Can a Christian lose their salvation


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Even things He can't do, like deny Himself?
Of course not.
He won't go outside the laws He He won't tell lies, or tempt a man.
If He wants to change those laws, He will.
Contrary to your stupidity, God cannot do everything; and you blaspheme Him by saying He can, since, by doing so you are saying (among other things) that God can love evil, and that God can believe falsehood (like, for instance, the proposition that God is evil).
I realize that.
I will try to add more detail in future posts so you can clearly understand the ideas expressed therein.


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I wrote:
What part of "the leopard cannot change his spots" and "the Ethiopian cannot change his skin" (Jeremiah 13:23) do you not get, Bible-denier?
But you used the direct quote function in your post to flagrantly to misquote my words thus:
What part of "the leopard cannot change his spots" and "the Ethiopian cannot change his skin" (Jeremiah 13:23) do you not get,?
I never write a comma immediately followed by a question mark, because that is as dumb as to separate a question mark from the last letter of a sentence by a space, and other frequent stupidities engaged in by the semi-literate. I'm fine with simple leading or ending truncations of my text, or use of ellipses to show where portions of my text have been removed by the excerptor, when people use the direct quote function. But you have committed quote-mangling against me, trying to make it appear that I printed a comma immediately before my question mark: "get,?" Believe me, you Bible-denier, if you keep up that foul practice, I will have no qualm against flagging you on it to the TOL moderators. Please own your foul, and correct your error.


Well-known member
I wrote:

But you used the direct quote function in your post to flagrantly to misquote my words thus:

I never write a comma immediately followed by a question mark, because that is as dumb as to separate a question mark from the last letter of a sentence by a space, and other frequent stupidities engaged in by the semi-literate. I'm fine with simple leading or ending truncations of my text, or use of ellipses to show where portions of my text have been removed by the excerptor, when people use the direct quote function. But you have committed quote-mangling against me, trying to make it appear that I printed a comma immediately before my question mark: "get,?" Believe me, you Bible-denier, if you keep up that foul practice, I will have no qualm against flagging you on it to the TOL moderators. Please own your foul, and correct your error.
Please stick to the topic.
Otherwise I won't be able to tell if you are learning anything.
I have quit posting your accusations.
They make you look childish and I didn't want future readers to think poorly of you.


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No, it is you misreading what I wrote.
I wrote..."Had been a sinner...yes."
I had stated:
According to your vicious heresy, a new creature has been a sinner.
To which you responded:
That's you signifying your agreement with what I had stated; that's you agreeing with the fact that, according to your vicious heresy, a new creature has been a sinner. Don't respond with a "yes" to the fact I have stated if you don't agree with the fact I have stated, you vicious, lying fool.


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Please stick to the topic.
Otherwise I won't be able to tell if you are learning anything.
I have quit posting your accusations.
They make you look childish and I didn't want future readers to think poorly of you.
You've been warned. Better not continue your practice of quote-mangling.


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It is written..."When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life." (Acts 11:18)


What, did you think I wouldn't agree with this passage?

If you wish to differentiate between granted and offered, feel free.

It means offered, given. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Luke... Oh wait, you won't be able to, because you aren't saved...

When they heard these things they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, “Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life.”



DIDOMI (Strong's g1325) means "to offer, give; to put, place."

God has offered the Gentiles "a change of mind unto life."

Repent of your false beliefs.

If there is no repentance...from sin, there will be no salvation.

There is no "from sin" in that passage. You have added it to scripture.

What it says is "repentance unto life."

Repentance means "a change of mind."

What is the "change of mind" from and to?

God is life.

The change of mind is "living without God" (death), to "living with God" (life).

That's it! That's all there is to it!

God has set before you life and death. Therefore, CHOOSE LIFE, that you may live!

Sorrow without change is worldly sorrow. (2 Cor 7:10)
It worketh death.

What does sorrow have to do with anything?

The verse is about a change of mind.

That is an error.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

Only the "nature" of the unregenerated is mired in sin.


Unless you want to say Paul and Barnabas were unregenerated...

But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard this, they tore their clothes and ran in among the multitude, crying out and saying, “Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with the same nature as you, and preach to you that you should turn from these useless things to the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them,

Paul and Barnabas had the same nature as those who had not yet turned to the living God.

That right there should make you stop and think about your position.

Your bandage


You call the seal of the Holy Spirit a "bandage"?

No, I am sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption.

He is the guarantee of my inheritance!

If that's a bandage, then so be it! You clearly don't have it!

was my cure.

You have no cure. Your "cure" is "to do good works" by loving God and loving your neighbor. You have turned it from a law of faith into a law of works.

Your "cure" of working until you are saved is just as effective as getting a Covid-19 vaccine in order to prevent yourself from getting Covid-19!

God has set before you life and death. Choose life, that you may live.

Repent, turn to God, because He is Life itself! Put your trust in Him and His completed work on the cross! Only HE can save you!


Well-known member
I had stated:

To which you responded:

That's you signifying your agreement with what I had stated; that's you agreeing with the fact that, according to you..., a new creature has been a sinner. Don't respond with a "yes" to the fact I have stated if you don't agree with the fact I have stated,....
"Had" been...once was a sinner.
You failed to notice the re-wording I responded to.


Well-known member
What, did you think I wouldn't agree with this passage?
You said God did not offer repentance to salvation to men.
I provided a verse to help change your mind.
It means offered, given. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Luke... Oh wait, you won't be able to, because you aren't saved...
I am "hoping" I will be, when God declares it on the day of judgement.
When they heard these things they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, “Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life.”


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You failed to notice the re-wording I responded to.
Here, you are admitting that you're not in this thread to respond to what others have written, but to instead carry on with yourself.

Question: Why would you use the20230914_115819.jpg function to address your post to me, quoting something I had written, and pretend (by saying "yes") to agree with what I had written, only to turn around and say that you do not agree with what I had written, but were saying "yes" to something you wrote, instead?

Answer: Because you are a non compos mentis troll.


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You said God did not offer repentance to salvation to men.

You seem to have forgotten to what I was replying to.

Here is what was said:

Why would God offer mankind repentance from sin

That's not what God offered.

He offered SALVATION from sin and death, if we repent to God.

Repenting from sin does nothing, except shows your humility!

It's simply an acknowledgement that "I can't do this on my own, and I need a Savior to save me from my sin."

Letting go of the rope is not continuing the struggle of climbing the rope!

You said, "God offered mankind repentance from sin."

But that's not what He offered.

He offered "repentance unto life." That is, in fact, "salvation"!

It's the "from sin" part I was correcting you on.

God has put before you LIFE and DEATH, therefore CHOOSE LIFE (repent), and live!

Repent means "change of mind."

God offered a change of mind, from living without God (death) to living with God (life, because He IS Life).

I provided a verse to help change your mind.

I was never in disagreement with the verse to begin with.

I am "hoping" I will be, when God declares it on the day of judgement.

Your "hope" is vain, because your hope is not in God, it's in your good works.

Repent, turn and live!

Now, would you please retract your claim?

Only the "nature" of the unregenerated is mired in sin.

Unless you really want to say Paul and Barnabas were unregenerated...

But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard this, they tore their clothes and ran in among the multitude, crying out and saying, “Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with the same nature as you, and preach to you that you should turn from these useless things to the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them,

Paul and Barnabas had the same nature as those who had not yet turned to the living God.

That right there should make you stop and think about your position.


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Quit editorializing, and I will be able to quit editing your posts.
Would you like me to start quote-mangling against you, as you've been doing against me, and are here threatening to continue doing against me? Too bad, Satan-seed; not gonna happen.


Well-known member
Here, you are admitting that you're not in this thread to respond to what others have written, but to instead carry on with yourself.

Question: Why would you use theView attachment 8113 function to address your post to me, quoting something I had written, and pretend (by saying "yes") to agree with what I had written, only to turn around and say that you do not agree with what I had written, but were saying "yes" to something you wrote, instead?

Answer: Because you are a non compos mentis troll.
I agree with what you wrote, but used better English to do so.
"New creatures had been sinners."


Well-known member
Would you like me to start quote-mangling against you, as you've been doing against me, and are here threatening to continue doing against me? Too bad, Satan-seed; not gonna happen.
If you wish to "re-do" my use of English to a more readable form...please do so.


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I agree with what you wrote, but used better English to do so.
"New creatures had been sinners."

I'm pretty sure the point @7djengo7 is trying to make is that you're refusing to recognize that something you said regarding your position was in error, because your position is self-contradictory, and that you should humble yourself and recognize that, and then make an effort to retract the incorrect thing you said.