58 Dead, 500 Plus Wounded


Well-known member
Yes, but as always people read what they want into it, you see the dots over the cities, i see the big red blob over the Mississippi basin. :)

Because that's what you want to focus on even though the real point - for the third time - is that urban areas controlled by leftists have gun crime rates as high as anywhere else, despite having the most restrictive gun laws in the U.S. So, obviously, MORE gun restrictions on everyone is what's needed. Right?


Well-known member
I can't believe we don't have a motive for this guy yet, did he really do this atrocity for no reason whatsoever?

No way. But word usually leaks out sooner rather than later...voting record, political manifestos, angry letters to the editor...something will turn up that'll shed light on who and what he really was.

Given past incidents like this, more than likely he was a registered Democrat.


New member
No way. But word usually leaks out sooner rather than later...voting record, political manifestos, angry letters to the editor...something will turn up that'll shed light on who and what he really was.

Given past incidents like this, more than likely he was a registered Democrat.

:sigh: Here we go...

We know he was white. It is the faults of whites that this occurred? :nono:


Well-known member
To be fair, I should have written liberal or leftist instead of Democrat. Some of them don't appear to have voted but their political views made their alignment clear.

The Barbarian

calling a evil individual like this man mentally disturbed is disrespectful to all the individuals living with mental issues.

He's got no history of crime, no outward signs of terrorist inclination. As I've mentioned before, we don't really have a way to identify which people who are mentally ill will become one of the very few who are dangerous.

Just don't know how to do that.

It's not a reflection on them, any more than putting away a violent and criminal cop is a reflection on the vast majority of decent cops.

The Barbarian

It was the impression I had got until looking at some facts, obviously cities have more deaths due to population density, but when looked at per head.


There a few of these maps but most paint the same pictures with darker colours being higher density and more shootings per head.



The Barbarian

Facts are facts. If this guy proves to have been a conservative, he'll be an exception to the usual trend. And you know it.

A joint project by the Investigative Fund at the Nation Institute, a nonprofit media center, and Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting has found that within the past nine years, right-wing extremists plotted or carried out nearly twice as many terrorist attacks as Islamist extremists. Of the 115 right-wing incidents, police only foiled 35 percent. Compare this to the 63 Islamist terrorism cases, where police foiled 76 percent of the planned attacks.

Right-wing extremists were not only more successful, they were often more deadly, too. From 2008 to 2016, a third of right-wing attacks involved fatalities, compared to 13 percent of Islamist attacks. It should be noted, however, that Islamist extremists killed more people overall, with a death toll of 90 people compared to 79.



New member
A joint project by the Investigative Fund at the Nation Institute, a nonprofit media center, and Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting has found that within the past nine years, right-wing extremists plotted or carried out nearly twice as many terrorist attacks as Islamist extremists. Of the 115 right-wing incidents, police only foiled 35 percent. Compare this to the 63 Islamist terrorism cases, where police foiled 76 percent of the planned attacks.

Right-wing extremists were not only more successful, they were often more deadly, too. From 2008 to 2016, a third of right-wing attacks involved fatalities, compared to 13 percent of Islamist attacks. It should be noted, however, that Islamist extremists killed more people overall, with a death toll of 90 people compared to 79.

Facts are facts.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
oh you really are grasping at straws here....

Nutters some in all shapes and sizes, until we know lets just accept he was criminally nuts and not have to associate him with any political viewpoint. Its a guess but i don't think will end up with any political motivation at all in this shooting.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I find the desire to wish to create a story in which this a government attack on its own people, with no supporting evidence frightening.

This stuff happens when you have 300,000,000 guns in circulation is a much more believable explanation than either that a pro gun government is running false flag operations against its people to ban guns.

False Flag? I hear 2 weapons firing at the same time in this video - WARNING PROFANITY



Well-known member
Amazing how people mange to assume that the murderer was a Democrat, A Liberal, or an atheist. He must have been somebody not like me.

And guns are a problem in the US.

By the way- anybody notice how Armed US Free Civilians all pulled out their weapons and stopped this guy cold?