Abortion ISN'T "murder"


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I already answered that question, you illiterate, insane fool. Here:

No. I don't mean anything by your phrase, "human zygotes". I do not, by your phrase, "human zygotes", mean human beings, nor do I mean things that are not human beings, by your phrase, "human zygotes". Where have I used your phrase, "human zygotes", in any other way than to ask whether or not by it you mean human beings? That's right: I have not.:)

You should learn how to read, you vicious idiot!


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I'm not asking a thing from you....rather YOUR intuitive reflection upon the scenario is all that's required. Thanks for participating.

Give a scenario/ask a question, and we can talk. Until you say something meaningful, you'll not have asked me a question. Got it?


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Oh, well good then. So you would save the 5 month old baby, and leave the zygotes, is that right?

It's amazing how retarded you are!

By "zygotes", here, do you mean human beings? Yes or No?

Until you answer this simple, Yes or No question, you'll not yet have asked me a question by saying, "So you would save the 5 month old baby, and leave the zygotes, is that right?"

Do you mean the following: "So you would save the 5 month old baby, and leave the [human beings], is that right?"
Do you mean that? Yes or No?


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Well, you've obviously, heavily, permanently fried your brain with drug use at some period in your lifetime. I obviously can't sit here, 24/7, and provide the attention you are begging from me, of course.

The ball's in your court, you raving fool.

Let's say you're in a building. Before you are 2 5-month old babies and a tray containing 100 zygotes. Suddenly, the building bursts into flames. You only have time to save either the 2 5-month old babies or the tray of 100 zygotes, but not both. Which will you choose?

Unless you mean something by your word, "zygotes", here, you've not asked a question.

By your word, "zygotes", here, do you mean human beings? Yes or No?

Why can't you answer this simple question?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Unless you mean something by your word, "zygotes", here, you've not asked a question.

By your word, "zygotes", here, do you mean human beings? Yes or No?

They are certainly potential human beings if they are brought to term.

Now answer my question to you.


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They are certainly potential human beings if they are brought to term.

Now answer my question to you.

You've not answered the question I asked you:
By your word, "zygotes", here, do you mean human beings? Yes or No?


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By your word, "zygotes", do you mean human beings? Yes or No?

They are potential human beings, but not actual human beings. Now answer my question to you.

Is that a Yes?
Is that a No?

Which is it?

Until you have answered either Yes or No to the question I've asked you, you'll not have asked me a question.


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OK. So, by "zygotes", you do not mean human beings, and, if you mean anything at all by it, you mean something that is not human beings.

So, here is what you are asking:

Let's say you're in a building. Before you are 2 5-month old babies and a tray containing 100 [things that are not human beings]. Suddenly, the building bursts into flames. You only have time to save either the 2 5-month old babies or the tray of 100 [things that are not human beings], but not both. Which will you choose?

What a stupid question! Of course I'd try to save the 5-month old babies, rather than things that are not human beings. Wouldn't you?

Now, ask yourself:

Let's say [I'm] in a building. Before [me] are 2 5-month old babies and a tray containing 100 [human beings]. Suddenly, the building bursts into flames. only have time to save either the 2 5-month old babies or the tray of 100 [human beings], but not both. Which will choose?

At least we now know that you judge something to be a human being or to not be a human being by whether or not you are willing to try to save it from being burned up in a fire.


Well-known member
Your silly "scenarios" are meaningless.

The premeditated taking of an innocent life is the Biblical definition of murder

The whole point of the exercise is to check whether people think a human zygote is in fact a human in the same way as a 3 month old baby.

If you truly believe that they are both equally live humans, then you would save the 50 zygotes, without question. It appears that everybody who's responded to this thread would save the 3 month old- but don't want to actually admit it. So we get all kinds of alternate scenarios, questions about the future of the zygotes, irrelevant statements (yes, we all know what murder is, Right Divider, though your definition is oversimplified, and doesn't take into account capital punishment or war), but to simply answer the question honestly- no. Can't do that. Cause it would be admitting that abortion isn't quite the same as murder.

So I think this scenario has proved it's point. A Human Zygote is not the same as a Human Baby, Even the "abortion = murder" people here are not willing to clearly say that they'll save the test tubes.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The whole point of the exercise is to check whether people think a human zygote is in fact a human in the same way as a 3 month old baby.

it is in fact a human in the same way as a 94 year old woman with severe dementia

or a 3 month old baby