Can a Christian lose their salvation


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Don't you think those people from Matt 7 thought they were saved ?
No. They were self-righteously, vainly demanding that Jesus let them into the kingdom of heaven, on account of their own works (which they called "wonderful"). People never think themselves to be saved who have never thought themselves in need of being saved.


Well-known member
1 John 5:11: "And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son."
As that eternal life is in His Son, Jesus, you gotta ask, are you in Jesus ?
As there is no sin in Jesus, anybody still committing sin can't be in Jesus.
Eternal life will still be my future if I endure obediently faithful till the end.
Here, John clearly says he had already been, by God, given eternal life. You think John wrote this after he died?
If we do what God desires us to do for the rest of our lives we will inherit that life.
Perhaps some day in the future, in heaven/new earth, I will be able to look back and say "my eternal life actually began in November of 2008".
Notice what he did not write: "And this is the record, that God [will not give] to us eternal life [until judgement day]..."
By telling us that you have never been granted eternal life, you are telling us that you are not in His Son.
I don't remember ever writing that I had not been granted eternal life.
I know I must endure obediently faithful until the day of judgement for it to be celebrated.
Even the damned will be granted an eternal life...of suffering.

It is written..."Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul." (Heb. 10:38-39)


Well-known member
No. They were self-righteously, vainly demanding that Jesus let them into the kingdom of heaven, on account of their own works (which they called "wonderful"). People never think themselves to be saved who have never thought themselves in need of being saved.
Your reading, or comprehension skills, need work.


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I don't remember ever writing that I had not been granted eternal life.
You are once again lying, liar.

Here's where you wrote that you have not been granted eternal life:
Show someone being granted eternal life while still alive.
Is that not a rhetorical way of saying that no one is granted eternal life while he/she is still alive, without saying the words "no one is granted eternal life while he/she is still alive"? By saying that no one is granted eternal life while he/she is still alive, you are saying that you, who are still alive, have not been granted eternal life.


Well-known member
You are once again lying, liar.

Here's where you wrote that you have not been granted eternal life:
I asked you to show it, and you did...thank you.
But don't MADs just say that is only for the Jews ?
Eternal life has been granted to the whole world, but only some want any part of it.
It is a great target to "shoot for".
Is that not a rhetorical way of saying that no one is granted eternal life while he/she is still alive, without saying the words "no one is granted eternal life while he/she is still alive"? By saying that no one is granted eternal life while he/she is still alive, you are saying that you, who are still alive, have not been granted eternal life.
That life will not be granted until the day of judgement.
Sheep to the right, and goats to the left...remember ? (Matt 25:33)


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That life will not be granted until the day of judgement.
Sheep to the right, and goats to the left...remember ? (Matt 25:33)
Where does the passage say anything about anyone not being granted eternal life until the day of judgement? It doesn't. Not even verse 46 says anything about those righteous going into life eternal as having not been granted eternal life until that time of judgement.


Well-known member
Where does the passage say anything about anyone not being granted eternal life until the day of judgement? It doesn't. Not even verse 46 says anything about those righteous going into life eternal as having not been granted eternal life until that time of judgement.
I will finish this life before I start claiming another one.
Should I be found faithful on the last day's judgement, I will look back, and in retrospect say, my eternal life started in 2008.


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Where does the passage say anything about anyone not being granted eternal life until the day of judgement?
@Hoping: <NO ANSWER>

Why you cannot answer this question is because even you know that Matthew 25 nowhere says that people will not be granted eternal life until the day of judgement. Yet, Bible-despiser that you are, you were vainly trying to pervert Matthew 25 for use as a prop to support your heretical claim that people will not be granted eternal life until the day of judgement. Instead of dealing rationally and honestly with this question, you have chosen to react to it by posting more idiotic, raving spam concocted by your degenerate mind:
I will finish this life before I start claiming another one.
Should I be found faithful on the last day's judgement, I will look back, and in retrospect say, my eternal life started in 2008.
As you, and I, and everybody knows, what you said, there, is not in any way, shape, or form an answer to the question I asked you: "Where does the passage say anything about anyone not being granted eternal life until the day of judgement?"

You know that you have not answered, and cannot answer it, and this reaction of yours to it is you lying (yet again): you know that your reaction to it is not an answer to it, but you nevertheless want readers to believe that you consider your reaction to it to be an answer to it, hoping that they would somehow thereby be kept from believing the truth that you have not answered it. Trying to keep people from believing truth is the essence of lying, and you, once again, are guilty of it.

Here, by the way, you have just told us that you are not faithful: "should I be found faithful on the last day's judgement". You certainly are not faithful in any sense in which Christians—Bible believers—are faithful. And that is because you are not a Christian; you are not a Bible believer. You're faithful, though, to Satan, whose Christ-hating work of trying to intensify darkness and confusion you have enlisted yourself to do by stinking up forums with your heretical, Christ-hating raving.

In general, as a S.O.P., I do not put TOL posters on "ignore", though it is often a strong temptation to do so in the case of noisemaking, attention-begging clowns like yourself. Were you to be banned for being the troll you've shown yourself to be, I'd be A-OK with it, for sure; it would be well-deserved, and I'd say "Amen!" In fact, I hope that you will be, sooner or later, if you're going to continue on as you've done thus far. But, so long as you're free to post your heretical stupidities and to continue to troll people by taking up threadspace with your non-answers to our questions and objections, I'll continue to be somewhat vigilant about looking at what you're belching out, and subjecting your heretical stupidities to the light of Bible truth and rational thinking, in case I might thereby be of a little help/encouragement to my fellow Christians (as I often find myself helped/encouraged by what they have to offer).


Well-known member
That life will not be granted until the day of judgement.
Sheep to the right, and goats to the left...remember ? (Matt 25:33)
There are several times of judgement in the Bible.
It appears that in line one, you are referring to the white throne judgement of Rev 20:11.
Notice by context that those who are judged at that Judgement are dead and that death and hades are cast into the lake of fire. Are you presently alive in Christ, having all your trespasses forgiven or are you still dead in trespasses and sins?

In line two, you seem to be assuming that the judgement of Mat 25:31-32 is the same judgement as Rev 20:11.
It's obvious by context that they are not the same because those who are judged in Mt 25:32 are alive while those judged in Rev 20 are dead.
Next, the judgement of (Rev 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.) does not appear on earth, but the judgement of Mt 25:32 does appear on earth when Christ returns to earth with His holy angels to reign on His promised throne, the throne of David. Those judged will be judged on the basis of how they treated Christ's brethren during the tribulation.

In Christ's stead I implore you to be truly saved by trusting in Christ's finished work alone for your imputed righteousness before GOD, apart from your own meritorious works and you will be sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, and sacred Scripture will suddenly come alive to you.


Well-known member
There are several times of judgement in the Bible.
It appears that in line one, you are referring to the white throne judgement of Rev 20:11.
Notice by context that those who are judged at that Judgement are dead and that death and hades are cast into the lake of fire. Are you presently alive in Christ, having all your trespasses forgiven or are you still dead in trespasses and sins?
What I am in five or ten years may not be the same as I am right now.
In line two, you seem to be assuming that the judgement of Mat 25:31-32 is the same judgement as Rev 20:11.
It's obvious by context that they are not the same because those who are judged in Mt 25:32 are alive while those judged in Rev 20 are dead.
Next, the judgement of (Rev 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.) does not appear on earth, but the judgement of Mt 25:32 does appear on earth when Christ returns to earth with His holy angels to reign on His promised throne, the throne of David. Those judged will be judged on the basis of how they treated Christ's brethren during the tribulation.

In Christ's stead I implore you to be truly saved by trusting in Christ's finished work alone for your imputed righteousness before GOD, apart from your own meritorious works and you will be sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, and sacred Scripture will suddenly come alive to you.
I find that those who have already appointed themselves worthy of eternal life, will have a rude wakening on the last day.


Literal lunatic
No. They were self-righteously, vainly demanding that Jesus let them into the kingdom of heaven, on account of their own works (which they called "wonderful"). People never think themselves to be saved who have never thought themselves in need of being saved.
Pretenders mistakenly claim they are saved even though they will be.


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I find that those who have already appointed themselves worthy of eternal life, will have a rude wakening on the last day.
You're an idiot. You've already appointed yourself "as perfect as God is perfect":
The new you, reborn of God's seed, will be as perfect as God is perfect.
You want to claim, in the face of having appointed yourself "as perfect as God is perfect" that you have not, thereby, appointed yourself "worthy of eternal life"?!

How can you be that stupid?