“We might be living in a very different world for a year or more.”

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Greatest poster ever
Italy has 50% more smokers than the US does, which means, overall, it'll have less of an effect here than it did there.

No one is "making nothing of this sickness." we're simply saying it's not as bad as people like you try to make it out to be.

Do you know anyone who:

1) is obese
2) is over 70 years of age
3) has diabetes
4) has high blood pressure
5) has asthma
6) has heart disease
7) has chronic respiratory disease
8) smokes/vapes

If you or anyone you know fits into any of those categories, they are particularly at risk from this virus.

As if that weren't bad enough, even a few young and fit people are finding themselves in hospitals and on ventilators because of this virus.

My mother is in a nursing home that was already on lock-down because of the virus. Nevertheless, today one of the other residents tested positive for the coronavirus and was taken to the hospital. This is in a small town with a population under 20,000. It seems that despite our best efforts, this virus is continuing to spread rather rapidly.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Africa and South America may eventually be affected by this virus, just as other continents have followed on after China.
Italy's death toll is raging past China's, and the populations are in no way similar.
I reckon that London is in for a dreadful time next.

London has the most casualties already and I think 40 tube stations have been shut if I recall correctly. It wouldn't surprise me if more stringent measures come into place in the UK before too long.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
eider shrieks "The Sky Is Falling!"
After this dreadful pandemic the whole world needs to rebuild itself again.

doser provides a calm reasoned analysis of eider's panicked rant:
"dreadful pandemic" - nah - it has already run it's course in China - it will peter out in the west as well

"the whole world" - not much indication it is hitting south america hard, or africa, a few deaths in india (second largest country)

"rebuild itself again" - what, like Japan and Germany in 1945?
eider continues, convinced it's the end of the world:
The economic situation will be in total disorder after this.

not in most countries - most countries are untouched by this

in those that are touched by it, life will go on

Production will be in disorder after this.

Italy's death total exceeds China's now and is still rising.

and yet, most Italians will survive, just as most Chinese have survived

The UK will be where Italy is in about 4 weeks.


The USA will reach where Italy is in about 8 weeks.


You keep trying to make nothing of this sickness

if by "make nothing" you mean "recognize that it's not the end of the world"

This may be as bad as the 1918-20 Spanish Flu.

it might

the sky might be falling too

..... since you mentioned Japan and Germany as your first idea of the last great catastrophe...

... in response to your silly nonsense about "the whole world needs to rebuild itself again"

Japan and Germany were the first examples that came to mind of countries that truly did need to be rebuilt again

and I didn't use the word "catastrophe"

, most of us can think of a catastrophe which cost thousands of lives, trillions of dollars, caused mayhem in the US, Europe, Mid and Far East and upset most of the World.

... you forgot about 9/11.

I don't consider 9/11 the end of the world, an example of the sky falling, an example in which the whole world needed to rebuild itself again


Well-known member
London has the most casualties already and I think 40 tube stations have been shut if I recall correctly. It wouldn't surprise me if more stringent measures come into place in the UK before too long.

Yep...... Yesterday Boris made one last appeal to Londoners to avoid pubs, cafe, restaurants clubs etc. If this doesn't work they may be closed by law.
Three weeks ago we had only a very few cases......... if this expansion is taken forward another three weeks then the UK will be in lockdown.


Well-known member
eider shrieks "The Sky Is Falling!"

I don't consider 9/11 the end of the world, an example of the sky falling, an example in which the whole world needed to rebuild itself again

So much for your opinions about that.
Many folks, especially Americans would disagree with you, I suspect.


Well-known member
eider shrieks "The Sky Is Falling!"

doser provides a calm reasoned analysis of eider's panicked rant:
eider continues, convinced it's the end of the world:

not in most countries - most countries are untouched by this

in those that are touched by it, life will go on


and yet, most Italians will survive, just as most Chinese have survived



if by "make nothing" you mean "recognize that it's not the end of the world"

it might

the sky might be falling too

... in response to your silly nonsense about "the whole world needs to rebuild itself again"

Japan and Germany were the first examples that came to mind of countries that truly did need to be rebuilt again

and I didn't use the word "catastrophe"

I don't consider 9/11 the end of the world, an example of the sky falling, an example in which the whole world needed to rebuild itself again

How sad for your country and its allies that you totally failed to think of 9/11 as a tragic incident which changed the world.
Instead you only considered WWII as important.
How interesting that Italy is now calling it's coronavirus situation it's 9/11.
I hope that no other countries reach such a mortality percentage as Italy but if we all do then you can be sure that you'll be ashamed, I think.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
So much for your opinions about that.
Many folks, especially Americans would disagree with you, I suspect.

I notice you didn't have the courage to address my previous post.
Here it is again:

..... since you mentioned Japan and Germany as your first idea of the last great catastrophe

World War 2.
Six Million Jews gassed to death.

An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion). The tables below give a detailed country-by-country count of human losses. World War II fatality statistics vary, with estimates of total deaths ranging from 70 million to 85 million.

..... since you mentioned Japan and Germany as your first idea of the last great catastrophe, most of us can think of a catastrophe which cost thousands of lives, trillions of dollars, caused mayhem in the US, Europe, Mid and Far East and upset most of the World.

..so, one sentence from you and you managed to display your carelessness when you forgot about 9/11.

You have said a lot of stupid things here - in fact everything you say is stupid - but this may be the stupidest of them all.

As tragic as 9/11 was, you are going to compare that to the cost in lives off World War II? Really? Concentration Camps, two nuclear blasts, entire global navies and armies at war and destroyed, entire populations displaced, Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, Mussolini, fascism - -

- - - fire bombings of German cities, armies frozen to death in Russia
Death marches by Japan, southeast Asia enslaved

Someone needs to slap you

you managed to display your carelessness when you forgot about 9/11.

Since ok doser is about a billion times smarter than you I am pretty sure he did not forget 9/11 you troll.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't consider 9/11 the end of the world, an example of the sky falling, an example in which the whole world needed to rebuild itself again
Many folks, especially Americans would disagree with you, I suspect.

i suppose that's true, we do tend to have more than our fair share of retards in this country
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
doser responds to eider's retarded claim that "the whole world needs to rebuild itself again"

eider lies:
... you totally failed to think of 9/11 as a tragic incident which changed the world ...

no, that's a lie

what I said was "I don't consider 9/11 the end of the world, an example of the sky falling, an example in which the whole world needed to rebuild itself again"

eider lies again:
Instead you only considered WWII as important.

another lie

what I said was "Japan and Germany were the first examples that came to mind of countries that truly did need to be rebuilt again"

you really should stop lying
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“We might be living in a very different world for a year or more.”

After the first wave of the Spanish Flu, it is thought to have mutated somewhere in Kansas and it was this second wave that proved to be the most deadly!

The prospect of a second or third wave of COVIR-19 has flown under the radar, but given the magnitude of the current spread it will require the world's economies to reorient themselves to combat future pandemics!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yep...... Yesterday Boris made one last appeal to Londoners to avoid pubs, cafe, restaurants clubs etc. If this doesn't work they may be closed by law.
Three weeks ago we had only a very few cases......... if this expansion is taken forward another three weeks then the UK will be in lockdown.

And now we are.


Well-known member
I notice you didn't have the courage to address my previous post.

World War 2.
Six Million Jews gassed to death.

An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. 2.3 billion). The tables below give a detailed country-by-country count of human losses. World War II fatality statistics vary, with estimates of total deaths ranging from 70 million to 85 million.
You need to educate yourself ....... the Nazi concentration camps were responsible for over 12 million deaths.
But, I have never denied the tragedies of WWII........ all of my families were involved.

You have said a lot of stupid things here - in fact everything you say is stupid - but this may be the stupidest of them all.
I've read some of your posts.
And you call me stupid? :D

Someone needs to slap you
I guessed that you are a violent type.

Since ok doser is about a billion times smarter than you I am pretty sure he did not forget 9/11....
Hmmmm....... he never mentioned it in his initial post.

you troll.
More compliments from you.........


Well-known member
And now we are.

What do you think of our financial support packages for employees, self-employees, small and large businesses? If we can streamline the finances to reach the needy then this will be very impressive, I think.

Boris has handled this well imo. He's handled the news flashes well. He could be another darkest-hour leader..... maybe?
Oh....... and I didn't vote blue! :D


Well-known member
doser responds to eider's retarded claim that "the whole world needs to rebuild itself again"

eider lies:

no, that's a lie

what I said was "I don't consider 9/11 the end of the world, an example of the sky falling, an example in which the whole world needed to rebuild itself again"

eider lies again:

another lie

what I said was "Japan and Germany were the first examples that came to mind of countries that truly did need to be rebuilt again"

you really should stop lying

Ranting away in super-size bright red, and chucking the insults around cannot erase what you wrote initially, and how you wrote it.

I get the impression that you've been chucking cold water over the coverage of Covid-19, and now that it looks as if it's going to rage through Western countries you might want to change your coat colours?? ........

The Italians (over 600 died yesterday) are beginning to call this their 9/11, that's what they think about it, and the UK is on it's way to severe response already. I'll tell you again that this is going to change the world somewhat...... and I'm not shrieking..... I'm just telling you.

Why is it that folks who fabricate junk to chuck at people start shrieking 'liar' when they've been put down?
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