Recent content by truthteller86

  1. truthteller86

    Battle Royale IX: The Redneck Version

    So as not to further detract from valid commentary on BR_IX, I submit this "alternate" thread for the not so intellectual. :neck: Battle Royale IX: The Redneck Version :cheers: Thanks to fool and 2Eph8 for helping summarize Round 1: Creation: beer can not come into existance of its...
  2. truthteller86

    SP Month Avatars

    I love all the new Straight Pride Month avatars, so I thought I'd give the BEL promo a break and join the club with a Straight Pright Pride Month promo...I'm willing to share, beanie? LMOHM? others? me. Hey promo rhymes straight pride month, I almost forgot ...
  3. truthteller86

    Post "Plot" Questions?

    I am one of the many previously doctrinally confused Christians whose life was utterly changed forever after reading The Plot. As I read, each of my questions was thoroughly answered, however one question specifically remained. It's been some time now since I finished The Plot and sharing the...
  4. truthteller86

    ttlr86's SPOTD 8/24 on 8/25

    OUCH !
  5. truthteller86

    Jessica Simpson's Outrageous Comment

    Emphasis Mine. So much for "Train up a child in the way he[she] should go..." huh?