More election fraud

Gary K

New member
This election is so fraudulent, and blatantly fraudulent, that even Democrats ought to be highly ashamed.

Update (1100ET): Further down the 'Domminion Voting System' rabbit-hole, Politico reports that a technology glitch that halted voting in two Georgia counties on Tuesday morning was caused by a vendor uploading an update to their election machines the night before, a county election supervisor said.

Voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after the electronic devices crashed, state officials said. In response to the delays, Superior Court Judge W. Fletcher Sams extended voting until 11 p.m.

The counties use voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems and electronic poll books — used to sign in voters — made by KnowInk.


Neither Dominion nor KnowInk responded to a request to comment. A spokesperson for the secretary of state’s office also did not respond to follow-up questions about who uploaded the dataset and whether it had been reviewed and tested by anyone beforehand.

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Update (1045ET): Probably nothing...
2014 $2.25M joint project with the Clinton Foundation

— Tommy Scott (@tommy997) November 7, 2020

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As American Thinker's Andrea Widburg detailed earlier, when Kyle Becker heard about the “glitchy” computer program in Antrim County, Michigan, the one that tried to give 6,000 Trump votes to Biden, he starting doing research into the system. He ended up finding an amazing amount of highly disturbing information. The Dominion system has been known for some time to be defective, yet 28 states use it. This post is a compilation of Becker’s information, both in his own tweets and in one other person’s tweet, about what’s going on with that system:

"Ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans... tabulating software 'glitched'... We have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software."

MI GOP Chair reveals corrupt software flipped thousands of votes from Trump to Biden. Watch!👇

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 6, 2020

This next tweet is censored because, even though Becker states only facts, Twitter wants you to know the facts don’t matter. Be sure to click through to read his tweet. Twitter is evil, but it effectively owns the public square:
The election software system in Michigan that switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden is called "Dominion."

It is used in 30 states including:


Every single major swing state. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020
Just pause for a moment and consider that a widespread election software system that was used in virtually every swing state in the 2020 election is called "Dominion."


If that doesn't send *chills* up your spine, nothing will.

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020
Look up who might be connected to this software. Her last name rhymes with Duh-low-see.

— The 🐰FOO (@PolitiBunny) November 7, 2020
How does an election software company literally named "Dominion" get used in:

☑️Almost 30 states
☑️4 of the Top 10 Counties
☑️9 of the Top 20 Counties

Dominion is used in MI where votes were switched from Trump to Biden. A free country does not give one company this much power.

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020
NBC raised the alarms on Dominion Voting Systems in early 2000. It is the voting system used in 30 states, every majority swing state, and many of the biggest counties. Dominion was used in Michigan where Trump votes switched to Biden. Unbelievable.

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020
In Texas, Dominion Voting Systems was turned down THREE TIMES for certification in state elections. It listed numerous reasons why the system had major security issues.

Dominion is now linked to voting irregularities in both MI & GA.


— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020
"Securing our elections should not be a partisan issue."

Early in 2020, Dems held a hearing with 3 major private election vendors, including DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS.

The Dem. Chair revealed voting components from China, widespread Internet & hacking vulnerability & WORSE.🚨👇

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020

I generally recommend Becker’s Twitter feed. He has some interesting observations about the weird anomalies in the election. Here are just two examples:
Swing state voting irregularities:

☑️Biden outperforms Senators in swing states, underperforms in VA, NH, RI
☑️Biden underperforms Hillary/Obama in cities, except in MI, PA, GA, WI
☑️Biden mail-in dumps with 100% margins
☑️GOP lose ZERO House races

Something is definitely off.

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 6, 2020
The 2020 election errors are all going in one direction. This is the exact opposite of "random."

If they were just anomalies in various races nationwide that were going some Trump's way and some Biden's way, there would be FAR fewer questions.

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 7, 2020

What I find most disturbing is the impunity with which Democrats are gaming the system. They’re not even trying to cover their tracks. They are 100% certain that there will be no consequences for their actions. They know that the media, which should be a watchdog on behalf of American citizens, is actually an arm of the Democrat party that will do everything necessary to cover for Democrat election crimes.​

That anyone would want to "win" this way says they have zero integrity. And if they are allowed to get away with this there will never be another honest election in this nation. It will be nothing but a totalitarian banana republic. And those responsible for this will have to answer for all the pain and suffering that they have brought about with their dishonesty come judgment day. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes for all the money and political power there is on planet earth.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I spent the day yesterday listening to NPR off and on and they assured me over and over and over again that there was absolutely not a single instance of voter fraud in this election.


Well-known member
This election is so fraudulent, and blatantly fraudulent, that even Democrats ought to be highly ashamed.

That anyone would want to "win" this way says they have zero integrity. And if they are allowed to get away with this there will never be another honest election in this nation. It will be nothing but a totalitarian banana republic. And those responsible for this will have to answer for all the pain and suffering that they have brought about with their dishonesty come judgment day. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes for all the money and political power there is on planet earth.

Do you know why President Trump reduced the efficiency of the national postal service recently?


Well-known member
The USPS, whose workers unions are unabashedly pro-democrat?

Your USPS mail service has no doubt served your nation faithfully.

If your President tried to reduce its efficiency before an election, was that a corrupt action?

Most low wage workers are likely to want a government dedicated to extending quality of life to all, that is reasonable.

The Barbarian

You knew that Trump and some of his worshipers would never accept that Americans rejected him. There's no evidence of widespread fraud in the election, and he knows it. The election is over. Trump lost; America won.

But Trump didn't invent the illness that causes such division and hate; he merely exploited it. We need to address that illness if we are to continue as a nation.
The Democrat silent majority. LOL!

And the liberal pervs are already there above ground, just don't know it. Ephesians 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins. Hey! Isn't a walking dead a zombie? We need a film to celebrate Biden/Harris, Night of the TDS Dead. Should we do a casting call on TOL? Amazing how Mr. Trump owns them, day and night. They could have an entire pervert monarchy and kingdom, and they'd still be paranoid Mr. Trump is going interfere with their homo sex, or some Christian is going to terrify them with a Nativity scene.

Gary K

New member
A software company updates election software- and that is evidence of fraud?

When the company is directly tied to the Clintons why wouldn't it be evidence of fraud? The Clinton's reportedly received billions of dollars in donations for Haiti after the earthquake there in 2010. They promised 65,000 Haitian jobs from construction of a port, an industrial park, and a power plant and the resulting factory jobs. Know how many jobs materialized? 1500. But Clinton's friends made many millions of dollars as they got contracts do the work. Was any of it ever done? Nope. But the Clinton buddies got their money. The port, power plant, and the industrial plant have all failed because the port was the critical part of the project. It was needed for the rest of the project to work. The port construction hadn't even begun yet in 2012 because the org that was awarded the contract has 0 experience in building ports. Yet they got 100s of millions of dollars to do the job.

The total donated to help the Haitians was $10 billion. That amount of money should have rebuilt the entire country and gotten every Haitian a job. The results are that Haiti 10 years after is worse off than ever. They used to feed 80% of their own people. Now they don't have even that ability. The "aid" destroyed even that ability. The corruption killed all the rest. And the Clinton's were awarded the overall control of the Haitian recovery. They screwed the Haitians over royally and you will find many Haitians that hate the Clintons for what they did to Haiti.

The following link tells a part of the story. The rest is found scattered all over the internet.

You might search for images or video of Haiti today so you can see how little all those donations achieved. Clinton's got richer though.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The Democrat silent majority. LOL!

And the liberal pervs are already there above ground, just don't know it. Ephesians 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins. Hey! Isn't a walking dead a zombie? We need a film to celebrate Biden/Harris, Night of the TDS Dead. Should we do a casting call on TOL? Amazing how Mr. Trump owns them, day and night. They could have an entire pervert monarchy and kingdom, and they'd still be paranoid Mr. Trump is going interfere with their homo sex, or some Christian is going to terrify them with a Nativity scene.

The only people with "TDS" are those who can't seem to come to terms with the fact that he lost the election. All the bat crazy, conspiracy stuff is emanating from the far right. It's bizarre.

Gary K

New member
The only people with "TDS" are those who can't seem to come to terms with the fact that he lost the election. All the bat crazy, conspiracy stuff is emanating from the far right. It's bizarre.

So, you still watch FOX? I stopped believing them at the start of the coronavirus scam. Their election coverage was so intentionally misleading it was blatantly obvious how biased they were against Trump. They have gone full-blown mockingbird. Their ratings are going to go the way of CNN's. Down the toilet.

Gary K

New member
The only people with "TDS" are those who can't seem to come to terms with the fact that he lost the election. All the bat crazy, conspiracy stuff is emanating from the far right. It's bizarre.

No. What's bizarre is that you are completely unable to recognize truth.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So, you still watch FOX? I stopped believing them at the start of the coronavirus scam. Their election coverage was so intentionally misleading it was blatantly obvious how biased they were against Trump. They have gone full-blown mockingbird. Their ratings are going to go the way of CNN's. Down the toilet.

I don't watch FOX News, no, or MSNBC for that matter. I was just pointing out that the most blatantly biased channel towards Trump has even had enough. What "coronavirus scam"?


Likely story. Next, you're going to claim it's not simply inherent that a Trump voter would never use a mail-in ballot. Well, you're just wrong! Ask any of the half a dozen people that showed-up for an Obama or Biden rally!

Gary K

New member

Yup. The leftists are going to go insane. There are going to be a lot of people going to jail, and by far the most of them are going to be Democrat party leadership. They got caught with their hands in the cookie jar and no amount of lying is going to get them out of it. They were out thought by Trump so badly they are going to look like Mickey Mouse criminals. I have a feeling that this is the end of the Democrat party as a whole. There are still going to be crazy leftists around, but they are not going to have a strong organization because their leadership is going to be sitting in jail for a lot of years, and some of them are going to be hung for treason.

Gary K

New member
I recognize that Trump has been soundly beaten in this election. So does everyone else who isn't bat crazy.

All that this post of yours does is show how little truth you will accept. More and more evidence is coming out and it will be overwhelming just like what doser posted. Judicial Watch is a highly credible organization and when they post something you can bet on it.

PS. Anyone who thinks the majority of Americans can be convinced by riots to vote against their understanding is completely off their rocker. It was the riots that convinced the silent majority to vote. I know a bunch of never before voters who voted Trump this year because of the riots. This happened all around this country. We all knew they were sponsored and paid for by Soros. And knew they had to vote to keep their liberty.

Gary K

New member
And still more election fraud.

  • Trump campaign files lawsuit in Pennsylvania
  • Ohio Attorney General has joined a bid to ask the US Supreme Court to toss the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's late-October ruling allowing late ballots to be counted.
  • Two Georgia GOP Senators call on Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger to resign over failure 'to deliver honest and transparent elections.'
  • Pennsylvania Supreme Court agrees to hear GOP challenge over dozens observers who claim they were 'corralled' and unable to view count, which may invalidate up to 800,000 ballots.
  • Nevada poll worker attests to outright fraud.
Update 1810ET: The Trump campaign has filed a 105-page lawsuit in the US District Court in Pennsylvania alleging that the state operated an illegal 'two-tiered' voting system for the 2020 general election, and has sought to block the state from certifying the count.

As reports, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat, and seven Keystone State county boards of elections are listed as defendants. These boards come from Allegheny, Centre, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Northampton, and Philadelphia counties.

The case has been assigned to U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann, a Barack Obama appointee.

* * *

Update 1635ET: Monday just keeps getting more and more interesting. As claims of fraud and invalidated ballots pile up, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) threw their support behind election challenges (implying there's a 'there' there).

For starters, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost has filed a 'friend of the court' brief with the Supreme Court in support of Pennsylvania Republicans, who want the USSC to overturn the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's late October ruling allowing absentee ballots which arrived up to three days after election day.

"The States need an answer to that question, which is certain to arise again in future elections. And it is important to provide that answer now because, without a ruling from this Court, doubts will continue to linger about whether the vote count in Pennsylvania was performed in conformity with the Constitution," reads the filing by Yost, which was also signed by Ohio Solicitor General Benjamin Flowers and Chief Deputy Solicitor General Michael Hendershot. (source:

Read the filing here.

Next, two GOP Senators from Georgia have called on the state's Republican Secretary of State to resign over his alleged failure 'to deliver honest and transparent elections.'


And as we noted earlier:

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The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to consider a GOP challenge claiming that Republican observers were unable to oversee ballot counting, thereby invalidating hundreds of thousands of votes, according to Reuters.

The decision to hear the case is separate from a challenge to the PA Supreme Court's ruling regarding ballots received after election day.

The news comes as Rudy Giuliani says at least 50 GOP witnesses say they were 'corralled' by Philadelphia election officials on election day and 'weren't able to see a single ballot' counted behind closed doors. He claims that the roughly 800,000 votes counted after that 'are invalid.'


Giuliani detailed the claims in an interview with Newsmax - where he announced that the first of five lawsuits will be filed on Monday in Pennsylvania 'challenging the entire vote on a number of grounds.'
Pennsylvania prevented us from watching much of the Ballot count. Unthinkable and illegal in this country.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2020

"In this lawsuit we have over 50 witnesses who will say that the vote count, particularly once the election ended that night and President Trump was ahead by 800,000 votes in Pennsylvania, the count thereafter was unlawful," said Giuliani, adding: "It was counted behind closed doors. Republicans were not given an opportunity to see any of the mail-in ballots as required by Pennsylvania law. Pennsylvania law requires that for a ballot to be valid, a mail ballot to be valid, it has to be observed by both sides."
"We have 55 Republicans ready to testify that they were uniformly corralled and weren't able to see a single ballot. They saw a lot of activity, but no ballot. Every one of those ballots that was cast that was not examined, is now an illegal ballot - an unlawful vote. -Rudy Giuliani​

Giuliani continued: "Not just in Philadelphia, however, precisely the same thing was done in Pittsburgh. The only difference is - when a court intervened in Philadelphia they didn't follow the court order, and our people were threatened with arrest if we tried to look at the ballots. Whereas in Pittsburgh, halfway through, they allowed some observation. So the numbers of unlawful ballots in Philadelphia are about twice the number in Pittsburgh."
“In this lawsuit we have over 50 witnesses who will say that the vote count was over 800,000 in Pennsylvania and the count was unlawful,” @RudyGiuliani tells Newsmax TV.

“We have 55 Republicans ready to testify.”

— Newsmax (@newsmax) November 9, 2020

Over the weekend, Giuliani told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo "This is documented on videotape. There are upwards of 50 witnesses. And this will be the subject of a lawsuit that we file tomorrow for violating civil rights, for conducting an unfair election, for violating the law of the state, for treating Pittsburgh and Philadelphia different than the rest of the state, which is an equal protection violation, which goes under Bush vs. Gore."

Meanwhile in Nevada, a Clark County poll worker has claimed in a sworn affidavit that proof of residence data was fabricated for illegal voters, among other claims.

The whistleblower claims that they worked 13 out of 14 days during early voting 'from October 17th - 30th,' where they 'had concerns over election polling place intimidation and voter fraud.'
In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data for illegal voters. So far, Nevada Attorney General @AaronDFordNV has taken no action to investigate credible fraud claims.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 9, 2020

Among the whistleblower's claims:


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  • Voters without valid ID were told to go to the parking lot and simply 'make an appointment with the DMV' - after which they were allowed to vote.
"We were told by [redacted] (my team leader), and two other assistants to advise people who wanted to register to vote and did not have the proper Nevada ID/Driver's license that they could go out in the parking lot and make an appointment with the DMV to get a Nevada ID/Driver's License, and then bring in proof of their appointment confirmation (either a paper copy or show it on their phone to us) and then they would be registered."

"We were told to add two zeroes ("00") to the DMV confirmation number and put it where the Driver's License/ID number was supposed to go when we filled in the registration form on line."​
  • A 'Biden/Harris bus, tent, or table was in the parking lot' with 'speakers, dancers, music and other festivities' and were offering 'food, drink, and political memorabilia to voters.'
"Our team leader [redacted] had to go out several times a day to tell the Biden/Harris team they had to stay 100 feet from the location doors. As they would give folks signs to carry up to the door coming to vote. The Biden/Harris bus and/or van was there 7-8 days out of the 14 days."​
  • Unopened ballot envelopes were opened and filled out against the side of the Biden/Harris van.
"I personally witnessed two people handing multiple unopened mail in ballot envelopes to two other people who then opened and filled out the ballots against the side of the Biden/Harris van. The same two people who marked the ballots then put the marked ballots in official pink and white envelopes. These individuals were not poll workers."


"By my final walking lap, there were 5 or 6 additional people who formed a human wall, which moved as I walked by, apparently in an attempt to block my view of the four people who were opening envelopes, marking ballots, and placing those ballots in the pink and white return envelopes."​

On Saturday, the Clark County Registrar of Voters, Joe Gloria, acknowledged that his office had received reports of potential voter fraud, but that they wouldn't investigate them until after the election is completed.

"We do have some reports that have come in that we're logging for reporting. But we're definitely going to do an investigation, and we'll deal with them once the canvass is finished," said Gloria. "The votes are in the system at this point, so we'll have to after the election, post-election, go after anything that's been reported at this time."

BTW, if you leftists/socialists are getting tired of seeing all these reports on election fraud, brace yourselves because this trickle is going to become an absolute tsunami of evidence detailing all the fraud. You should know that you can't just repeat the same behavior election after election after election and not get caught, especially when you're trying to cheat a competitor like Trump. The general public has known you people for liars for a long time and you still do the same old, same old, without variation long after we've stopped believing you. You're so arrogant you think those who oppose you believe every bit of nonsense you say. You should have known times have changed when all the sexual smears against Trump didn't work. But you're so arrogant that you thought you could do the same old things over and over and over again. You're not the smartest people in the room, and you need to understand that. Your own arrogance is your biggest enemy.