Countdown To President Trump Re-election


like marbles on glass

Donald Trump’s campaign is still assessing the political damage from Tuesday night’s chaotic first presidential debate. The president’s refusal to condemn white supremacists, of course, is the immediate crisis. “He blew that for sure,” a campaign adviser told me. “It’s nuts,” a former West Wing official said wearily, sounding like a storm survivor with PTSD. “Total lunacy,” said another former White House staffer, who remains close to the campaign.

“Trump thinks he won. He didn’t,” said another Republican with ties to the campaign. “But does anyone have the balls to tell him that? No. They’d be fired.”

Trump doesn’t accept the consensus that the debate was a disaster because, sources said, he was unabashedly himself. “The thing about the debate is people got to see why no one that has any integrity can work for Trump. This is what Trump is like in the Oval Office every day. It’s why [John] Kelly left. It’s why [Jim] Mattis quit,” said the prominent Republican. “Trump doesn’t let anyone else speak. He really doesn’t care what you have to say. He demeans people. He talks over them. And everyone around him thinks it’s getting worse.”

Inside Trumpworld there’s a view that the past week is an inflection point in the campaign. It started on Sunday night with the bombshell New York Times report that Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017. “For Trump the Times story was worse than losing reelection,” said the second Republican. “If you had told Donald back in 2015 that his tax returns would be exposed and he’d have all these investigations, I guarantee you he wouldn’t have run.”

As the Times story lit up cable news and Twitter, news broke that Trump’s former campaign manager Brad Parscale had been taken into custody outside his Ft. Lauderdale home and hospitalized after threatening to commit suicide and allegedly beating his wife days prior.

Parscale’s public meltdown happened while he is reportedly under investigation for stealing from the Trump campaign and the RNC. According to the source close to the campaign, the Trump family is worried that Parscale could turn on them and cooperate with law enforcement about possible campaign finance violations. “The family is worried Brad will start talking,” the source said.


like marbles on glass


Well-known member
Kim Jong Un hopes your vote goes to Trump because Kim never gets tired of all the winning.

In a secret letter to President Donald Trump in December 2018, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un likened the two leaders' budding friendship to a Hollywood romance. Future meetings with "Your Excellency," Kim wrote to Trump, would be "reminiscent of a scene from a fantasy film."
Yet even as he penned the words, Kim was busy creating an illusion of a different kind. At six of the country's missile bases, trucks hauled rock from underground construction sites as workers dug a maze of new tunnels and bunkers, allowing North Korea to move weapons around like peas in a shell game. Southeast of the capital, meanwhile, new buildings sprouted across an industrial complex that was processing uranium for as many as 15 new bombs, according to current and former U.S. and South Korean officials, as well as a report by a United Nations panel of experts.
While North Korea has refrained from carrying out provocative tests of its most advanced weapons systems, it never stopped working on them, U.S. intelligence officials said. Indeed, new evidence suggests that Kim took advantage of the lull by improving his ability to hide his most powerful weapons and shield them from future attacks.
"North Korea hasn't stopped building nuclear weapons or developing missiles systems; they've just stopped displaying them," said Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, Calif. "They stopped doing the things that made bad news cycles for Trump..."
Some experts see signs that Kim is losing patience with diplomacy and may be preparing to revert to more aggressive behavior, including possible tests or displays of new weapons. But many analysts believe that such provocations are not likely to occur until after Nov. 3, because of Kim's apparent wish to avoid undermining Trump's reelection chances.

Yet another hollow victory by our dear leader. He has the attention span of a goldfish.


Well-known member
I'd really like to see what that would do to him.

Trump is not a man, he is a big narcissistic baby. He whines and whines and whines until he exhausts everyone. All the lovers of Trump couldn't stand him if they had to live with him. Biden's "Ah, shut up, man" was what anyone on the right or left would say if they were in conversation with him for 90 minutes. And OMG, don't even mention the word "smart". It is his trigger word. I really think he believes he is stupid and gets extremely defensive at even the thought of something thinking different.

I see Melanie couldn't even give him a hug after the debate.

Jill knows a good man when she sees one though.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trump is not a man, he is a big narcissistic baby. He whines and whines and whines until he exhausts everyone. All the lovers of Trump couldn't stand him if they had to live with him. Biden's "Ah, shut up, man" was what anyone on the right or left would say if they were in conversation with him for 90 minutes. And OMG, don't even mention the word "smart". It is his trigger word. I really think he believes he is stupid and gets extremely defensive at even the thought of something thinking different.

I see Melanie couldn't even give him a hug after the debate.

Jill knows a good man when she sees one though.

what are your plans for November 4 when you wake up to four more years of President Trump?


like marbles on glass
Trump is not a man, he is a big narcissistic baby. He whines and whines and whines until he exhausts everyone. All the lovers of Trump couldn't stand him if they had to live with him. Biden's "Ah, shut up, man" was what anyone on the right or left would say if they were in conversation with him for 90 minutes. And OMG, don't even mention the word "smart". It is his trigger word. I really think he believes he is stupid and gets extremely defensive at even the thought of something thinking different.

I see Melanie couldn't even give him a hug after the debate.

Jill knows a good man when she sees one though.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't allow myself to endure 90 minutes with Trump, which makes Joe a giant of a man.

The difference between the two of them is that Joe has a quiet strength, which I so admire in a man. Quiet strength.

Not a blustering blowhard who thinks if he talks louder, swaggers more, boasts bigger - that somehow it makes him admirable. It doesn't, it shows how tiny a man he really is. And Trump is a tiny, tiny, sad excuse of a man with imposter syndrome so bad it oozes out his pores. Deplorable.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't allow myself to endure 90 minutes with Trump, which makes Joe a giant of a man.

The difference between the two of them is that Joe has a quiet strength, which I so admire in a man. Quiet strength.

Not a blustering blowhard who thinks if he talks louder, swaggers more, boasts bigger - that somehow it makes him admirable. It doesn't, it shows how tiny a man he really is. And Trump is a tiny, tiny, sad excuse of a man with imposter syndrome so bad it oozes out his pores. Deplorable.

what are your plans for November 4 when you wake up to four more years of President Trump?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
32 days until the wailing, shrieking and general insanity of the left reaches a new fever pitch :banana:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
32 days until the wailing, shrieking and general insanity of the left reaches a new fever pitch :banana:

Oh they will will break into that long before as the SCOTUS seat held by the judicial activist Ginsberg is given to a originalist constitutionalist... Yep , there will be some gnashing of teeth when that comes....Trump's re-election will be the icing on the cake. Barbie just posted liberal heads exploding when that happens. :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
30 days to go, 'til the re-election of the greatest American President ever, Donald J Trump! :banana::banana::banana:

The Barbarian

And this past week, Biden pulled ahead of Trump in Iowa and Georgia, two presumed secure red states.

The marriage between Donald Trump and the Republican Establishment was born of convenience not love. The buttoned-up, Burke-quoting worshippers of Mammon (and/or white patriarchal Jesus) who occupy the commanding heights of American conservatism didn’t get into bed with a gauche, grimy Clinton donor until they saw no better way to move up in the world.

In January 2016, National Review
spoke for most of the GOP’s old guard when it declared Trump “a menace to American conservatism.” Once the mogul secured the Republican nomination, most of the party’s donor class and congressional membership reconciled themselves to his candidacy.
Regardless, the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath has enhanced the conservative case for buyer’s remorse. It is
all but certain that Clinton’s administration would have handled the COVID-19 pandemic better than Trump’s, but it’s far from clear that it would have averted a major crisis entirely. After all, only a tiny minority of Western governments pulled that off, and many of the flaws in the U.S. response aren’t attributable to Trump per se (if red America resisted federal guidance on masks and social distancing with one of its own in the White House, imagine the scale of its defiance with “Crooked Hillary” at the helm). Assuming America did enter a pandemic-induced recession, there’s no way an overwhelmingly Republican Congress would have supplied a sitting Democratic president with as much fiscal aid as the present Congress has given Trump. Clinton was already an unusually unpopular major-party nominee in 2016. If she had to seek another four years while presiding over a broken economy, the GOP would have likely enjoyed a “red wave” election in 2020. Such a landslide would not only have put the party in position to enact a sweeping agenda at the federal level in 2021, but also to draw the coming decade’s House and state legislative maps in most states.


Well-known member
PAGE, Ariz. — For decades, waves of electricity poured from this behemoth of a power plant on the high desert plateau of the Navajo reservation in northwestern Arizona, lighting up hundreds of thousands of homes from Phoenix to Las Vegas as it burned 240 rail cars’ worth of coal a day.

But as the day shift ended here at the Navajo Generating Station one evening early this year, all but a half-dozen spaces in the employee parking lot — a stretch of asphalt larger than a football field — were empty.

It was a similar scene at the nearby Kayenta coal mine, which fueled the plant. Dozens of the giant earth-moving machines that for decades ripped apart the hillside sat parked in long rows, motionless. Not a single coal miner was in sight, just a big, black Chihuahuan raven sitting atop a light post.

Saving these two complexes was at the heart of an intense three-year effort by the Trump administration to stabilize the coal industry and make good on President Trump’s 2016 campaign promise to end “the war on coal.”

“We’re going to put our miners back to work,” Mr. Trump promisedsoon after taking office.

He didn’t.

Despite Mr. Trump stocking his administration with coal-industry executives and lobbyists, taking big donations from the industry, rolling back environmental regulations and intervening directly in cases like the Arizona power plant and mine, coal’s decline has only accelerated in recent years.


In the years after Mr. Trump’s election, the federal government offered help valued at as much as $1 billion to keep this one power plant and coal mine up and running by embracing an industry plan to relax costly air-quality requirements.

A Republican lawmaker from Arizona sought to force one of the state’s largest utilities to continue to buy power from the plant. Peabody, the world’s largest coal company, offered to discount the price of the coal it was selling the power plant from the Kayenta mine.

None of it proved to be enough. By late last year, both the Kayenta mine and the Navajo Generating Station had gone offline, a high-profile example of the industry’s broader collapse and the resulting economic and political aftershocks

Alvin Long, 61, who spent nearly three decades maintaining the earth-moving machines at the Kayenta mine before it closed and remains unemployed, said the past several years have led him to reassess his political allegiance. After backing Republicans since the 1970s and voting for Mr. Trump in 2016, he said he was leaving the party.

“We really thought we had a chance to keep it going, when we voted for Trump,” he said. “But I don’t care to listen to him anymore. All of his promises went down the drain.”

Since Mr. Trump was inaugurated, 145 coal-burning units at 75 power plants have been idled, eliminating 15 percent of the nation’s coal-generated capacity, enough to power about 30 million homes.


That is the fastest decline in coal-fuel capacity in any single presidential term, far greater than the rate during either of President Barack Obama’s terms. Stories&pgtype=Homepage

This president has no vision and without a vision the people perish. Hillary wanted to give the coal miners new jobs in a different industry, but the right wing media distorted her intent. Just think in the past 4 years if we had a president with vision who could have seen what is happening and gotten then new sustainable jobs, how different things would be. But the right will vote him back in and we will suffer another 4 years and just like after W, the democrats will have to come back in a bail out the money grabbing Republicans. They will be rich because they stole from the taxpayers and hard working citizens.
We will be left with a much bigger burden to carry while they are out on the yachts and golfing.