I just hope he gets a job very quickly. Then this can all be over. I'm partially afraid that this will end up hurting the relationship between me and my brother. I hope we both have the patience and understanding to make it.
I quick looked that book up. Sounds interesting. I'm a little scared to read Whitehead though. :chuckle: It's impressing that you are understanding it!

Thanks for the link. I might check it out as I have time.
Unfortunately I haven't had much time to read lately. I'm still making very slow progress through NT's book. I hope to get some reading done today. Wright has said some interesting things. He's compared the Holy Spirit coming to us to the fire and cloud that led the Israelites through the wilderness. Also, now sure how but I never really realized what Pentecost was about and he explained that it was about Moses being given the law. And there can be significance to the Holy Spirit being given then. And I like how Wright focuses on the covenant aspect of Christianity. We are called to join in God's work. It's not just a transaction whereby our sins are forgiven.