SaulToPaul 2
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  • I heard Glen was blackballed from the business, after having an affair with Emma Watson.
    I see AT&t was off a half today, and Alibaba Group was down 2 and three quarters, Roger. Roger, Roger.....Wait....That was "Airplane."
    I don't know how they do it at "The Waffle House," for 80 cents. Three Vienna sausages-heavy on the tomato puree, slice of bread, and butter on a paper dish. When you get a good meal like that, with as good a service as Olive gives you, you don't mind leaving a generous 25 cent tip!
    "Me and Barn went to the old folks home last night and loosened the bolts on their wheelchairs"-STP

    You're a real comedian! While your there, the next time, why not also wax the steps!?You ain't talkin' to a jerk, ya know. You're a real Sigmund Frude, ya know that?
    "You know who you and Barn remind me of.....Frank Sinatra."-STP

    Well, as "The Chairman" would say: "Booze, baby...booze...!"(Or, was that Joe Piscipo, as Frank?)
    "Where oh where is saint john w, the Great?'

    Extended stay at the corner room, at the "Y," in Raleigh.
    "Ok. Did God promise to preserve his pure words?"-wacko, bible believing nut STP

    Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush,... and the LORD God's promise to preserve His pure word(by definition). Is that all you think about? Or that sin issue?
    "Did they raise the minimum wage for NC Deputies yet?"-STP

    I dun't rightly know, but I suspect they did not for vacuum cleaner salesmen, which probably explains why Barn went back to "the force."
    "I guess the Fonz gets the last laugh in his final triumph over Mork from Ork."-STP

    Mork gets his "start" from "Happy Days." "The Andy Griffith Show," from "The Danny Thomas Show." Curious....A conspiracy?
    "I sure do miss having 'Author' Fonzarelli around TOL, don't you saint john?"-"Richie C's brother Chuck for 3 1/2 episodes " STP

    "He's a nut.....!...Curious...."
    Yep...When that TOL penalty box slammed shut, no more care free days, being "personally" attacked, and insulted, by us "moody" MAD wackos....
    "Best be careful doing U-turns in Dallas this weekend, I wouldn't put it past Hetero to perform a citizen's arrest."-STP

    "He'd kill me."
    Do you reckon I ask for Mr. Izamoto, my judo instructor,to dress up in my old salt and pepper suit, and teach him a lesson by beating him up?
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