Inquiring minds would like to see authoritative and reliable MAD teaching somewhere and somehow, because right now it seems more like a nihilism; it's not this, it's not that, etc., etc. Of course that's a tall order, because no Christian position has such a thing, save for Catholics, arguably the Orthodox (and I argue not), and Calvinism's Westminster standards. I suppose there could be others, but those are the big ones. :idunno:
One does not build an entire University based on the Mid-Acts Perspective of Dispensationalism on the little you have concluded it does or does not hold to.
And an entire University is what the late Charles Baker helped found.
Google the words "pdf A Dispensational Theology Charles F. Baker" and a copy of one of said University's required readings will come up.
It alone is some 600 pages plus.
You'll find the Mid-Acts Perspective of Dispensationalism is more than an Eschatology.
Another, shorter work of his can be found via googling the words "pdf Dispensational Relationships Charles F. Baker."
Thing is, people either tend to not bother looking into the history of a thing, or do so not really well equipped to look at a thing objectively.
Case in point - one of John Nelson Darby's earliest distinctions was not the distinction that Dispensationalism in General is now known for - the distinction between the Nation ISRAEL and The Body of Christ.
Rather, he arrived at that as the result of a prior distinction - his understanding of the Believer's Complete Identity in Christ.
Which is an understanding that goes beyond Eschatological distinctions.
And even that understanding had only been a continuance of what had already been in motion for him as a point of departure from the Reformed tradition he had been a part of.
Thing is, on the one hand, such things are never as black and white as most appear to need to make them.
On the other, that alone does not mean there isn't a black that is, and can be distinguished from a white.
You might notice this fact from all that Baker's book "A Dispensational Theology" often only touches the surface of.
Because each aspect of the whole that is Mid-Acts Dispensationalism (Soteriology; Bibliology; Angelology; etc.) is a never ending, ever fascinating study in it's own right.
Case in point - a later, much more refined understanding holds to far less Dispensations or Economies than Baker had held to in his day.
The determining factor being, not departure from the basic Acts 9 study approach, rather; further refinements in the basic study approach.
Further refinements which result only from continually returning to the Scripture to there attempt to better understand the text absent of the Mid-Acts Perspective going in, as a means of keeping the Scripture separate from the Perspective: actually hearing the text out, and given all that then entails paying close attention to.
Case in point - my comment to the poster quoted in the OP.
His assertion is erroneous in that the Lord saved the Apostle Paul, after God had already concluded both Unbelieving ISRAEL and the Gentiles "under sin."
Both were now concluded "heathen" "pagan" or given over to "idolatry."
But that poster's point of departure is the error that is the fusion or hybrid of how Acts 9 Dispensationalism studies a thing out with how Acts 28 Dispensationalism studies them out.
The result being that various of his/their positions end up neither actually Acts 9, nor Acts 28 based.
Rather, such have ended up at a hybrid of both approaches and their differrent conclusions that results in views held by neither.
Their marriage of points of departure held by both the Acts 9 and the Acts 28 is obvious to anyone familiar with the history of both the Acts 9 and the Acts 28 Perspectives within Dispensationalism in general.
As someone once astutely noted "within any belief lies the history of it's origin."
The result being that tracing a conclusion and or it's resulting assertion back to it's origin (beliefs, approach, etc.) ends up not that tough a thing to trace back.
Problem is, such easily take offense to having this pointed out to them.
Bad enough such continually prove I'll-equipped to see the obvious.