The twelve apostles will judge one tribe each in Israel.
Jewish believers will live and co reign in Israel.
Gentile believers will live outside of Israel and have different degrees of authority judging the gentile nations.
During the kingdom a person will have to their 100th birthday to accept Christ, death will be present and sin present among those under the age of a hundred. It will be those that we will be judging during that time.
This is what I believe scripture teaches.
So that's your reason to insert the BOC in Rev 20:4, because you think the BOC needs something to do?
I won't say that is an impossible interpretation, but I feel (ie. just my observation) that the BOC does not go through the wrath of the tribulation.
The BOC never has to choose to take the mark of the beast or not, as we have already been raptured into incorruptible bodies.
So, to me, the BOC cannot be the ones of Rev 20.
I see no reason why Rev 20 cannot be speaking of the 12 thrones promised (judging the 12 tribes of Israel), and the trib saints that reign with Christ 1000 years (judging the whole world).
Why would you think that Messiah would give us His Bride a thousand year separation? What kind of husband would do that?
This will create another impase between us at this time because I don't think the BOC is the bride.
I believe the bride is Israel, and will be fulfilled as Hosea tells us. That His bride (Israel) was unfaithful and became a harlot, and then He redeems/purchases His bride back to Himself.
And I'm not sure we can take the message that we will forever be with Christ as meaning that we will be riding His coattail or hovering around Him everywhere He goes, anymore than we have to be in His immediate presence right now as we live on earth and yet He is still with us at all times.
And we must remember that there is still a spirit realm in which angels exist, and it is said of the BOC that we will be judging angels.
And I feel rather confidant that since the angels have access to both the spirit realm and earth, that the BOC will too.
So I'm certainly not saying that the BOC cannot have access to earth, but just that I don't see the BOC as having any specific role in the restored kingdom of Israel.
Anyway, it nice to see others views and how they put it together.
So I do appreciate you taking the time to do so whether we arrive at the same conclusion or not.
And as usual, I leave my options open for further study.
The one study that I have always wanted to do with others is to study the millennium and gather and/or separate the scriptures that apply to it.
Mainly because I think some confuse what happens in the mil with what happens in the eternal state when the wicked are totally gone from the righteous.
But for some odd reason, it's hard to get a group to do a study on that topic.
For some odd reason most don't want to bother with it.
I don't recall ever seeing one here at TOL.