Random House Canada can inform this person they can be a "junior employee" just about anywhere else instead of coddling them with "town hall" meetings and giving them the impression that their feelings actually matter to PRH's bottom line.

A second employee said “people were crying in the meeting about how Jordan Peterson has affected their lives.”

“The company since June has been doing all these anti-racist and allyship things and them publishing Peterson’s book completely goes against this. It just makes all of their previous efforts seem completely performative,” they said.

Another employee said: "[Peterson's] the one who’s responsible for radicalizing and causing this surge of alt-right groups, especially on university campuses."

“They’re not going to acknowledge the reason they're doing it is for money. I feel that would be the more honest route to go rather than making up excuses for Jordan Peterson,” one employee said, as though making money isn't the main idea of running a business anyway.

The publisher said it welcomes the feedback from its employees. It put out a statement saying: “We announced yesterday that we will publish Jordan Peterson’s new book Beyond Order this coming March. Immediately following the announcement, we held a forum and provided a space for our employees to express their views and offer feedback."

It continued and appeared to stand firm on its decision: "Our employees have started an anonymous feedback channel, which we fully support. We are open to hearing our employees’ feedback and answering all of their questions. We remain committed to publishing a range of voices and viewpoints.”

We wouldn't bet on Penguin Random House backing down. The book, which dares to offer a clinal professional's uncensored opinion about the increasingly "woke" world we live in, will likely be wildly successful - just as Peterson's first book "12 Rules for Life" was - selling 5 million copies.

We think the folks over at PragerU put it best:

Adults literally crying over Jordan Peterson writing a book need more Jordan Peterson in their life
— PragerU (@prageru) November 25, 2020


Well-known member
The guy is sort of an overinflated fraud, in that all he's doing is restating ancient common sense in semi-psychobabble terms to make it sound fresh and groundbreaking. Much of what he says is indeed accurate. It just ain't remotely new.

What really bugs me is there is now apparently something called Jordanite Christianity based on his revisionist take on the Bible, which he does not believe. But to some out there, he may as well be an apostle.

Gary K

New member
The guy is sort of an overinflated fraud, in that all he's doing is restating ancient common sense in semi-psychobabble terms to make it sound fresh and groundbreaking. Much of what he says is indeed accurate. It just ain't remotely new.

What really bugs me is there is now apparently something called Jordanite Christianity based on his revisionist take on the Bible, which he does not believe. But to some out there, he may as well be an apostle.
I don't buy into Peterson being a fraud. He's too real for that. Yes, he's restating ancient common sense, but what he's doing is much like what Jesus did while here on earth. He's brushing away the rubble that has been shoveled over truth and restating it clearly and plainly. And he's getting through to people who need to hear the message. He is changing people's lives for the better. That can't be denied.

Yeah, Jordan is not now a Christian. But, is he responsible for other people doing things in his name? I don't think so. He can't control the actions of other people. That said, I do think he will become a Christian some day. He's always searching for truth. That's pretty plain from everything he says. And as long as he's always searching for truth the Holy Spirit will keep on working on him. And a love for truth always leads a person to Jesus for Jesus is truth and nothing but truth.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... adults are literally weeping because Jordan is so "mean".
From what I saw their distress is caused by their perception that Peterson is transphobic, which is patently nonsense if you've ever listened to what he's had to say about it. But they don't listen, they're not interested in listening, they're not interested in learning. Like little children all they're interested in is throwing tantrums.


Well-known member
I don't buy into Peterson being a fraud. He's too real for that. Yes, he's restating ancient common sense, but what he's doing is much like what Jesus did while here on earth. He's brushing away the rubble that has been shoveled over truth and restating it clearly and plainly. And he's getting through to people who need to hear the message. He is changing people's lives for the better. That can't be denied.

Yeah, Jordan is not now a Christian. But, is he responsible for other people doing things in his name? I don't think so. He can't control the actions of other people. That said, I do think he will become a Christian some day. He's always searching for truth. That's pretty plain from everything he says. And as long as he's always searching for truth the Holy Spirit will keep on working on him. And a love for truth always leads a person to Jesus for Jesus is truth and nothing but truth.

To clarify, I don't believe he's a deliberate fraud; he's just been inflated into this awesome guru image by his followers and it's not warranted. Bottom line, he's a secular shrink with no use for Christ, making him an in idle philosopher who happens to make accurate observations.


Well-known member
From what I saw their distress is caused by their perception that Peterson is transphobic, which is patently nonsense if you've ever listened to what he's had to say about it. But they don't listen, they're not interested in listening, they're not interested in learning. Like little children all they're interested in is throwing tantrums.

Yes, it all goes back to his run-ins with the Canadian speech gestapo. They sought to destroy him but he walked. The Left can't stand him for it.

Gary K

New member
To clarify, I don't believe he's a deliberate fraud; he's just been inflated into this awesome guru image by his followers and it's not warranted. Bottom line, he's a secular shrink with no use for Christ, making him an in idle philosopher who happens to make accurate observations.
Did you know that he takes a lot of what he says from the principles found in Bible? He and Ben Shapiro did a series on the truths found in Genesis. Have you watched any of them? Did you ever listen to his talk about being a Christian? I think the reason he isn't one today is because he's been taught a very distorted picture of God. He believes that God is watching us every second just so He can catch us in some very slight sin and then condemn us for it. The opposite is the truth. God watches us every second so that He can support and help us if we allow Him to do that for us.

The fact that Jordan believes this lie of the devil is probably his greatest objection to becoming a Christian. But, Jordan is always searching for truth, so I do not believe he is locked into believing the deception.

Jordan is a man who loves his fellow man. He delights in helping them improve themselves. And that is one of the foundational ideas of Christianity. Jesus came here because He loves us, and to improve our lives when we apply His truths to our lives. If someone is dedicating his live to the same thing Jesus came here to do, even though he is denying Christ at the moment, I can't see that person to continue to deny Christ until the day he dies. I see much in Jordan that would make him a very positive disciple of Jesus.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I've been listening to Victor Davis Hanson lately. Stephen Kotkin. Charles Murray. Jonathan Haidt.

Gary K

New member
Then his books aren't necessary, are they.

And do you realize how dumb this sounds:
Really? Then why are thousands of books on Christianity published each year? If they are 100% true everything in them is found in the Bible so no need for any Christian books to be published. So, it's dumb to listen to someone else's view on Christianity? Even a non-believers? I asked the question to know if you'd ever listened to any of his talks on Genesis and how he views Christianity. If you don't truly understand his position how is it possible to know who he is or come up with a way to reach him? You consider him your enemy just because he isn't a Christian yet?

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Gary K

New member
I've been listening to Victor Davis Hanson lately. Stephen Kotkin. Charles Murray. Jonathan Haidt.
That's an interesting group of people to listen to. Why that particular group? I have no knowledge of Kotkin or Haidt other than doing a couple of searches to look at what they support after reading your post. I've read enough of both Hanson and Murray over the years to know what they preach.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
My intro to Haidt was "The Coddling of the American Mind". Kotkin was of interest because of his expertise on the Soviet Union, but I've enjoyed listening to him discuss other topics.

Right now I've been doing a lot of fall clean up which means that I've spent hours with headphones on running a leaf blower. I enjoy having a streaming video lecture going in earbuds while I'm roaming over the grounds pushing leaves around.